
2019-10-28 07:56:50新加坡
世界建筑导报 2019年5期





深化单位:Architects 61 Pte Ltd

景观设计:ICN Design International Pte Ltd


Size: 34,317 m2

Client: National University Hospital (Singapore) Pte Ltd

B+H Services: Architecture Design, Interior Design, Medical Planning

Executive Architect: Architects 61 Pte Ltd

Landscape design: ICN Design International Pte Ltd

Status: Completed in 2018

新加坡国立大学口腔医学中心(NUCOHS)坐落于新加坡国立大学肯特岗校区东门旁边,现为国立大学医学组织新成员。就总体规划层面而言,此建筑将整座校园串联起来,促进校园内部沟通和交流。国立大学医学组织塔楼、国立大学医院、新加坡国立大学心脏中心、新加坡国立大学癌症中心、国大杨潞龄医学院和新建的NUCOHS 之间通过大片公共绿地连接,校园与当地公交交通站点连通,辅以有顶走廊、地下通道和人行天桥。


业主最初是希望打造一个集合教学、医疗和实践功能的一体化设施。这些功能通常设置在设施相互独立的位置及不同楼层,以满足这些功能的不同需求。随着可持续城市和社区理念的发展,建筑类型之间的日益融合,建筑环境内部空间界线也日益模糊. 建筑旨在打破了教学、医疗和实践之间的界线,体现了一种全新的建筑形式。B+H的设计采用了综合设计方式: 邻近的教学空间内可灵活实现医疗处理:医生和临床医师可在共享休息室内交流,整个大学可共用此学习空间。



NUCOHS 大楼立面设计采用大面积玻璃材质落地窗,利用水平遮阳保持舒适的室内环境,同时借助



Situated at the eastern gateway to the National University of Singapore Kent Ridge Campus, the National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore (NUCOHS) is the newest addition to the National University Health System.

On a master plan scale, the building plays a unique role in the connectivity of the overall campus, to facilitates ease of movement and accessibility. A large landscaped Green Area provides outdoor civic spaces to connect the National University Health System Tower Block, National University Hospital,National University Heart Centre, Singapore and National University Cancer Institute, Singapore, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and NUCOHS, while a strategic network of bridges and covered walkways link the NUS campus and its users to the convenience of public transit.

B+H’s design aims to establish a multi-disciplinary facility that includes capacity for clinical dental services,education, and research facilities - all under one roof and easily accessible between one function and department to the next.

The original brief for NUCOHS called for a combination teaching, healing, and practice facility. Typically,these types of facilities address the diverse needs of these functions in separate wings, on separate fl oors.As building typologies blur and merge to create dynamic and sustainable cities and communities, so too do the boundaries of our spaces within our built environments. The design tends to create a new building typology that obscures the lines between teaching, healing, and practice. Our integrated design allows flexibility for treatments to take place proximate to tutorial space, where doctors and clinicians can rub shoulders in shared lounges, and learning environments are shared with the entire university.

To support an environment of learning excellence, comprehensive suites are designed for students and teachers that support everything from fully equipped surgical suites to suites equipped to serve those with special needs.Flexibility is built into tutorial spaces through configurable learning environments, which can adapt to suit various teaching styles, while seminar rooms are equipped with features that further promote gathering and collaboration. Finally, simulation areas are designed as contiguous open spaces to promote interaction.

The design incorporates natural green spaces directly outside the building, as well as within the structure of the building itself. Through an extensive use of native trees and shrubs, the landscape plan creates green spaces that require as little maintenance as possible. Green concrete and environmentally friendly products build a healthy foundation for the overall design. In addition to the outdoor landscaped areas, which act as main pedestrian traffic spaces, level one of the building features a green outdoor public space, while level fi ve incorporates a rooftop terrace and level nine integrates a green courtyard into its design.

The facade design for the NUCOHS tower features extensive use of glass through fl oor-to-ceiling windows.Horizontal shading is provided to maintain a comfortable interior environment while articulated louvres maximise daylight and views, and temper solar gain. On the other hand, the design for the tower uses natural daylight as much as possible to save costs on artificial lighting, and to increase the health and wellbeing of occupants and users. NUCOHS has been awarded BCA Green Mark Platinum under Non-Residential category by BCA in 2018.

The design also explicitly provides for the expansion space required to support anticipated growth.‘Futureproo fi ng’ is achieved by reserving space for undergraduate growth and additional dental services capacity. Reserve space for additional operatory modules is matched by additional capacity designed into labs and lecture/seminar facilities and the capacity of the building infrastructure (mechanical and electrical systems and lifts) to accommodate the future state.

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