- The world’s narrowest river世界上最窄的河流
河是世界上最窄的河流,河流最宽处只有几十厘米。The Haolai River, inChina, is apparently thenarrowest river in theworld, measuring only afew dozen centimeters atits widest point. The Haolai River, on theInner Mongolia Plateau in north China, isover 17?kil
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年4期2023-08-15
- 河流
学苑创造·A版 2022年2期2022-01-29
- 河流上的平原
长江丛刊 2020年31期2020-11-19
- 河流
扬子江 2019年3期2019-05-24
- 大象的叫声
扬子江 2019年1期2019-03-08
- Enriching Basic Features via Multilayer Bag-of-words Binding for Chinese Question Classification
境内流入印度洋的河流有哪些?”(WhataretheriversfromtheterritoryofChinaintotheIndianOcean?) as an example, the analysis result of the sample question is demonstrated in Fig.1. Here, an open and free available Chinese language technology platform
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology 2017年3期2017-10-10
- Feature combination via importance-inhibition analysis
on“中国哪一条河流经过的省份最多?(Which river flows through most provinces in China?)”as an example.The result of word segmentation, POS tagging, named entity recognition and dependency parsing of the sample question is presented in Fig.1.We ext
Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 2013年1期2013-09-17
- Feature combination via importance-inhibition analysis
n “中国哪一条河流经过的省份最多?(Which river flows through most provinces in China?)” as an example. The result of word segmentation, POS tagging, named entity recognition and dependency parsing of the sample question is presented in Fig.1.We e
Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 2013年1期2013-01-08