王春晓 孙美洁 赵遵田
摘 要:通過对采自云南省景东彝族自治县无量山地衣标本的研究,发现了橙衣属的一个中国新记录Caloplaca indica(三室类型孢子)和果衣属的一个中国新记录种Ramboldia haematites。R.haematites在福建和广西同样存在。该文详细描述了其形态学、解剖学和化学方面的特征,并且提供了显微结构照片。本研究丰富了云南、福建和广西地衣的物种多样性,为橙衣属和果衣属地衣分类学研究提供基础数据和可靠资料。所用标本存放在山东师范大学植物标本室(SDNU)。
关键词:分类学, 地衣型真菌, 东亚
Jingdong Yi Autonomous County is located in Southwest Yunnan of China.It has a subtropical monsoon climate and a variation from 795 to 3 371 m above sea level.The annual average relative humidity is 77%, and the annual average rainfall is 1 086.7 mm.
Caloplaca Th.Fr.s.lat.(Teloschistaceae, Teloschistales, Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota) is a genus characterized by a crustose or placodioid thallus.There are about 350 species worldwide (Lücking et al., 2016).The species usually have orange, K+ purple (anthraquinones present) apothecia, but the most important delimitation is the presence of polarbilocular ascospores.In 1881, Müller placed a group of species bearing plurilocular ascospores (3-6 locules) under Caloplaca section Triophthalmidium.This section is mostly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world and is mainly corticolous, rarely saxicolous (Smith, 2009; Joshi et al., 2014).
The genus Ramboldia (Ramboldiaceae, Lecanorales, Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota) was established by Kantvilas & Elix (1994).This genus is characterized by a crustose thallus with lecideoid apothecia, Lecanora-type asci, anastomosing paraphyses, and simple and persistently hyaline ascospores (Kantvilas & Elix, 1994, 2007; Elix, 2004).Some species have orange to red-pigmented apothecia due to the presence of russulone and related anthraquinones (Kantvilas & Elix, 1994; Kalb et al., 2008).Ramboldia contains about 30 species worldwide (Lücking et al., 2016).In China, only four Ramboldia species, R.cinnabarina, R.elabens, R.heterocarpa and R.russula, have been reported (Zahlbruckner, 1930; Abdulla & Wu, 1998; Aptroot & Sparrius, 2003; Obermayer, 2004).
The purpose of our study was to enrich knowledge of the species composition of Caloplaca and Ramboldia in China, contributing fundamental data and reliable results for the preparation of a Lichen Flora of China.In this paper, two species of Caloplaca indica and Ramboldia haematites are reported for the first time from China, and Ramboldia is reported for the first time from Fujian and Guangxi.
1 Materials and Methods
The specimens studied were deposited in SDNU (Lichen Section of Botanical Herbarium, Shandong Normal University).The morphological and anatomical characters of the specimens were examined under a stereo-microscope (Olympus SZ) and a polarizing microscope (Olympus CX21).Thallus and medulla were spot-tested with K(a 10% aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide), C(a saturated solution of aqueous sodium hypochlorite), I (Lugols iodine) and P (a saturated solution of p-phenylenediamine in 95% ethyl alcohol).The lichen substances were identified using thin layer chromatography (TLC) with solvent system C (Orange et al., 2010).Photos of the lichens were taken under Olympus SZX16 and BX61 with DP72.
2 Taxonomic Descriptions
Caloplaca indica Y.Joshi, Jagad.Ram & G.P.Sinha, in Joshi, Jagadeesh, Singh & Sinha, National Academy Science Letters 37(6):517 (2014)
Morphology—Thallus crustose, corticolous, whitish grey to greenish grey.Photobiont layer continuous.Prothallus ± present, forming a black line at borders.Apothecia zeorine, 0.25-1 mm diameter; disc brown, flat; proper margin thin, flush to raised above the level of disc, concolorous or slightly darker than disc; thalline margin thin, smooth to crenulate, concolorous with thallus.Epithecium yellowish brown, 25-32.5 μm high, K-; hymenium colorless, 75-100 μm high, oil droplets present; hypothecium colorless, oil droplets ± present.Asci clavate, 50-57.5 × 15-20 μm, Teloschistes-type, 8-spored.Ascospores hyaline, bi- to trilocular, slightly constricted in the centre, all locules of ± equal size, 20-27.5 × 10-13 μm.Pycnidia not seen.On bark.
