文 / 李 健
我们已经讨论了FIDIC1999 建造合同文本Conditions of Contract for Construction 第18 条“保险Insurance”子款18.1 General Requirements for Insurances “18.1 保险的一般要求”翻译中的语言及法律问题。我们接下来讨论其子款18.2 Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment “18.2 工程和承包商设备保险”。
原文1:The insuring Party shall insure the Works, Plant, Materials and Contractor’s Documents for not less than the full reinstatement cost including the costs of demolition, removal of debris and professional fees and profit. This insurance shall be effective from the date by which the evidence is to be submitted under sub-paragraph (a) of Sub-Clause 18.1 [General Requirements for Insurances], until the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works.
试译:投保人应当为工程、工程设备、材料和承包商文件办理保险,保险金额不得低于全部复原费用,包括拆除、移除废弃物的费用及行业收费和利润。从第18.1 款〔保险的一般要求〕(a)项规定的提交证据之日起,至工程接收证书签发之日,该保险均应当保持有效。
点评:1.先熟悉若干专业词汇。Plant,工程设备;Contractor’s Documents,承包商文件;reinstatement,复原;reinstatement cost,复原费用(后文replacement value,是“重置价值”的意思);demolition,拆除,爆破;removal,移除,运走;debris,瓦砾堆,废墟、碎片;professional fees and profit,行业收费和利润;the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works,工程接收证书。
2.本款是关于工程、工程设备、材料和承包商文件保险的规定。特别提示:这里的“承包商文件”是有专门含义的。工程、工程设备以及最终构成工程一部分的材料,最后都会移交业主接收,我们有理由相信这里的“承包商文件”应当是那些由承包商形成而最终应当移交给业主的有关工程施工的文件。“承包商文件”对业主将来确切知道工程、工程设备的技术性能等意义重大。业主对这样的“承包商文件”拥有利益,这和其对接收到的工程、工程设备、材料拥有利益一样。事实上, “Contractor’s Documents” means the calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a technical nature (if any) supplied by the Contractor under the Contract。这些文件在业主接收之前,处在承包商的保管之下。在1.8 中,FIDIC 文本有这样的规定—Each of the Contractor’s documents shall be in the custody and care of the Contractor, unless and until taken over by the Employer. 工程、工程设备、材料和承包商文件等一旦移交给业主,则其上的风险(包括灭失风险)也随之转移至业主。
3.经由点评2,我们也就自然理解了该保险应当从提交保险证据之日起至“工程接收证书”签发之日the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works 保持有效,而不是至“履约证书”签发之日the date of issue of the Performance Certificate 保持有效。“履约证书”的签发确认了承包商义务的最终完成时间,而“工程接收证书”的签发则确认了工程、工程设备、材料和承包商文件等的风险转移时间。
原文2:The insuring Party shall maintain this insurance to provide cover until the date of issue of the Performance Certificate, for loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable arising from a cause occurring prior to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, and for loss or damage caused by the Contractor in the course of any other operations (including those under Clause 11 [Defects Liability]).
