2020-01-17 02:32:19
黑龙江社会科学 2020年6期

ResearchontheMotivationandDevelopmentoftheSystemofVillageAffairsSupervisionCommitteeGao Honggui1, Zhang Yongjie2


Abstract: As an innovative system practice of village level power regulation, the system of village affairs supervision committee is aimed at the malpractice of villager autonomy system, and its purpose is to maintain the normal order of the village and improve the social and economic development environment at the grass-roots level.Based on the practice of the village affairs supervision committee system, this paper analyzes and studies that the system is rooted in the internal evolution of the village cadres’ power expansion and the awakening of farmers’ democratic consciousness, as well as the dual influence of the infiltration of modernity and the external embedding of the government’s promotion and guidance. In addition, the design of this system has its own principles and characteristics, and plays an important role in the realization of villagers’ interest expression, village affairs supervision and power restriction. At present, the implementation of the village affairs supervision committee system has achieved certain results of democratic supervision, but it also faces some problems, such as the imbalance of development among villages, the serious formalization of supervision process, the low recognition of villagers, the instability of organization members. In this regard, we should improve the supporting system system, innovate the supervision mechanism, expand the public opinion evaluation, and improve the incentive mechanism.

Keywords:Village Affairs Supervision Committee; Villager Autonomy System; Democratic Supervision; Democratic Consciousness


Yu Hongli


Abstract:In today’s world, the century-old change superimposed on the global epidemic, the world has entered a period of turbulent change.The rise of unilateralism and protectionism has impacted the international order. Under the new crown epidemic situation, how to better promote regional cooperation in Northeast Asia has become an important issue. The third-party market cooperation is a new mode of international cooperation initiated by China, which plays a catalytic role in Northeast Asia regional cooperation. The third-party market cooperation and multilateral cooperation are brand-new practice paths due to the changes of the world pattern under the new crown epidemic situation. As an effective way of sub regional cooperation, the third-party market cooperation and multilateral cooperation are playing a functional role to promote the further development of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia.

Keywords:COVID-19; Third Party Market; Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia