任佰足 张向龙 陈振亚
摘 要:储存环境是影响固体推进剂性能的重要因素之一,其可能导致脱粘、裂纹等内部缺陷的产生,将严重影响推进剂的正常使用,带来安全隐患。首先,研究了固体推进剂的老化与温度的关系,以及当温度不变时,湿度与固体推进剂老化的关系,并得到了固体推进剂的最佳储存温度和湿度;其次,通过传热学的计算,得到了推进剂温度与洞库温度之间的关系。研究结果可为推进剂的储存环境优化、存储条件改善提供理论支撑。
关键词:固体推进剂 储存环境 换热分析 影响研究
中图分类号:V512 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)7(b)-0053-03
Abstract: The storage environment is one of the important factors affecting the performance of solid propellant, which may lead to the generation of internal defects such as debonding, cracks, etc., which will seriously affect the normal use of the propellant and bring security risks. Firstly, the relationship between the aging and temperature of solid propellant and the relationship between the humidity and the aging of solid propellant when the temperature is constant are studied. The optimal storage temperature and humidity of solid propellant are obtained. Secondly, the relationship between the propellant temperature and the cavern temperature is obtained through the calculation of heat transfer. The results can provide theoretical support for the optimization of storage environment and the improvement of storage conditions.
Key Words: Solid propellant; Storage environment; Heat exchange analysis; Impact study
1 温湿度对固体推进剂的影响
在湿热环境中,主要加速应力是热和湿度。根据量子力学理论,老化反应速度与温度符合阿累尼乌斯公式,与温度以外的应力成 次幂关系有:
2 储存环境与固体推经济换热分析
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