
2019-11-05 01:13:42周思臾
教学月刊(中学版) 2019年28期


(浙江省镇海中学,浙江宁波 315200)

2014年,教育部下发《关于全面深化课程改革 落实立德树人根本任务的意见》,首次提出了“核心素养体系”的全新概念。2018年颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》(以下简称《新课标》)在整合原三维目标的基础上凝练了学科核心素养,明确指出英语学科核心素养主要包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,其总目标中也提及了立德树人根本任务,并把中国情怀、国际视野和跨文化沟通能力三大关键词作为具体培养目标[1]。




20世纪80年代初,一批美国教师实践了由学生主导的小组讨论模式进行文学作品的阅读与学习,受到了学生的普遍欢迎。1994年,美国学者Harvey Daniels提出了“文学圈”这一全新概念,并在2002年对于其定义做了更新。他认为,文学圈模式必须具备以下11个要素:(1)学生自主选择阅读材料;(2)根据不同的书形成临时阅读小组;(3)不同小组阅读不同的书籍;(4)小组成员定期见面讨论阅读结果;(5)学生利用角色日志指导他们阅读和讨论;(6)学生自选讨论话题;(7)小组讨论应以开放性问题为主;(8)教师应扮演讨论引导者而非参与者;(9)通过教师课堂观察和学生自我评价进行评价;(10)教室的氛围应是有趣的、欢乐的;(11)一本书阅读完后,同学间分享成果并选择新的阅读材料进行学习[3]。



每个角色在课前都会收到一张角色日志(Role Sheet),各个角色根据日志说明以书面形式详细记录阅读内容和体会,这不仅检测了学生自主阅读的成效,而且完成了从阅读输入向写作输出的转化[4]。文学圈模式中的各个角色能够专注提升英语学科核心素养的某些维度,其中词汇大师、修辞探索员侧重语言能力的提高,背景研究员侧重文化意识的培养,图表分析师、现实意义联想师、评论家主要训练学生的思维品质,讨论引导师、总结者能够发展其学习能力。这些角色并非一成不变,在阅读新的章节或新的作品时,完全可以变换角色,促进其核心素养的全面发展。




下面,笔者以小说“The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”为例,探讨文学圈模式在高中英语小说阅读中的应用。该小说是由爱尔兰作家约翰·波恩创作,是以一个9岁男孩布鲁诺为视角的二战题材作品。小说的语言并不晦涩难懂,正好符合学生的最近发展区,阅读该小说在帮助学生积累描述性语言能力的同时,还能引导学生形成正确的价值取向,有利于学生核心素养的发展。


Step 1.Organized Group Discussion(20 mins)

Teacher:Last week,I assigned you to read Chapter 1 of the novelThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas.I’m sure you have accomplished your task based on the role sheet each received.Now take your role sheet and find your members to conduct a detailed study of Chapter 1.You will have 20 minutes.Here you go!


Step 2.Group Presentation(20 mins)

Teacher:OK.Time is up.Now I will invite one of your groups to share with us your discussion results to help you have a better understanding of this chapter.Let’s welcome the Discussion Director to chair the following activities.

Discussion Director:Good morning!I’m honored to moderate today’s discussion.We all know the background information of the author is really vital for the comprehension of a novel.So before we go further,I want to welcome the Investigator to give us a brief introduction to the author.

Investigator:Now let’s talk about John Boyne.He was born in Dublin,Ireland in 1971,and studied English Literature at Trinity College,and Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia where he was awarded the Curtis Brown Prize.He has published 10 novels for adults and 5 for younger readers,includingThe Boy in the Striped Pajamaswhich was aNew York TimesNo.1 bestseller and was made into a Miramax feature film.His novels are published in over 50 languages.His other works are also listed on the screen for your reference.That’s all from me.Thank you!


Discussion Director:Thank you!Next let’s invite the Travel Tracer to share with us the sketch of the changes of the setting in this chapter because we know this is crucial for the development of the whole story.

Travel Tracer:OK.Let me introduce the changes of the setting in this chapter.First,please turn to Page 5.Today’s action begins in Bruno’s home where he finds the maid Maria is packing his belongings.The key events happen on Page 6 where Bruno’s parents are arguing,probably about the upcoming move.Finally today’s events end on Page 9.Bruno goes upstairs to help Maria pack with a deep sigh.That’s my understanding of the changes of the setting.Thanks for listening.


Discussion Director:OK.Next,we’d like to welcome the Connector to show us the connections she has found between the stories and the outside world.Let’s welcome.

Connector:Hello,everyone.First,Bruno regarded his sister Gretel as a Hopeless Case,because he was concerned if his parents showed preference for her.It’s a very common phenomenon existing in today’s families with more than one child,since kids are all longing for parents’wholehearted love.Second,Bruno drove his sanity away when he was told he had to say goodbye to his friends.This makes me think of the moment we are about to experience when we are to graduate and step into a fresh new world.We also will be swept by loneliness and heartbroken to bid farewell to old friends.It is very inspiring.Third,the story reminds me of the different values between us and our parents since Bruno and his parents are concerned about quite different things on the forthcoming departure.Finally,let’s shift our attention to one particular scene you may not have noticed.When Bruno intends to speak out his own thoughts,his mother always ruthlessly stops his interruption.We all know the misunderstanding and arguments are often rooted in the insufficient mutual communication.Therefore,communication between kids and parents is of paramount importance.Those are some of my opinions,thank you!


Discussion Director:Alright,having talked so much about the plot,let’s now talk about something practical—vocabulary.The Vocabulary Enricher is going to share with us some useful words and expressions in this chapter.

Vocabulary Enricher:OK.Now I will show you some useful words and expressions which might be helpful for your writing.Look at the screen here.You may underline them in the passage and then some examples from the dictionary are for your reference.

Some of the phrases mentioned are listed below:


twist her hands together nervously(P6,L1)

The rims of her eyes were more red than usual.(P6,L34)


nod his head(P7,L1)

He repeated,spluttering out the words as if his mouth was full of biscuits that he’d munched into tiny pieces but not actually swallowed yet.(P8,L46)

raise an eyebrow(P9,L2)


Discussion Director:OK.Finally,let’s welcome the Summarizer to give us a short summary of our discussion today.

Summarizer:Let me begin with the summary of the story in Chapter 1.Coming home from school,Bruno was astonished to find Maria,the maid,was packing all his belongings.Inquiring mother about what was happening,he was told that the whole family would move because of his father’s job.Thinking of his friends and other things to be left behind,Bruno felt upset but to yield.I hope this summary will help you have a better grasp of this chapter.Also,in today’s discussion we have covered the introduction to the author,the changes of the setting as well as some useful phrases.Hopefully,you will apply those phrases to your writing.Particularly,our Connector did a quite excellent job because she has connected the story in this chapter to some real phenomena in our society such as different values between kids and parents,insufficient communication between kids and parents,siblings’relationship and so on.Again,let’s give her a big hand!(Applause)Next week,we want to focus our attention more on writing style which we don’t have time to cover this week.That’s all from me.Thank you!




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