【摘 要】目的:试析小儿手足口病感染急诊护理对个性化护理方式的应用效果。方法:针对本次小儿手足口病感染急诊护理对个性化护理方式应用效果的研究特征,我院通过对数据随机法的应用,将现有的40例小儿手足口病患儿具体分为研究组(20例)与对照组(20例),结合对比特征,实验过程中将给予对照组以常规的护理方式,并给予研究组全新的个性化护理方式,同时将两组的最终实验结果进行对比。结果:根据两组最终实验结果进行分析,采用个性化护理方式的研究组在患儿的护理效果方面要优于使用常规护理方式的对照组,(P<0.05)。结论:通过实验证明,新时代背景下的个性化护理方式更适合小儿手足口病患儿的护理,其能够较好的抑制皮疹的扩散,并且有效的缓解病症的发作间隔,从而大幅提高对小儿手足口病护理的满意程度。
Abstract:Objective To analyze the application effect of emergency nursing for children with hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) infection on individualized nursing mode. Methods: According to the research characteristics of the application effect of personalized nursing methods in emergency nursing of children with hand, foot and mouth disease, 40 children with hand, foot and mouth disease were divided into research group (20 cases) and control group (20 cases) by the application of random data method in our hospital. Combining with the comparative characteristics, we will give them in the course of the experiment. The control group was given routine nursing care, and the research group was given a new personalized nursing method. At the same time, the final experimental results of the two groups were compared. Result: According to the analysis of the final experimental results of the two groups, the study group with individualized nursing is better than the control group with routine nursing (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The experiment proves that the individualized nursing mode under the new era background is more suitable for the nursing of children with hand, foot and mouth disease. It can better inhibit the spread of rash and effectively alleviate the onset interval of the disease, thus greatly improving the satisfaction of the nursing of children with hand, foot and mouth disease.
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本次对照实验主要将我院2019年4月~2019年8月接受康复治疗的40例小儿手足口病患儿作为研究对象,然后通过对随机数字法的科学运用,将手足口病患儿具体分为对照组(20例)以及研究组(20例)。患儿年龄在7个月~5岁之间。根据数据显示,两组小儿手足口病患儿的一般资料并无差异,因此无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有一定的可比性。
1.2 方法 对照组采用的是传统意义上的常规护理,注重空腔等部位的护理强化,制定科学合理的作息时间并加以实施,严格按照卫生标准换洗衣物、被褥等贴身物品,时刻保持护理环境的卫生情况,基于此,有效避免手足口病的交叉感染。
1.3 观察标准 我院将对照组与研究组患儿的皮疹消退情况以及痊愈时间作为观察指标,同时又将两组患儿家属的对不同护理形式的满意度进行了详细记录。
1.4 统计学处理 将SPSS20.0统计软件作为实验数据的出处理分析工具,两组患儿护理效果比较表中的皮疹消退时间以及痊愈时间以(d)表示,且当(P<0.05)时,那么两组之间的实验数据则具备了统计学意义。
2 结果
3 讨论