洪永沛 张敬涛
摘 要: 通过改进的非微扰量子电动力学(QED)理论,研究了强激光场中激发分子产生的高次谐波,并分析了能量低于电离阈值的谐波随激光波长的变化.研究结果表明:当激光光强较高时,氧分子产生的谐波极小值是多个分子轨道独立产生的谐波相互干涉的结果;随着入射光波长的改变,单个分子轨道辐射的谐波出现π相位的突变,导致总谐波谱中出现了极小值;当光强较低时,总谐波由最高占据分子轨道(HOMO)产生的谐波主导,总谐波极小值即为HOMO谐波极小值.另外,随着激光波长的改变,单个复合通道产生的谐波也会发生π相位的突变,与不同复合通道产生的谐波相干叠加后造成单个分子轨道谐波的极小值.
关键词: 低阈值谐波; 分子轨道谐波; 谐波干涉
中图分类号: O 437.1 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 10005137(2019)04039307
Abstract: In this paper,the nonperturbative quantum electrodynamics(QED) theory was developed to study the highorder harmonic generation from the molecules irradiated by the strong laser field.The relationship between the harmonics with energy below the ionization threshold and the laser wavelength was analyzed.It was found that the minimum of harmonics generation from oxygen molecules by high light intensity laser field is the result of interference of multiple molecular orbitals.As the wavelength of incident laser changed,the harmonic phases of single molecular orbital appeared to be πphase mutations,resulting in minimum among the total harmonic.When the light intensity was lower,the total harmonic was dominated by the harmonics generated by the highest occupied molecular orbit (HOMO).Therefore,the total harmonic minimum was the minimum of the HOMO harmonic.Besides,with the change of laser wavelength,the harmonic generated by a single return channel would also have a πphase mutation.The harmonics generated by different return channels were coherently summed up to produce an interference minimum of a single molecular orbital harmonic.
Key words: belowthreshold harmonic generation; harmonic of molecular orbital; harmonic interference
0 引 言
3 结 论
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