
2020-01-17 01:58王立强
光电工程 2020年1期

王 强,陶 沛,袁 波,王立强


王 强,陶 沛,袁 波*,王立强

浙江大学光电科学与工程学院,浙江 杭州 310007

为了提高医用电子内窥镜所获图像的血管与组织的对比度,针对内窥镜血管图像的特点,提出了一种基于多颜色空间非线性对比度拉伸的血管增强处理方法。首先在RGB颜色空间利用非线性映射函数对绿色(G)分量进行自适应对比度拉伸;接着依据G分量的拉伸结果,相应地调整红色(R)和蓝色(B)两个分量的灰度值;然后将图像转换到HSV颜色空间,并对图像的饱和度(S)分量进行自适应对比度拉伸;最后将图像转换回RGB颜色空间,最终达到血管增强的目的。在本文中,利用所提出的算法对多幅电子内窥镜图像进行处理,结果表明,算法对于原始特征不明显的细小血管也具有较好的增强效果。通过与其它的增强方法相对比,增强后图像的细节方差(DV)显著大于其它方法。将算法嵌入到分辨率为1280´800的内窥镜软件中,其处理速度可达26 f/s。


1 引 言



在内窥镜图像增强技术上目前主要有NBI (narrow band imaging)[6]、FICE (flexible spectral imaging color enhancement)[7]和I-Scan[8]三种技术,它们均以增强血管特征来达到实时处理。NBI是一种利用窄带光照明的硬件图像增强技术,而FICE和I-Scan均为软件增强技术。FICE通过计算选择若干个特定波长处的反射强度来重构彩色图像,以增强感兴趣目标。它在使用前需对内窥镜系统进行严格定标,且增强图像的颜色与真实颜色差别很大;而I-Scan技术不仅可以选择不同波长组合来显示图像,还引入了表面增强和对比度增强两种方式,但算法较为复杂。姜鸿鹏等[9]提出了一种基于光谱变换的血管增强方法,首先将图像进行导向滤波,再把图片分成细节层与亮度层,对细节层自适应增强和亮度层拉伸获得了较好的血管增强图像,但实时性不高。为了更好地在内窥镜中实现血管增强,本文在分析内窥镜图像特点的基础上,提出了一种在多颜色空间进行非线性对比度拉伸的血管增强方法,并通过实验验证了算法的增强效果。

图1 人体血红蛋白的摩尔吸光系数[12]

2 内窥镜血管图像特点与增强算法

2.1 血管图像特点



图2 内窥镜图像。(a) 彩色原图;(b) 红色分量图;(c) 绿色分量图;(d) 蓝色分量图

2.2 血管增强算法





图4 不同d值时的灰度映射函数曲线


2.2.3 图像在HSV颜色空间的增强处理



3 实验结果与分析


将本文方法的增强效果与几种常见的内窥镜图像软件增强技术进行比较,在此选择了FICE技术(日本富士公司)中的波长组合FICE0 (r500, g445, b415)和波长组合FICE9(r550,g500,b400)[14],以及I-Scan技术(德国卡尔史托斯公司)中的Spectra B[15]。对比结果如图6所示,可见本文提出方法的血管与背景的对比度最高,而且没有明显的色彩失真。

在内窥镜场景及环境亮度变化不大的情况下,可以近似采用恒定的变换参数dd,这时可以按照上述的对比度拉伸原理先计算一次原始图像RGB到增强图像RGB的映射表,然后根据该映射表进行图像处理,实现实时增强。在配置为Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-4400E(2.7 GHz)处理器和4 G内存的计算机下,对1280´800的图像进行增强,每幅图像平均耗时约为4.5 ms。将该算法嵌入到分辨率为1280´800内窥镜软件中,其增强显示速度可达26 f/s。图7显示了一组用它获取的口腔内窥镜增强图像序列,其中图中数字代表帧序号,最后一幅为未进行增强的原图。

为了定量评价各种算法的增强效果,引入了基于背景方差(background variance, BV)和细节方差(detail variance, DV)的客观评价标准[16],好的图像增强算法应使增强前后图像的BV值相差不大,而DV值得到显著提升[17]。对于图6,计算得到的BV与DV值如表1所示,可以看出对于图像(a)、(b)和(c),本文方法得到的增强图像都具有最高的DV值,而且DV/BV值也显著高于原图和其它方法得到的增强图像,由此可见本文方法可以有效增强这类内窥镜图像的血管细节。

