
2020-04-01 09:29:50建筑设计Exhibit建筑事务所索阿雷与尤金纳合伙人事务所
世界建筑 2020年3期


项目旨在建立商务中心支持开发区经济环境的发展。它目前已在城市发展综合计划中立项,将通过2007-2013 年区域运营项目的优先重点1——“支持城市的可持续发展——潜在增长标杆”,获取融资。

该建筑可容纳超过70 家公司、一个会议中心、会展空间,以及多种生产和研究设施。半地下空间作停车场使用。这里采用了一种城市镂空绿地瓷砖,局部覆盖停车场,借此成为了该中心的室外景观。它对公众开放,并提供社交与室外展览空间。办公空间安排在其中两层,一些室内的庭院穿插其中,既承担功能,也具有审美和心理上的意图——为人们提供舒适感。

建筑在东北侧有一个主要入口可供行人进入,行车通路则安排在东南一侧。其首层包括了有顶开放架空的机动车停车场,开放的展览活动平台遍布首层及一些具有特定功能的楼层。会议室安排在地下与首层中,采用阶梯式布置,有约240 个席位,其主入口位于首层。这栋建筑可供总计298 人居住,其中包括56 个雇员单间。

建筑还包含一个多功能娱乐主题公园,采用了可持续能源和相关领域的技术,并能够实现研究工作和展览活动。鉴于建筑管理支持部门在整个区域的未来发展规划中关于PUZ 混合住宅和功能单元的建设,目前已获得了HCL 173/2011 批准,这一商务中心综合体或可凭借园区或在社区层面发挥作用,作为其吸引点,并提升该区域居住的舒适度。□

(庞凌波 译)

1.2 外景/Exterior views

On the site was studied the need to build a Business Centre which aims to support the development of the business environment in the Centre Development Region. The project is registered in the Integrated Programme of Urban Development, to be obtained the financing through the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority Axis 1 - "Supporting the sustainable development of cities - potential growth poles".

The building hosts more than 70 companies,a conference centre, fair and exhibition spaces and also production and research facilities. The partial basement hosts the parking. An urban tile perforated by green spaces is partially covering the parking, thus becoming the outside scene of the centre. It is open to the public and provides spaces for socialising as well as outdoor exhibitions.The office space is positioned on two floors,animated by interior courtyards which have both a functional role and an aesthetic and psychological purpose of comfort.

The construction will be placed with the main façade and pedestrian access on the North-East(Street. Fânarului). The access road is provided on the south-east side. The building is composed of ground floor, including covered and open car parking; open platform for exhibition activities at ground floor and floor with specific functions. There is a conference room arranged in the amphitheatre from the basement to the ground floor, for about 240 seats, with main access from the ground floor,and the building serves a total of 298 persons(residents of the building), of which 56 employees of the unit.

It is intended to arrange a multifunctional leisure theme park, experiments in the field of sustainable energy and other related fields, research activities and exhibition events. In view of further development of the entire area provided in the PUZ mixed housing and functions unit approved with HCL 173/2011, the Business Centre Assembly through the park or may also function at community level as an element of attraction and lifting of the comfort of living in the area.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Braşov Municipality

功能/Function: 商业中心、科技转化及商业孵化器/Business Centre, Technology Transfer And Business Incubator(办公室与实验室建筑/Office and laboratory building; 主题公园/Theme park)

项目专业负责人/Chief Project Specialist: Dragoş Oprea

设计团队/Deisgn Team: EXHIBIT: Dragoş Oprea, Johannes Bertleff, Adrian Ianchiş, Dana Cucoreanu, Magda Vieriu,Carolina Comşa, Cristina Matei, Bianca Bulbuc, Octavian Hrebenciuc, Mihai Lambescu; SYAA: Eliza Yokina, Adrian Soare, Elena Dragu, Irina Plopeanu

结构工程/Structure Engineers: Sicon 21: Dan Ștefan,Alexandru Simion, Alina Manda

机电工程/Mechanical Engineers: Proing: Lucian Luca,Rodica Raducanu, Adrian Cocu, Marian Cocu, Dan Ene,Sebestyen Csaba

建筑管理支持/Building Management Support:Thermocontrol: Mezei Zsolt

经济研究/Economic Study: Iceberg

占地面积/Site Area: 181,500m2

地面基底面积/Surface Built on the Ground: 10,409m2(包含室外展览平台/Including outdoor exhibition platform)

地下层面积/Basemant Floor Area: 10,409m2(建筑面积/Built area: 2942m2, 部分停车面积/Partially covered parking area: 7467m2);

首层面积/Ground Floor Area: 4138m2

单层面积/Single Floor Area: 3695m2

包含公园在内的绿地面积/Green Space Arranged on Natural Land Including Park: 36,300m2

最大高度/Maximum Height: 13.50m

摄影/Photos: Cosmin Dragomir

3-6 外景/Exterior views

7 二层平面/First floor plan

8 首层平面/Ground floor plan

9 总平面/Site plan

10.11 夜景/Night views

12 立面/Elevation

13 剖面/Section



安娜玛丽亚·安德里佐尤:这个项目沿水平向线性展开,看起来非常干净。我很喜欢它的整体形象,材料的经济性和建筑手法也令人欣赏。通常情况下,细节的缺失会导致设计的平淡,像这样只用两三道笔触去创造一个令人满意的项目是非常需要实践功力的。(母卓尔 译)

14 外景/Exterior view

15 内景/Interior view


CHE Fei:This kind of business centre complex is usually completed along with a lot of uncertainty and investment limitations, as the initial project of a new economic and technological development zone.The most distinctive feature of the project is the relationship between the open platform at the second floor that is accessible to both people and cars and the open space formed below the platform. It forms a social physical space with multiple holes. Though the project did not highlight the functional nature of each space due to adaptability, outdoor and indoor interaction space that is free and open is created centring at some functional space like the amphitheatre, which in fact is more in line with the purpose of an initial project.(Translated by QIAN Fang)

Anamaria Andritoiu:This is a very clean looking project, linear and horizontal. I admire the overall image and the fact that it is delivered with such an economy of materials and architectural gestures.Often, with great scarcity of details comes a bland design and it takes a practice hand to create a pleasing project with only two or three strokes.

16 外景/Exterior view

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