摘 要:烟草行业水槽式烟梗回潮机在实际使用过程中,存在烟梗清洗时间短,清洗后烟梗含水率偏低,影响烟梗处理工序的加工质量。为解决上述问题,研究人员设计了水槽式烟梗回潮机双层回流槽装置,通过延长烟梗清洗路径和清洗时间,提高烟梗含水率、工序工质量和产品质量。应用结果表明,双层回流槽装置可以把烟梗含水率从原来的26.2%提高到27.05%,同时,该双层回流槽装置成本费用低,制作简单,安装方便、故障率低,具有较大的实用和推广价值。
关键词:控制图 含水率 水槽式烟梗回潮机 回流槽
Abstract: In the practical use of flume-type tobacco stem moisture regain machine in tobacco industry, the time of cleaning tobacco stem is short, the moisture content of tobacco stem is low after cleaning, which affects the processing quality of tobacco stem. In order to solve these problems, the researchers designed a double-layer backflow tank device of a cistern-type tobacco stem moisture regain machine, which consists of a backflow tank, a connecting Flange, a bracket and a discharge hopper, to improve the moisture content of tobacco stem, process quality and product quality. The application results show that the moisture content of the stem can be increased from 26.2% to 27.05% by using the double-layer backflow flume. The double-layer backflow flume has the advantages of low cost, simple manufacture, convenient installation and low failure rate, the utility model has great practical and popularization value.
Key Words: Control chart; Moisture content; Tobacco stem moisture regain machine; Backflow tank
根据国家烟草专卖局2016版《卷烟工艺规范》和工厂工艺要求,水洗梗后烟梗含水率为27%。工厂目前只有26.2% 。基于此,研究人员设计回流槽装置,旨在提高烟梗含水率和加工质量。
1 问题及原因
1.1 存在的问题
1.2 原因
2 设计回流槽装置
2.1 设计思路
2.2 设计方案
2.2.1 确定尺寸
2.2.2 现场安装
3 结果分析
4 结语
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