吴天添 朱沛枫 吴康中 汪平 朱炜 金育德 徐永强
[摘要] 目的 研究結肠癌术后化疗后患者出现的转移灶中Tra-2β和microRNA320α基因水平与生存期的关系。 方法 收集2014年6月~2018年12月来我院诊治所发现的结肠癌多发肝转移患者(既往经过结肠癌根治及8次XELOX方案化疗的患者),共37例。肝穿刺活检确定为原结肠癌转移灶,部分患者选择性肝介入化疗术(方案为奥沙利铂130 mg/m2+5-FU 500 mg/m2,4次)。化疗前穿刺活检组织通过PCR法比较不同患者Tra-2β、microRNA320α基因的差异,通过多元线性分析Tra-2β、microRNA320α基因分别与转移瘤最大直径、转移总直径、转移瘤个数之间的关系,通过Cox分析Tra-2β、microRNA320α基因及患者年龄、最大肝转移肿瘤直径、肝转移总直径、转移灶个数、是否行肝介入化疗与生存期之间的关系。 结果 Tra-2β基因(13.03±4.05)与转移灶个数(5.2±1.6)个和总直径(7.64±2.33)cm呈正相关(P<0.05),microRNA320α基因(0.49±0.17)与转移灶个数和总直径呈负相关(P<0.05)。患者自发现肝转移后中位生存期为14.28个月,1年生存率为67.57%,2年生存率为27.03%,3年生存率为0。发生肝转移时转移灶Tra-2β(P=0.009)、肝转移总直径(P=0.002)为患者生存预后的独立相关因素。结论 结肠癌患者术后化疗后多发肝转移,无法手术切除往往预后较差。Tra-2β基因同肝转移灶总直径一样,是患者生存预后的独立影响因素,Tra-2β越高,生存期越短。
[关键词] 结肠癌;肝转移;Tra-2β;microRNA320α;生存分析
[中图分类号] R735.37 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)05-0001-05
Study on the correlation between Tra-2β and microRNA320α genes in multiple liver metastatic lesions from colon cancer and patients' survival time
WU Tiantian ZHU Peifeng WU Kangzhong WANG Ping ZHU Wei JIN Yude XU Yongqiang
Department of General Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China
[Abstract] Objective To study the relationship between Tra-2β and microRNA320α gene levels and survival time in metastatic lesions in patients with colon cancer after postoperative chemotherapy. Methods A total of 37 patients with multiple liver metastases of colon cancer (those who were given radical resection of colon cancer and 8 times of XELOX chemotherapy) who were diagnosed and treated in our hospital from June 2014 to December 2018 were collected. Liver needle biopsy was used to determine the metastatic lesions of primary colon cancer. Selective liver interventional chemotherapy was performed in some patients(the regimen was oxaliplatin 130 mg/m2+5-FU 500 mg/m2, 4 times). Needle biopsy tissues were performed before chemotherapy, and the differences in Tra-2β and microRNA320α genes in different patients were compared by PCR. The relationships between the Tra-2β and microRNA320α genes and the maximum diameter of the metastatic tumor, the total diameter of the metastasis, and the number of metastatic tumors were analyzed by multiple linear analysis. The relationships between Tra-2β, microRNA320α genes and patient age, maximum liver metastasis tumor diameter, total liver metastasis, number of metastatic lesions, and whether liver interventional chemotherapy was performed and survival time were analyzed by Cox. Results Tra-2β gene (13.03±4.05) was positively correlated with the number of metastatic lesions (5.2±1.6) and total diameter (7.64±2.33 cm) (P<0.05). The microRNA320α gene (0.49±0.17) was negatively correlated with the number of metastatic lesions and total diameter(P<0.05). The median survival time of patients after liver metastases was 14.28 months, the 1-year survival rate was 67.57%, the 2-year survival rate was 27.03%, and the 3-year survival rate was 0. Metastatic lesions of Tra-2β(P=0.009) and total diameter of liver metastasis(P=0.002) were independent relevant factors associated with prognosis in patients with liver metastases. Conclusion Patients with colon cancer have multiple liver metastases after chemotherapy. The inoperable resection often results in poor prognosis. Tra-2β gene is the same as the total diameter of liver metastases and is an independent influencing factor for patients' survival and prognosis. The higher the Tra-2β, the shorter the survival period.
