徐丽娜 胡本进 苏贤岩
摘要 2019年5月17日在安徽省黄山市黄山区发现草地贪夜蛾为害春玉米,首次证实草地贪夜蛾入侵安徽。本研究采集安徽省7市13县(区)草地贪夜蛾样本共167份,利用线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ基因(cytochrome c oxidase subunit Ⅰ, COⅠ),以及位于Z染色体上的磷酸甘油醛异构酶基因(triosephosphate isomerase, Tpi)两个分子标记对样品的群体遗传特征进行分析。基于线粒体COⅠ基因分析结果显示,安徽省草地贪夜蛾样本中86.23%是水稻型,13.77%是玉米型,而且安徽地区样品COⅠ序列特征与美国佛罗里达州种群高度一致。针对水稻型和玉米型的Tpi基因序列10 个差异单倍型位点进行分析,发现安徽草地贪夜蛾样品Tpi基因的第3和4位差异单倍型位点有3种不同类型。其中118个样本为玉米型(AT),20个样本为水稻型(GA),29个样本为杂合型(AT/GA),但根据差异单倍型位点的数量判断,所有样品仍属于玉米型。草地贪夜蛾在原产地的多种寄主,如玉米、水稻、大豆、棉花等,在安徽省均有种植,该虫对安徽省粮食生产构成巨大安全隐患。
关键词 草地贪夜蛾; 分子鉴定; 玉米型; 水稻型
中图分类号: S 433.4 文献标识码: A DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019348
Abstract On 17th May, 2019, the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.Smith), was observed on damaged corn plants in Huangshan district, which meant the invasion of the S.frugiperda was confirmed in Anhui province for the first time. In this study, a total of 167 samples of S.frugiperda were collected from 7 cities in Anhui province. The population genetic characteristics of the collected samples were analyzed by using mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit Ⅰ gene (COⅠ), and glyceraldehyde phosphate isomerase gene (Tpi) located on the Z chromosome. Based on analysis of COⅠgene, the 86.23% of S.frugiperda in Anhui province was identified as rice strain and 13.77% was corn strain, respectively. In addition, the COⅠsequence characteristics of S.frugiperda in Anhui province was highly consistent with that of the population in Florida, USA.Based on the 10 different haplotype loci of Tpi gene sequences, which were used to define the subpopulations of S.frugiperda, three different types were exited at the haplotype loci 3 and 4 of Tpi gene. Among them, 118 samples were corn strain haplotype (AT), 20 samples were rice strain haplotype (GA), and 29 samples were hybrid type (AT/GA). However, all the collected samples were still belonged to corn strain, according to the number of different haplotype. Various hosts of S.frugiperda in the origin place, such as corn, rice, soybean and cotton, are cultivated in Anhui province. Therefore, this insect poses a huge potential security hazard to the grain production of Anhui province.
Key words Spodoptera frugiperda; molecular identification; corn strain; rice strain
2019年1月11日,在我國云南省普洱市江城县首次发现草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.Smith)为害玉米[1],此后该虫在我国的为害范围迅速扩大。2019年5月17日,在黄山市黄山区仙源镇洋家村首次发现草地贪夜蛾在安徽省为害玉米,至今安徽全省已有12市57区(县)发现该虫为害,发生面积达到1.1万 hm2。
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(責任编辑: 田 喆)