New Technologies and Global Security

2019-12-08 18:37:39ByUlfSandmarkEconomistPresidentofSchillerInstituteinSweden
Peace 2019年3期

By Ulf Sandmark, Economist, President of Schiller Institute in Sweden

Presently, the existing world order is disintegrating, and international law is being increasingly disrespected.The sovereignty principle that the U.N.Charter establishes should be the basic principle for the contemporary international relations,sovereignty of its member states should be respected no matter how big or small it is.In fact, the principle stipulates not only a“passive” peace of non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, but also an “active”peace policy of promoting "the benefit of the others".This active concept of promoting peace can be found in the Chinese policy of promoting a New Paradigm of"win-win"-cooperation.

In today’s world, we see many negative examples.The so-called war on terror has become an excuse for transcending any border with drones, special forces,intelligence agencies and military interventions.Instead of promoting the benefit of peace to others, today the pseudo-science of geopolitics has been re-launched to actively promote destabilizations of other nations.Sorry to say that, supporting this form of "armed struggle" for the purpose of regime change in Syria with humanitarian aid, the Swedish government, as other Western governments,refuse to acknowledge that its proxy war is lost and refuse to normalize relations with Syria, thus prolonging the war with its disastrous humanitarian consequences.The geopolitical doctrine and its promoters in the United Kingdom and United States are based on control of the Eurasian HEARTLAND by isolating it from the surrounding Eurasian RIMLAND, which is in contact with the seas.The geopolitical doctrine and its promoters in the United Kingdom and United States are based on control of the Eurasian HEARTLAND by isolating it from the surrounding Eurasian RIMLAND.The Western policy of disregarding the basic rules of international law has led to a breakdown of the international order, has also triggered trade wars, extreme tensions and war danger between the great powers.As President Putin warned that the U.S.-Russian relations were"deteriorating by the hour".

The great powers-led outdated security concept is unable to respond to the new security situation, it is indispensible to readjust their security concept, or the security will be in disorder.To establish a New Paradigm of understanding and cooperation among nations, we need to address the urgent problems of mankind from a higher standpoint, for example the threats like poverty, food, health service, education,housing, water and electricity or nuclear extinction.With this perspective, it is possible to bring in the New and Emerging Technologies to find an efficient way forward towards global security.

Actually, mankind is not only hostage to the threat of extinction with nuclear weapons,but is also exposed to dangers from space in the form of asteroids or various forms of comets, solar flares, cosmic radiation,galactic weather, etc.The Department of Celestial Mechanics at St.Petersburg State University recently reported that the 370 meter wide asteroid Apophis will make several near-Earth passes, in 2029, 2036, and 2068, with the 2029 pass to be only 1/10th the distance from the Earth to the Moon!There are serious discussions of a cooperation mission to attempt diversion of the pass of asteroid Apophis between Russia and the United States.

Space science is very important.To certain extent, the elevation into space has also an elevating effect of the minds of people absorbing the minds into science,which transcends all cultural barriers uniting mankind.The space exploration is not simply an end in itself, but the incorporation of man into the Universe would be a concrete expression of his creative potential, as well as a new means to radically accelerate creative growth.The space partnership established between China and Pakistan is an exemplary way to use emerging technologies to forge long term cooperation in a new paradigm of relations among mankind.The participation in the Chinese Chang’e 4 landing on the backside of the moon by German and Swedish scientists bear witness of the role of science to transcend political conflict and pave the way for human communication when brought to the highest conceptual level of science and creativity, and is viewed as a new symbolic cooperation between Europe and China.

.In a vision of the future, we can accomplish a world with energy and raw materials security for all of humanity.The successful exploration of Helium-3 will make production of nuclear fusion energy possible.Nuclear fusion power will also give mankind the better conditions for space science,precision medicines, and celestial body research with constant acceleration.This emerging technology will radically change the availability of raw materials.Nuclear fusion energy is almost limitless energy source, and will make it possible to mine any rock in the world for minerals or even the salt of the sea water.It will for good refute the theory of the zero-sum game of geopolitics.The economic productivity per square kilometer of existing territories will see dramatic increases, making conquests and war even more “unprofitable”.China is taking real actions to explore and employ nuclear fusion energy.

The development of world connectivity with the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI),launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013, is also an advanced concept.The concept of the BRI is committed to developing a worldwide network of different kinds of infrastructure, is creating a new productive economic platform and is not the primitive policy of geopolitics which divides the world into isolated economic enclaves.The more advanced economic platform of the BRI makes it possible for the world economy to reach a higher level of productivity, which makes investments generally more profitable and secure.The Belt & Road Initiative is beneficial to promote internationalized application of the new emerging technology,to establish a more secure economic and financial system, to advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and to build a better future for humankind.