试译:在履约证书签发之前,投保人应当确保该保险用于弥补在工程接收证书签发前发生的且应由承包商负责的损失或损害,以及在其他任何操作(包括第11 条 〔缺陷责任〕下的那些)过程中由承包商引起的损失或损害。
2.这是一个结构复杂的长句,其主干是—The insuring Party shall maintain this insurance to provide cover for loss or damage。投保人应当确保该保险用于弥补损失或损害。这里provide cover,提供(一种)弥补,cover 是名词。其余的成分都是状语或者其嵌套的定语短语或从句。
3.这个长句翻译起来有些困难。有文献提供的译文是—“应投保方应维持该保险在直到颁发履约证书的日期为止的期间继续有效,以便对承包商应负责的,由颁发接收证书前发生的某项原因引起的损失或损害,以及由承包商在任何其他作业(包括第11 条〔缺陷责任〕中的作业)过程中造成的损失或损害,提供保险。”这是一个诘屈獠牙的中文译文!甚至还有文献译成—“对于颁发接收证书前发生的由承包商负责的原因以及承包商在进行任何其他作业(包括第11 条〔缺陷责任〕所规定的作业)过程中造成的损失或损坏,保险方应将此类保险的有效期延至履约证书颁发的日期。”这两个译文,有一个共同错误,都把保险用途(provide cover)问题译成了保险效力(be effective)问题。
4.关于用途的范围,从The insuring Party shall maintain this insurance to provide cover for loss or damage 来看,限于弥补loss or damage 损失或损害,不包括缺陷责任期内承包商为修复缺陷而支出的费用。根据本款内容,缺陷责任期内承包商为修复缺陷而支出的费用,应当由承包商自行承担,与保险赔偿金的用途无关。
原文3:The insuring Party shall insure the Contractor’s Equipment for not less than the full replacement value, including delivery to Site. For each item of Contractor’s Equipment, the insurance shall be effective while it is being transported to the Site and until it is no longer required as Contractor’s Equipment.
2.承包商设备the Contractor’s Equipment,与前文工程设备Plant 不同。工程设备Plant 将构成工程的一部分,通常是永久的部分,根据民商法律领域的添附理论,应当属于业主所有;当承包商是Plant 的投保人The insuring Party 时,可以认为承包商是为业主的利益而投保的。但是,承包商设备the Contractor’s Equipment 则是承包商用以完成施工所需的设备,不是工程本身的一部分,当承包商是the Contractor’s Equipment 的投保人时,可以认为承包商是为自己的利益而投保的。虽然理论上到底是业主还是承包商作为投保人是可以协商的,但通常“工程和承包商设备保险”的投保人都是承包商,即Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, insurances under this Sub-Clause: (a) shall be effected and maintained by the Contractor as insuring Party。
3.特别提示:承包商设备保险的生效时间起点,不是设备运到施工现场delivery to Site 时,而是设备开始起运时。也就是说,保险覆盖了设备“运往”施工现场的整个过程中,直到其不再需要作为承包商设备为止,所以才会说—For each item of Contractor’s Equipment, the insurance shall be effective “while it is being transported to the Site” and until it is no longer required as Contractor’s Equipment。
原文4:Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, insurances under this Sub-Clause:… (d) shall also cover loss or damage to a part of the Works which is attributable to the use or occupation by the Employer of another part of the Works, and loss or damage from the risks listed in sub-paragraphs (c), (g) and (h) of Sub-Clause 17.3 [Employer’s Risks], excluding (in each case) risks which are not insurable at commercially reasonable terms, with deductibles per occurrence of not more than the amount stated in the Appendix to Tender (if an amount is not so stated, this subparagraph (d) shall not apply), and…
试译:除非专用条款另有规定,本款规定的保险:……(d)还应当弥补由于业主使用或占用工程的一部分而对工程的另一部分造成的损失或损害,以及第17.3 款〔业主的风险〕(c)(g)及(h)项所列风险—不包括(各种情况下)那些在商业上合理的条件下不能进行保险的风险—所导致的损失或损害,每次发生事故时扣减项不大于投标函附录中注明的款额(如果没有注明此类款额,本分项(d)不适用)……
点评:此处我们选择了FIDIC 文本原文中关于保险范围约定的一个子项,列了两种由业主原因引起的损失或损害,保险赔偿后,赔偿金应当从业主所得支付中扣减(deductibles,扣减项)给承包商。这一点我们可以从第17.3款〔业主的风险〕(c)(g)及(h)项所列风险内容以及17.4 Consequences of Employer’s Risks〔业主风险的后果〕中看出—If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from rectifying this loss or damage, the Contractor shall give a further notice to the Engineer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to:… (a)an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed…, and (b) payment of any such Cost, which shall be included in the Contract Price。承包商可以就业主原因引起的损失或损害向业主索赔。
FIDIC 文本中“工程和承包商设备保险”条款的其他内容不再赘述,有兴趣的读者可以自行探索。