图5 不同映射参数下的增强效果对比

图6 不同增强方法下的效果对比

图7 口腔内窥镜增强图像序列

表1 不同增强方法下图像的BV和DV值

4 总结与展望


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Vessel enhancement of endoscopic image based on multi-color space

Wang Qiang, Tao Pei, Yuan Bo*, Wang Liqiang

College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310007, China

Oral endoscopic enhancement image sequence

Overview:The vessel enhancement for medical endoscopic images can provide more details of blood vessels, which is useful for assisting doctors in diagnosis. An enhancement method based on multi-color spatial nonlinear contrast stretching is proposed in the present study, which is able to effectively perform vessel enhancement for endoscopic images in real time.

In the proposed method, the contrast stretching for enhancement is successively carried out for the G (Green) component in RGB color space and the S (Saturation) component in HSV color space. Since the details in G component are usually clearer than those in R (Red) and B (Blue) component for the endoscopic tissue images, the contrast stretching for G component only can more effectively enhance the vessels in the tissue. And the contrast stretch for S component can make the color of vessels brighter than that of tissue, which is suitable to the human visual system.

First, the G component is mapped by a nonlinear mode for contrast stretching. The mapping parameter is determined by that the value with maximum contrast stretching effect in the nonlinear mode is equal to the average value of G component of image. Then, the color space of image is converted from RGB to HSV and the S component is mapped by a nonlinear mode same to the G component. Similarly, the mapping parameter of S component is determined by that the value with maximum contrast stretching effect is equal to the average value of S component of image. Finally, the enhanced image is obtained by converting the HSV data with enhanced S component to RGB color space.

The above algorithm was implemented by a C# program and its enhancement effect was tested by multiple endoscopic vessel images. The experiment results show that even very small vessels which are almost invisible in the original images can be seen in the enhanced images under the suitable mapping parameter determined by the proposed method. The enhanced images are also compared with those obtained by FICE and Spectral-B, which are normal enhancement methods in their respective endoscopes. It is showed that only our enhancement images have consistent color tone with the original images and the DVs (detail variances) of our enhancement images are significantly larger than those obtained by FICE or Spectral-B. The enhancement algorithm was embedded in the program for an endoscope with a resolution of 1280 pixels×800 pixels, and the video speed with enhancement effect was tested to reach 26 fps on a computer with the 2.7 GHz CPU and 3.2 G memory.

Citation: Wang Q, Tao P, Yuan B,Vessel enhancement of endoscopic image based on multi-color space[J]., 2020, 47(1): 190268

Supported by National Research and Development Plan (2017YFC0109603), Research and Development Plan of Zhejiang (2018C03064), Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research in Central Colleges and Universities (2019FZA5016)

* E-mail: yuanbo@zju.edu.cn

Vessel enhancement of endoscopic image based on multi-color space

Wang Qiang, Tao Pei, Yuan Bo*, Wang Liqiang

College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310007, China

In order to improve the contrast between the blood vessels and tissues of the images obtained by medical electronic endoscopes, a vessel enhancement method of non-linear contrast stretching in multi-color space is proposed according to the characteristics of endoscopic vascular images. Firstly, in RGB color space, stretching contrast adaptively of the green (G) component by using the nonlinear mapping function. Secondly, adjusting the gray value of the two components of red (R) and blue (B) according to the stretching result of the G component. Thirdly, converting the image to HSV color space, and stretching contrast adaptively of the saturation (S) component of the image. Finally, converting the image back to RGB color space, and the purpose of vessel enhancement is achieved. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is used to process several electronic endoscopic images with different contrast and brightness. The results show that the algorithm has better enhancement effect on small blood vessels which are not obvious in original features. Comparing to other enhancement methods, the detail variance (DV) of the enhanced image is significantly great. The algorithm is embedded in a resolution of 1280×800 endoscopic software, 26 frames can be processed per second.

contrast; vessel enhancement; color space; electronic endoscope



王强,陶沛,袁波,等. 多颜色空间的内窥镜图像血管增强方法[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(1): 190268


: Wang Q, Tao P, Yuan B,. Vessel enhancement of endoscopic image based on multi-color space[J]., 2020,47(1): 190268