Chemistry — Thallus and medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-, UV+ yellowish orange.Apothecia K-, C-, KC-, Pd-.Lichexanthone detected by TLC.
Distribution — The species is reported so far only from East Himalaya (Joshi et al., 2014).New to China.
Specimens examined:CHINA.Yunnan:Jingdong, Wuliangshan, alt.2 200-2 300 m, on bark,7 Aug.2017, R.Tang, M.J.Sun, S.K.Yan & J.M.Fu 20170874, 20170667 (SDNU).
Comments—Caloplaca indica is mainly characterized by the greyish UV+ yellowish orange (lichexanthone present) thallus, zeorine apothecia, bi-to trilocular ascospores.In terms of ascospore morphology, the species resembles Caloplaca crocea (Kremp.) Hafellner & Poelt and C.trilocularis Zahlbr.C.crocea differs mainly in having yellow to yellowish orange apothecia.C.triloculans differs mainly in having crystals in amphithecium and a thick thalline margin (Joshi et al., 2014).
Ramboldia haematites (Fée) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix, in Nova Hedwigia 86 (1-2):33 (2008)
Morphology — Thallus grey or greyish-green, fre-quently continuous or smoothly rimose, 90-150 μm thick.No vegetative propagules present.Prothallus not seen.Apothecia adnate, roughly round, flat, 0.15-1 mm diameter; disc orange-red, pruina absent; exciple red, K+ purple; epithecium 10-14 μm thick, reddish; hymenium 35-45 μm thick, colourless; subhymenium 20-35 μm thick, colorless; hypothecium 55-100 μm thick, pale brown.Asci clavate, 37.5-45 × 10-15 μm, Lecanora-type, 8-spored; Ascospores colourless, simple, ellipsoid, 8-10 × 3-4 μm.Pycnidia not seen.On bark.
Chemistry—Thallus and medulla K+ yellow to red or K-, C-, UV+ yellow.Lichexanthone, secalonic acid A (±), norstictic acid and russulone detected by TLC.
Distribution—This species is known from North America, Africa, Australia, New Caledonia (Kalb et al., 2008; Elix, 2009) and Japan (Yamamoto et al., 2013).New to China.
Specimens examined:CHINA.Yunnan:Jingdong, Wuliangshan, alt.2 200 m, on bark, 7 Aug.2017, R.Tang, M.J.Sun, S.K.Yan & J.M.Fu 20170679, 20170847 (SDNU).Guangxi:Baise, Cenwanglaoshan, alt.1 800 m, on bark, 24 Feb.2011, L.Li 20111740 (SDNU).Fujian:Longyan, Huanlianyu, alt.1 400 m, on bark, 29 Oct.2010, D.F.Jiang 20105509 (SDNU).
Comments—Ramboldia haematites is morphologi-cally similar to Ramboldia russula (Ach.) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix, but differs in having norstictic acid (not fumarprotocetraric acid) in the apothecia (Kantvilas & Elix, 1994, 2007; Elix, 2004; Kalb et al., 2009; Gumboski, 2014).Our specimens are very similar to the original description of R.haematites (Elix, 2009), except that we failed to detected any connorstictic acid, which was considered one of the taxonomically important characteristics for the species by Kalb et al.(2008).
Acknowledgements We thank Dr.Yogesh Joshi (Lichenology Division, Department of Botany, Kumaun University, S.S.J.Campus, Almora, Uttarakhand, India) and Dr.John A.Elix (Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) for providing great help during the study.
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(責任编辑 李 莉)