[Key words] Colon cancer; Liver metastasis; Tra-2β; microRNA320α; Survival analysis
本课题所要研究的微小RNA-miRNA-320家族成员共有a、b、c、d、e五种亚型,在肿瘤组织及正常组织中存在显著差异[7]。Sun等[8]利用RealTime qPCR技术在对3种结肠癌细胞系及40例结肠癌组织进行检测时发现,miR-320a表达显著低于GES细胞系及邻近正常组织,提示miR-320a表达下调可能是结直肠癌的始动因素。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
收集2014年6月~2018年12月来我院诊治所发现的结肠癌多发肝转移患者(既往经过结肠癌根治及8次XELOX方案化疗的患者),共37例。其中,男25例,女12例;年龄 57~83岁,中位年龄64岁;发现肝转移后行肝动脉介入化疗的患者29例,放弃介入化疗的8例。并留取所有患者联系方式,建立档案,仅有2人失访。试验通过本院伦理委员会采纳和批准,试验前患者及家属均签订知情同意书。
患者的纳入:搜寻既往有结肠癌病史并在我院复查发现有肝脏多发占位的患者,进行B超引导下肝脏穿刺活检,病理证明均为结肠癌来源的转移灶,共37例。排除标准:①影像学上发现除肝外的其他脏器亦有转移灶的患者;②影像学评估肝脏残余容积大于30%~40%的患者(此类患者可行手术切除治疗)[9];③既往手术后使用其他化疗方案或XELOX化疗方案不足8次者(为保证同质性);④肝穿刺活检为非结肠来源的或非恶性肿瘤者;⑤无重大基础疾病者。肝动脉介入化疗(TACE)采用右侧腹股沟股动脉作为穿刺点,对肿瘤区域肝段或肝叶行局部化疗,方案为奥沙利铂130 mg/m2+5-FU 500 mg/m2。
1.2 基础试验方法
1.2.1 RNA的提取 肝转移瘤和肝脏正常组织穿刺标本中加入RNA提取液Trizol,研磨匀浆后加入氯仿(每1 mL中加入0.2 mL氯仿)震荡,完全乳化后4℃12 000 rpm离心5 min,抽取上层澄清液体,移入另一EP管中,加入等体积的异丙醇,-20℃放置2 h以上。4℃ 12 000 rpm离心20 min后,弃去上清液,保留沉淀。加入4℃ 80%乙醇1 mL,4℃ 8000 rpm离心5 min后,弃乙醇,4℃ 7500 rpm离心30 s。保留沉淀。晾干约5 min后,加入20 μL DEPC水溶解。
1.2.2 总RNA浓度、纯度、完整性鉴定 使用Beckman核酸蛋白分析仪进行测量,OD260/280值均在1.9~2.0范围内。读取RNA浓度。将RNA提取液5 μL与电泳缓冲液1 μL混合,150 V、40 mA电泳 20 min,观察结果均显示28S、18S两条带,28S:18S灰度比均为1.5~2.0倍,RNA未降解,-80℃保存。
1.2.3 RNA逆转录为DNA 全部稀释至400 ng/μL,取2.5 μL RNA加入200 μL EP管中。根据逆转录试剂盒说明书,用RNase free水补足到14 μL。PCR仪设定为65℃ 5 min预变性。拿出后每管中加入Primer Mix 1 μL、Enzyme Mix 1 μL、5×Buffer 4 μL,37℃ 1 h、98℃5 min,-20℃冰箱中保存。
1.2.4 目标DNA含量检测 取2.5 μL总DNA,加入2×Taq酶 Mix 10 μL、加入目标基因的前后引物(表1)各0.6 μL,补DD水11.3 μL,共25 μL。每个样本设2个复孔。加样后,放入ABI7500 PCR仪中95℃反应5 min。95℃ 30 s,61℃ 30 s,72℃ 6 min,此3步反应循环共35次后,12℃ PCR仪内保存。仪器内读CT值,目标基因与内参CT值相减,每个样本2个复孔取平均ΔCT值,再将肿瘤组织ΔCT值与正常组织ΔCT值相减,得到ΔΔCT值,最终表述为2-ΔΔCT进行比较。
1.3 统计学方法
使用SPSS 23.0软件进行统计,Tra-2β、microRNA320α以2-ΔΔCT进行表示。结果2.1、2.2采用多元线性回归分析,Tra-2β、microRNA320α与CEA、CA125、CA199、转移瘤最大直径、转移总直径、转移瘤个数均为计量资料,以(x±s)表示,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义;结果2.3采用比例风险(Cox)回归分析(亦称生存分析),明确上述基因是否与患者自发现肝转移后的生存期有关,结果除是否行TACE治疗(计数资料)外,其他均为计量资料,以(x±s)表示,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 Tra-2β与结肠癌肝转移各项指标的相关性比较
2.2 microRNA320α与结肠癌肝转移各项指标的相关性比较
2.3 37例晚期结肠癌患者的生存分析
3 讨论
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