
2020-04-18 03:27雷丽彩
管理工程学报 2020年1期

雷丽彩,高 尚,蒋 艳


雷丽彩,高 尚,蒋 艳

(湘潭大学商学院,湖南 湘潭 411105)



0 引言

随着全球信息技术的快速发展和“互联网+”时代的到来,网络化潮流正在席卷全世界,以 Airbnb、Uber和滴滴出行为代表的共享经济(Sharing Economy)迅速崛起,使人类生活的各个方面都受到巨大的影响,城市居民的交通出行领域也不例外。在共享经济之风的劲吹下,网络约租车(以下简称“网约车”)也应运而生。网约车,也叫互联网专车,在交通运输部发布的《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法(征求意见稿)》中被定义为“以互联网技术为依托构建服务平台,接入符合条件的车辆和驾驶员,通过整合供需信息,提供非巡游的预约出租汽车服务”[1]。2016年7月28日,交通运输部联合公安部等七部门正式公布了《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》(以下皆简称为“新政”),网约车获得合法身份;8月1日,滴滴和Uber(中国)宣布合并。新政的出台以及垄断巨头的酝酿诞生,意味着网约车行业将面临更多的行政许可和更少的补贴,同时也将触发网约车行业的利益相关者(stakeholders)如乘客、司机与网约车平台以及传统出租车行业的新一轮自主博弈。因此,在新政实施背景下研究网约车平台与网约车司机之间的演化博弈行为,为政府有关部门制定相应的监管措施提供更好的决策支持,具有比较重要的现实意义。




1 新政背景下网约车平台与网约车司机的演化博弈模型


1.1 网约车平台与网约车司机博弈模型建立


表1 新政背景下网约车平台与网约车司机博弈的支付矩阵

1.2 博弈模型的均衡解





2 模型演化动态的策略稳定性分析

2.1 情形①:网约车平台“严格管理”的净收益大于其“消极管理”的净收益的稳定性分析

表2 情形①时网约车平台与网约车司机之间演化博弈的稳定性分析

图1 情形①时网约车平台与网约车司机之间演化博弈的复制动态相位图

Figure 1 Copying dynamic phase diagram of evolutionary game between Internet-chauffeured-car platform and internet-chauffeured-car driver in case ①

2.2 网约车平台“严格管理”的净收益小于其“消极管理”收益时的稳定性分析


表3 情形②时网约车平台与网约车司机之间演化博弈的稳定性分析

图2 情形②时网约车平台与网约车司机之间演化博弈的复制动态相位图

Figure 2 Copying dynamic phase diagram of evolutionary game between net car platform and net car driver in case ②


表4 情形③时网约车平台与网约车司机之间演化博弈的稳定性分析

图3 情形②时网约车平台与网约车司机之间演化博弈的复制动态相位图

Figure 3 Copying dynamic phase diagram of evolutionary game between internet-chauffeured-car platform and internet-chauffeured-car driver in case ②

3 仿真算例

图4 网约车平台与网约车司机之间演化博弈的策略演化路径图

Figure 4 Strategy evolution path chart of evolutionary game between internet-chauffeured-car platform and internet-chauffeured-car driver

4 结论与建议


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Evolutionary game analysis of car-hailing industry between platforms and drivers based on new policies of car-hailing

LEI Licai, GAO Shang, JIANG Yan

(Business School, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)

With the mushroomed growth of the sharing economy, platform economics represented by Airbnb, Uber, and Didi, has greatly affected all aspects of human life, especially in the area of urban residents' travel. Under the circumstance, car-hailing service also came into being. In the context of the rapid development of global information technology and the advent of the "Internet +" era, the demand for China's car-hailing market is growing. Moreover, a large number of stakeholders, such as car-hailing platforms, passengers, drivers, and traditional taxi industries are involved in the car-hailing industry. According to the behavioral decision theory, each person wants to be able to maximize its revenue, which will inevitably lead to conflicts among stakeholders. Consequently, it is of great significance to introduce and apply the control of the government to the car-hailing market. To a certain extent, the reinforcement of control will promote the healthy development of the car-hailing market.

As the promulgation of car-hailing regulation and the birth of industrial monopoly giants, the car-hailing market will face more administrative licensing and fewer subsidies. In the meanwhile, a new round of the independent game is triggered among the stakeholders. Multiple stakeholders of the car-hailing market are faced with new opportunities and challenges. The requirements for car-hailing platforms and drivers are becoming more stringent. Therefore, it is necessary to study the selection behavior of evolutionary game between car-hailing platforms and drivers, which will provide a useful reference for the government to play a regulatory role in maintaining the sustainable development of car-hailing service.

In the first part, according to the analytical method of evolutionary game theory, the evolutionary game model between car-hailing platforms and drivers is proposed, and a payoff matrix is established. On this foundation, the replicator dynamic equations are used to depict the evolutionary path of car-hailing platforms’ and drivers’ selection behavior under the control of the government. In the second part, based on the replicator dynamic equations, we consider different controls of the government over the car-hailing service to calculate the equilibrium point. We take advantage of the Jacobin matrix to analyze the stability of the equilibrium point and obtain the dynamical diagram of the evolutionary game and the evolutionarily stable strategy. In the third part, we conduct the simulation experiments of the evolutionary game mode between the car-hailing platforms and drivers,and the dynamical route of the evolutionary game is presented. Finally, the advice on government control of the car-hailing market is put forward in terms of the evolutionary game model results.

Theoretical research and simulation results indicate that the ratio of “strict management” for car-hailing platforms and the ratio of “legal operation” for drivers achieve and maintain perfect condition, which depends on the tremendous control of the government. When the tremendous control is exerted over the car-hailing market, the net income of the “strict management” is more than that of the “loose management” for the car-hailing platforms, which turns out that the only evolutionarily stable strategy is “Legal Operation, Strict Management,” which is what we have expected. Contrarily, when the government exerts the less control, the evolutionarily stable strategy may be “Illegal Operation, Loose Management” for lack of effective government regulation. The game falls into the prisoner’s dilemma, which goes against the sustainable development for the car-hailing industry. Based on the simulation experiments, the strategy of “Illegal Operation, Loose Management” should be identified. Simultaneously, it is necessary to impose a greater penalty on drivers with “illegal operation” and take appropriate compensation measures for car-hailing platforms with “strict management”,which will make the car-hailing platforms more active to rigidly manage drivers, and guide the “legal operation.”

Car-hailing service; New policies of car-hailing; Evolutionary game; Evolutionary stable strategy



Supported by the Ministry of Education Layout Foundation of Humanities and Social Science (19YJA630030), the Excellent Youth Project of Educational Commission of Hunan Province (17B267) and the Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province (17YBA369)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen
