
2019-10-21 09:31宋卫章余丰戴智豪何忠祥余虎邢飞雄严骅
电机与控制学报 2019年5期

宋卫章 余丰 戴智豪 何忠祥 余虎 邢飞雄 严骅

Abstract:Aiming at the disadvantage of the conventional PI controller of three-phase VIENNA rectifier, which has poor input AC static error and anti-load disturbance dynamic performance, a load current feed-forward proportional resonant(PR) control algorithm for VIENNA rectifier was proposed. PR controller is used to eliminate the phase difference between the input voltage and current effectively as well as realize the tracking without static error. The load current feed-forward compensation link is embedded outside the current closed loop, and the load disturbance information is directly acted on the current through the feed-forward link, which improves the dynamic adjustment time of anti-load disturbance and enhances the system immunity. The performance of the proposed method was compared with that of traditional PI control strategy. The test results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively enhance the dynamic performance and input power factor under load disturbance operation condition.

Keywords:VIENNA rectifier; proportional resonant control; load current feed-forward; static error tracking control; power factor control

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比例谐振(proportional resonant, PR)控制器是近些年新提出的一种控制器[10],它是通过在谐振频率处极大的增益来实现对交流信号的无静差控制。PR控制器目前常被应用于有源前端整流器、不间断电源、新能源发电等领域[11-15],然而带负载电流前馈的PR控制在VIENNA整流器上的应用研究目前还未见报道。针对上述不足,本文将PR控制器拓展至三电平VIENNA整流器瞬时值闭环控制中,实现对交流电流的无误差跟踪控制,同时将负载电流前馈控制引入到控制策略中用来提高系统动态性能。

1 基于PR控制器的VIENNA整流器系统  图1为VIENNA整流器拓扑结构,由三相不控整流桥和3个双向功率开关构成,每个双向开关由2个共发射极的IGBT构成。输入侧由升压电感Ls和等效电阻Rs串联组成,直流侧由2个串联电容C1、C2与负载RL并联组成。

4 结 论


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