邱建 黄筱竑
[摘要] 目的 探討因宫颈疾病行手术治疗后继发阴道上皮内肿瘤(Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia,VAIN)的临床特征及相关风险因素。 方法 选取2010年1月~2018年12月间因宫颈疾病行手术治疗后继发VAIN的患者共35例,分析VAIN的发生与患者年龄、宫颈病变严重程度、宫颈锥切术后切缘情况、子宫切除术后HPV感染情况及TCT结果的相关性,并观察VAIN的发生时间及预后结局。 结果 随着宫颈疾病严重程度的升高,VAIN的发生率明显升高,且VAINⅡ~Ⅲ级患者既往宫颈病变的严重程度高于VAINⅠ级患者,差异有统计学意义(P=0.017)。VAIN患者人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavirus,HPV)感染发生率为100.0%,其中高危型HPV感染率为88.6%;且VAINⅡ~Ⅲ级患者的高危型HPV感染率略高于VAINⅠ级患者的高危型HPV感染率,但差异无统计学意义(P=0.082)。VAIN大多发生在子宫切除术后5年内,占80%;VAINⅠ级患者治疗后有4例持续存在,其中1例进展为VAINⅡ~Ⅲ级;VAINⅡ~Ⅲ级患者治疗后有5例复发,其中2例进展为阴道鳞状上皮癌,复发及进展患者均存在高危型HPV持续感染。 结论 宫颈疾病行子宫切除术后继发VAIN的发病与HPV感染及宫颈病变程度密切相关,对存在以上因素的患者在行子宫切除术时应予以重视,建议术前阴道壁组织活检术明确,以切除病变阴道壁组织减少VAIN的发生,术后需密切随访监测以早期发现阴道病变并及时治疗。
[关键词] 阴道上皮内肿瘤;宫颈上皮内肿瘤;宫颈肿瘤;人乳头瘤病毒
[中图分类号] R737.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)31-0069-05
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical features and related risk factors of vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) secondary to cervical diseases after surgical treatment. Methods A total of 35 patients with VAIN secondary to cervical diseases after surgical were collected. The correlation between VAIN occurrence and patients′ age, severity of cervical lesions,cutting edge after cervical conization, Human papillomavirus(HPV) infection after hysterectomy and TCT results were analyzed, and the occurrence time and prognosis of VAIN were observed. Results With the increase of the severity of cervical diseases, the incidence of VAIN increased significantly, and the severity of previous cervical lesions in VAIN grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ patients was higher than that in VAIN grade I patients, with statistically significant difference(P=0.017). The incidence of HPV infection in VAIN patients was 100%,in which the infection rate of high-risk HPV was 88.6%. Furthermore, the high-risk HPV infection rate of VAIN grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ patients was slightly higher than that of VAIN grade I patients, but the difference was not statistically significant(P=0.082).VAIN mostly occurred within 5 years after hysterectomy, accounting for 80%. After treatment, 4 patients with VAIN grade I persisted, and 1 patient progressed to VAIN grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ. After treatment, 5 patients with VAIN grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ relapsed, among which 2 patients advanced to vaginal squamous cell carcinoma.Both relapsed and advanced patients had high-risk HPV persistent infection. Conclusion The incidence of VAIN secondary to cervical diseases after hysterectomy is closely related to HPV infection and the degree of cervical lesions. Attention should be paid to patients with the above factors when undergoing hysterectomy. It is suggested that biopsy of vaginal wall should be clear before operation so as to cut off the diseased vaginal wall tissue and reduce the occurrence of VAIN. Close follow-up monitoring after surgery is needed to find vaginal lesions early and treat them in time.
2.2 VAIN患者结局分析
3 讨论
近年来,由于宫颈病变的细胞学、病毒学及阴道镜检查等筛查手段的广泛应用,阴道上皮内瘤变的检出率也呈逐年上升趋势[8]。VAIN的发病原因目前认为与宫颈病变具有同源性,即与HPV感染有很大关系[9-10]。有关VAIN的起源有两种观点:其一,VAIN的发生独立于宫颈病变,VAIN往往呈多灶性,与宫颈不连续[11];其二,VAIN并非子宫切除术后新发残端VAIN所致,而是由于未引起临床重视,导致手术切除范围不足或病变迁延所致[12]。既往有CIN或浸润性宫颈癌病史被认为是VAIN发生的重要发病风险因素[13]。Vinokurova等[14]检测了既往患有CIN或宫颈癌的VAIN患者的HPV类型及整合位点,通过使用HPV DNA整合位点作为克隆性标记,结果显示VAIN患者的HPV类型及整合位点与既往CIN或宫颈癌的发病模式一致,推测这些病变可能是同一克隆起源而来[14],且研究显示,继发于宫颈病变的VAIN往往病灶主要位于阴道上段[13],因此,基于以上观点,有研究者提出在因宫颈病变行全子宫或广泛全子宫切除术前有必要对患者阴道壁进行充分评估,尤其是阴道上段,必要时需行阴道壁活检明确诊断。He等[15]的一项研究发现,随着子宫颈病变程度的增加(从子宫颈癌前病变到子宫颈癌),合并VAIN的比例及VAIN的级别均增高,且术前未行阴道镜阴道壁活检的患者发生VAIN的比例显著增高,因此建议对于Ⅰ期子宫颈癌或CINⅢ行子宫切除术的所有患者,术前均应常规进行阴道镜下全面阴道壁活检病理检查以明确阴道病变范围,尤其是阴道上段,从而更好地指导手术中阴道切除的范围,减少因手术范围不足导致VAIN的残留[15]。除了手术因素外,HPV感染尤其是高危型HPV持续感染被认为是宫颈疾病术后继发阴道及其他部位上皮内病变的重要因素,这些患者往往存在清除HPV感染的能力下降,因此术后长期处于持续HPV感染状态,从而继发其他部位HPV感染相关疾病的发生[16-17]。本研究中,所有VAIN患者均存在HPV感染,且大部分患者为高危型HPV持续感染,随着宫颈病变程度的增加,继发VAIN的发生比例显著升高,因此认为高危型HPV感染及子宫切除术前宫颈病变程度可能与VAIN的发病风险密切相关,对于存在以上高危因素的患者应引起重视,特别是在因CINⅡ~Ⅲ行锥切术后时隔1~3个月待宫旁炎性增生消退再行子宫切除术时,术前有必要再次对阴道壁情况进行评估,必要时进行醋酸及碘试验染色后阴道镜下全面阴道壁活检以明确诊断,如活检结果提示同时合并阴道壁病变应在全子宫或广泛全子宫切除术时注意阴道壁的切除范围,尽可能多切除一部分阴道壁,以减少VAIN的发生及残留。
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