
2019-12-14 07:25王治河ArticleWangZhihe
重庆与世界 2019年11期

文/王治河 Article/Wang Zhihe





In the cool golden autumn filled with fragrance of osmanthus blossoms, the 94-year-old Dr. John Boswell Cobb Jr, member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Founding President of the Institute for the Postmodern Development of China, preeminent process philosopher, author of the world's first monograph on ecosophy, and one of the earliest thinkers in the western world to propose the idea of “green GDP”, visited Chonqing.

Dr. Cobb saw the severity of ecological problems and wrote the book Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology as early as in the 1970s. In order to save the earth and mankind from being doomed, he donated not only his ancestral mansion to support the research on organic philosophy, but also all his savings of 500,000 USD in 2015 to hold the conference “Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization” with over 1000 participants in the U.S., whereas hadn’t bought any new clothes for himself for over 30 decades. This internationally renowned scholar, who combines knowledge with practice, has always been a staunch supporter of China's efforts to develop a more ecological civilization, and was the first to put forward the idea that "The hope for reaching ecological civilization lies in China". At the important point when China is moving towards the new era of developing ecological civilization, and when China was holding the National Ecology and Environment Protection Conference, he stood up and spoke out again, in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency in May 2018, he pointed out that "China brings hope to the development of ecological civilization in the world as a whole".

He was warmly welcomed in China. He gave a speech titled "From the Self to the Great Mission" at the Central Institute of Socialism, where he was also hired as a distinguished professor. Mr. Xu Jialu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Ninth and Tenth National People's Congress, received him during illness and cordially called him "Brother" ...


Dr. Cobb walked briskly on the picturesque landscape of Lishui, Zhejiang Province, wearing his favorite Tang suit made of jujube red satin with Fushoutuan (a symbol of blessings and longevity) pattern. He attended the seminar on "High-quality Green Development" held in Liandu, Zhejiang, and the Zhejiang 2019 National Science Day held in Guyanhua township. He also visited signature enterprises for green development in Songyang County and Lishui Liandu. At Lishui Yuyue Brewing Food, the 94-yearold man went to stir the soy sauce himself. The reporter of China News Agency reported on the above activities under the title "Chinese and Foreign Experts and Scholars Gathered in Liandu Zhejiang to Discuss the Future and Ecology": Liandu has practiced the conviction that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets and have achieved remarkable results. In 2018, Liandu's GDP reached 35.911 billion yuan, an increase of 6.2% over the previous year. Liandu farmer’s income ranked first in Lishui for 22 consecutive years. Dr. Cobb said: "Facing the tasks of both developing economy and protecting ecology, Liandu has forged a new road, the one the whole nation is taking. To build an ecological civilization, we must not only depend on ecological development, but also provide people with happiness. "












舍不得哟舍不得 我实在舍不得


With the deep love of Zhejiang people, Dr. Cobb later came to Yunnan on September 24. On the 25th, at Pu’er Ecological Civilization and Green Development Forum in which over 400 people from relevant Pu’er municipal departments and Puer University attended, leader of the CPC Pu’er Municipal Committee, expressed the warm congratulations on the holding of the Forum and sincere welcome to Dr. Cobb's team on behalf of the CPC Pu’er Municipal Committee and Pu’er Municipal Government. In his speech titled "Ecological Civilization Calls for Rural Revitalization", Dr. Cobb expressed his appreciation for the achievements Pu’er has made in promoting green development and developing ecological civilization. He hoped that Pu'er would take the exhibition of rural revitalization as an opportunity to further consolidate consensus and strength and thus to make greater contributions to the development of ecological civilization.

Dr. Cobb's work station was unveiled at Puer University on the same day. In order to commemorate this big day, leaders of Puer University accompanied Dr. Cobb to plant the ashoka tree. At the age of 94, Dr. Cobb shoved dirt and watered the tree with ease.

Later, Dr. Cobb, with high spirits, visited the International Coffee Exchange Center, Pu’er Zuxiang Mountain Organic Tea Garden, Yulin Common Bletilla Planting Base, Deepure Tea, and Nakeli town. What interested him most was when the art teachers and students from Puer University taught local farmers to draw pictures and make woodcuts, and when the farmers walked to the Common Bletilla Planting Base to work. When asked about what impressed him most in his trip to Yunnan? His answer was: The beautiful sight of 26 ethnic groups in Yunnan helping each other and sharing weal and woe is unforgettable. In Dr. Cobb's dictionary, ecological civilization includes not only the harmony between man and nature, but also the harmony among men.

The sky is blue, the mountains are lush, the water is lucid, the people are beautiful, and the kindness of Yunnan people touched Dr. Cobb deeply. He was seen off once and once again with the famous Lahu folk song Be Not Willing to Separate resounding:

I can sing as many tunes as the number of sand but not a single song about parting

What I want to say is as much as the tea leaves that fill the hillside but I just don't want to say goodbye

What scares me most is to separate

What I feel is the deepest sadness

I just can't bear to part with you I really can't bear to part with you

What you didn’t see are the views as many as the number of flowers in the mountain

And also the river of missing

What I want most is for you to come again and I’ll be the happiest I can imagine

Be not willing to separate

I’m really not willing to separate

既要GEP也要GDP 普洱的绿水青山正成为金山银山