英文目录与摘要(Contents and Summaries)

2019-12-26 04:48:55
外国问题研究 2019年4期


Jin Bingmin

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, Shin Chae-ho had criticized the essence of Japan’s “Orientalism” from the perspective of subjective philosophy. After living in exile in China, he had a deeper understanding of Japan. He not only criticized Japan’s aggression against Korea, but also sharply exposed Japan’s aggression plot against Northeast China. At the same time, Shin also made a new leap in his understanding of China. He believed that China and Korea are friendly neighbors and need to strengthen cooperation, and pointed out that this is not only the key to solve the problems of East Asia, but also the fundamental premise for Korea to achieve independence. Shin’s understanding of East Asia had a positive influence on the political stand and independence movement of Korean exiles in China.


Lu Li

It is used in the postwar Japanese real society that “The Theory of the Emperor” is a series of political ideology in the “Conception of Postwar System” of Nambara Shigeru. This view reflects his strong desire to continue the “Community” of the Japanese nation and his contradictory cognition of Emperor of Japan and Imperial System. This is also an incredible regret of Nambara Shigeru as a great thinker of modern Japan, a lifelong appeal to world peace and to the establishment of a new-democratic Japanese intellectual academic thought.


Xing Xueyan

The Liberal Civil Rights Movement is a political movement in which people from Japan emerged from 1874 to 1889 to fight for political participation, freedom and democracy. In the civil rights movement that lasted for 15 years, civil rights thinkers published articles, made speeches, organized parade and other activities to attacked Japan’s rule of the shackles, publicized advanced modern democratic ideas, and call on the people to achieve personal independence and liberation from family, society and spirit. The people are called upon to shoulder the heavy responsibility of maintaining the independence of the Japanese nation and building a modern country. Compared with the perennial compulsory modern national education promoted by the Meiji government, the free civil rights movement had played a more important role in shaping the modern Japanese people through the bottom-up natural approach. The free civil rights movement have prepared conditions for the construction of Japan’s modern national state. From the perspectives of politics, social relations and national quality.


Sun Zhipeng

At the end of World War I, Japan adopted a coordinated and expansionary aftermath strategy, but under the diplomatic pressure of the America and Britain, it finally back to the bottom line. In coordination, Japan revised the policy to China, canceled monetary loan and suspended the iron loan; in expansion, it continued to the war loan, promoted the loan of forests and gold mines, accelerated the negotiation of railway loan; on the bottom line, Japan cannot insist on “except Manchuria and Mongolia”, surrendered four railways in the pressure of the New Consortium, but firmly adhered to the “southern Manchuria”. The geographical composition of Japan’s “sphere of influence diplomacy” is to coordinate in “northern Manchuria”, “eastern inner Mongolia”, Shandong and Fujian as buffer zones and stick to “southern Manchuria”. “sphere of influence diplomacy” is the division and integration of geographical space, reflecting the basic characteristics of modern Japanese mainland policy.


Han binna and Zhou bo

In the first half of the twentieth century in China, travel has become a leisure way for urban intellectuals. This paper takes the writers of travel notes that published inChinatravelerfrom 1927 to 1936 as typical samples, explores the infiltration and influence of western culture on lifestyle of Chinese. The writers of the domestic travel notes who represents a group of modern travelers, mostly had received modern education, and most of them had the experience of studying abroad and overseas investigation. Therefore, they had witnessed the travel boom of overseas countries. At the same time, most of them lived in coastal cities and cities along the river, where are deeply influenced by western culture. In addition, they witnessed the travel activities of foreigners in China. Since most of them are engaged in education, journalism, doctors, lawyers, engineers, civil servants, business and other occupations, they generally had a stable income and fixed leisure time, and had objective conditions for the development of travel activities. Therefore, as a leisure lifestyle of modern Chinese intellectual group, travel activity is the result of interaction between external factors influenced by western culture and internal factors of urban modernization.


NaShen taogetao

In the Mongolian world view, Eternal Blue Sky is the highest existence that can control all things in the universe and dominate human world. The “concept of Eternal Blue Sky” formed from the belief of Eternal Blue Sky, that Genghis Khan and his family are blessed by Eternal Blue Sky and depend on the power of Eternal Blue Sky, and have the destiny to rule the world, to be Khan. The Mongol Empire’s rule over its vast territory made the concept of Eternal Blue Sky have a profound impact on all kinds of people under its administration. In this process, Zhongyuan Taoism, Confucianism, Tibetan Buddhism, Islam in Central and Western Asia, as well as Knyaz of Kievan Rus and Orthodox Church all found their comprehension to integrate the concept of Eternal Blue Sky from their respective cultures and beliefs. Therefore, under the perspective of history, the concept of Eternal Blue Sky as the theoretical basis for the expansion of the Mongol Empire, has the civilization significance of “harmony in diversity” at the same time.


Wang Guangsheng

The numbers from The Sumerian King List can be divided into two types: the relatively objective numbers and the artificially numbers. These artificially numbers seem absurd, however, they contain some important historical informations. According to the artificially numbers from The Sumerian King List, we found that ancient scribes choosed these numbers on the basis of their mathematical knowledge, especially sexagesimal. These artificially numbers in The Sumerian King List are important data to understand the mathematics and historical concept of ancient Mesopotamian.


Song Huicong

The Middle Kingdom of Egypt, including the 12th Dynasty, was called “feudal period” by Egyptologists. The most important feature of this period is the strong power of local governors who not only master the administrative and religious affairs of each Nome, but also have their own army. Moreover, the position of the governor was inherited within the same family. Therefore, the high degree of independence brought by this absolute power had greatly weakened Egypt’s centralized system. However, in this context, from the beginning of Amenemhat I, the pharaohs of the 12th dynasty were still committed to continuously expand the southern border of Egypt by building a fortress chain along the Nile to merge the lower Nubia into Egypt. While, the large amount of manpower and material resources invested in conquering Nubia did not cause the collapse of an unstable Egypt, but led to the final strengthening of the centralized system of Egypt in the time of Senusret III, in which period local governors’ large scale of decorated tombs and their uppermost title “great overlord” disappeared. This unconventional result shows that the conquest of Nubia did not weakened the court headed by Pharaoh, but became an important way to weaken the local power.


Wang Yong

The postwar German party system was established against the background of avoiding the resurgence of Nazi Germany, hence, the pure or direct democracy of Weimar years was denied. Thus, Germany gave a clear provision for the foundation and operation of parties in the new constitution, then unveiled the world’s first special “Party Law”, to make the party politics operate effectively within the boundary of rationality. All those consequently have curbed the reappearance of extremist party. Since the war, party landscape in German has gone through three significant turns, which reflect the evolvement, renewal and reorganization of social and political forces, among those the main characteristic trend is from the traditional dominance of the two-party to the multi-party pattern paralleling and conditioning mutually. In the latest German party patterns, it is the populist parties that most attract the world’s attention, which are choosing the path of party’s quick rise and rapid growth.


Bai yue

At the end of the 19th century, the famous German historian Lamprecht in his multi-volume book Germany History believed that the Reformation initiated the so-called “individualism era” characterized by the monetary economy. Ranke’s historiography had been criticized because it was deeply influenced by doctrine of Luther, which praised elite figures, filled with the mysterious transcendental color. These views became the focus of criticism between Catholic historians and Rankian historians in the“Lamprecht Controversy” at the turn of the 19th-20th century. Although Lamprecht analyzed the history of Reformation from the perspectives of cultural history and economic history, it reflected a certain extent of innovation, in fact his history of Reformation, especially Luther’s image, still failed to escape from the Protestant bourgeois history frame.


Wang Li

In the post-Vietnam War, the question of how the nation should fulfill its obligations to its veterans has assumed a central role in American politics. Being a Vietnam Veteran, a veteran of a humiliated war, did not necessarily carry any privileged status; often it was as likely to evoke hostility or contempt. In the 1980s, the Vietnam War veterans began to claim for the national eternal recognition of their contributions more than the material and economic interests. At the same time, the Reagan Administration intended to win citizens support for its diplomatic policy by means of constructing a memorial for those who lost their lives in the Vietnam War.


Wen Chunmei

Just as Hitler came to power in 1933 and imposed severe anti-semitic policies, forcing a large number of Jews to leave their homes, Japan, which continued to invade and expand its power in the Far East, came up with a secret rescue plan called the “Fugu Plan” from 1934 to 1940 designed to attract the Jews from Europe to settle in Japan-controlled north east China and Shanghai and make use of the Jewish wealth and power to build the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Circle”. Despite its alliance with Germany, Japan did not impose a genocidal policy on the Jews in its ruling areas, as Nazi Germany did. The “Fugu Plan” was not formulated and implemented by Japan out of purely humanitarian considerations, but as a diplomatic tool to serve Japan’s real national interest of improving the deteriorating Japan-US relationship. In the end, the “Fugu Plan” failed to achieve any desired results. It didn’t help introduce the capital of European and American Jews; nor did it help improve the worsening relationship between Japan and the US.


An Cuili

Turkish diaspora is mainly composed of Turkish labors, the politically exiled people and the dispersed Kurds living in Europe. They maintain their own cultural identity, religion and ties to their country of origin and they have a specific social networks. Being a primary target group of overseas potential electors and voters, they may participate in the home-country politics actively. The objectives of Turkish diaspora policy are economic interests, political interests and cultural interests, aiming to strengthen the diaspora’s Turkish cultural identity as well as their political and economic ties with Turkey. Turkish diaspora policy intends to support their diaspora to fight for their social and cultural rights, thus helping Turkey to realize its political purpose of joining the EU. Four institutions were founded to influence Turkish diaspora and organizations. However, Turkish diaspora policy puts too much emphasis on nourishing a nationalist feeling and neglects the diaspora’s dual cultural orientation, dual identity and dual loyalty, which stops them from integrating into the hosting country and even worse will give rise to the political and cultural fragmentation. By studying Turkish Diaspora Policy, we can learn to improve our diaspora policy and the institutions relevant to our diaspora policy.


Wang Yang and Gong Xiuhua

During the early Roman Empire, the frontiers were defined gradually. The eastern defensive system was constructed step by step from Julio-Claudian dynasty. This system consisted of client-kingdom system, Roman garrisons, military forts, and military roads. The system checked Parthians and deterred its penetration into Roman Empire. Meanwhile, it protected the traffic of Roman logistics and armies, and objectively provided protect for economic-cultural interchange in the frontier area. This eastern frontier system laid a basis for the continual survival of late Roman and Byzantine frontier system as well.


Huang Zhong

In the early 1960s, while continuing to adhere to the “anti Communist responsibility”, Ikeda Hayato’s cabinet strengthened trade exchanges with China. As a foreign minister, Ohira Masayoshi actively promoted and reached trade agreements, but still followed the “one China, one Taiwan” policy on the “Taiwan issue”. Under this principle, the “balanced diplomacy” held by Ohira Masayoshi has its limits. With the change of the international environment, the promotion of China’s international status and the confrontation between the “pro China” and “pro Taiwan” political forces in Japan, Ohira Masayoshi gradually tends to recognize the “one China principle”. As the foreign minister of Tanaka Kakuei’s cabinet, Ohira Masayoshi actively advocated and promoted the normalization of China Japan diplomatic relations, and carried out “farewell diplomacy” to Taiwan.

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