新目标英语九年级Unit 1单元要点检测题

2019-10-21 06:07
中学生英语·中考指导版 2019年9期



(    )1. —Mark makes it a ______ what he got as his 15th birthday gift.

—But some of his friends have already known.

A. joke               B. mistake           C. secret

(    )2. —Why didnt you invite Jim to join us?

—I did, but he ______ several times that he was busy.

A. repeated             B. called         C. sounded

(    )3. —How can he succeed after so many failures?

—He is hard working and good at ______ mistakes.

A. learning about     B. learning from C. hearing about

(    )4. —Our ______ work very quickly while we are taking an exam.

—Only in this way can we get better grades.

A. brains               B. bodies           C. skills

(    )5. —We brought too much trouble to her, but she didnt seem to mind it.

—We should write her a thank you note for her patience and ______.

A. saying           B. ignoring       C. understanding

(    )6. —I only copied math homework once, and the math teacher let me say sorry in class.

—______. You really did wrong.

A. Its a piece of cake   B. It serves you right   C. It doesnt matter

(    )7. —Did the lost kid find his mother?

—Sure. When the mother saw her baby, a happy ______ crossed her face.

A. expression         B. attitude       C. memory

(    )8. —He cant listen and speak. How can he communicate with others?

—He can use sign ______ to tell people what he thinks.

A. words           B. language         C. pronunciation

(    )9. —Why do I have to practice the piano every day? Its boring.

—Be patient, son. ______ makes perfect.

A. Interest           B. Hope             C. Practice

(    )10. —The workers are building a new railway.

—Sure they are. This railway ______ London ______ Edinburgh.

A. changes; into       B. compares; with     C. connects; with   二、完形填空。(共15小題,每小题2分,计30分)

We may have many difficulties in life, and sometimes its even unfair for someone, but it depends on how you face them. Sally is a student from a university, she made a    1    last August. She decided to take her grandmother    2    their hometown and live with her in a rented room (出租房) near her school.

Sallys family have met a lot in the past few years. Her grandmother    3    her legs and she could walk only with a stick. Her father died because of illness. Sallys mother plagued (受折磨) by these events, she lost the    4    to take care of others. “This was the only choice. No one else could    5    my grandma, ” Sally explained. Her grandmother has also had a    6    life. The old womans three sons have all died, and Sally couldnt leave her alone where    7    could look after her. A room with two beds, a desk and a table is their new home. The room    8    her several hundred yuan every month. In order to make money, Sally works in a supermarket after class and spends the money    9    the family. “I was brought up by my grandma, and now its my    10    to take care of her,” said Sally. When she was young, her grandmother “magically” prepared every meal    11    for her every day, even though she could not    12    a clock.

In the eyes of Sallys teacher, the girl is a(n)    13    student. “Though taking care of her grand- mother takes her lots of    14   , Sally has tried to stay on top of all her courses. She is even preparing for an English singing contest,” her teacher said. Sally even    15    the help from others. “Its kind of like only getting without giving,” she explained. At present, the girl is able to support the home with her weak shoulder.

(    )1. A. promise     B. decision     C. living

(    )2. A. from       B. in           C. to

(    )3. A. kicked B. tied C. broke

(    )4. A. hope B. ability C. dream

(    )5. A. look for B. wait for C. care for

(    )6. A. homeless B. boring C. hard

(    )7. A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody

(    )8. A. pays B. takes C. costs

(    )9. A. supporting B. building C. finding

(    )10. A. hobby B. interest C. turn

(    )11. A. in time B. on time C. at times

(    )12. A. read B. notice C. see

(    )13. A. unlucky B. careful C. excellent

(    )14. A. money B. spirit C. energy

(    )15. A. accepted B. asked C. refused



Mr. Thomas had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals. But first he had not had enough money, and after he had married, his wife had not wanted him to leave her. At last his wife agreed to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.

“But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr. Thomas warned her, “It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it may be dangerous.”

“I dont care,” said his wife, “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds and a refrigerator, which did not need electricity and many other things, which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the middle of Africa.

The first morning, before Mr. Thomas took his gun and left the tent, he gave his wife a bell and explained to her, “If you feel in danger and you need me, ring this bell and Ill come at once.”

After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned quickly to the tent. “Whats the matter?” he asked. “Nothing,” said his wife, “I was only trying the bell.”

Mr. Thomas went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang again. Mr. Thomas hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “Im sorry. I want cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.”

Mr. Thomas returned to his hunting, but soon he heard the bell once more. This time, when he got back to his camp, the tent was burning and Mrs. Thomas was lying on the ground, with blood running from a big cut on her leg. “Thats better!” said Mr. Thomas, “This time the bell had been used correctly!”

(    )1. Mr. Thomas went to Africa ______.

A. because he wanted to make his wife happy

B. to make more money

C. after getting his wifes permission

(    )2. Which is NOT the reason why Mr. Thomas didnt want his wife to go with him?

A. The trip would be very hard.         B. The weather was bad.

C. She would feel very lonely.

(    )3. Mr. Thomas gave his wife a bell to ______.

A. tell him when she feels in danger       B. ring for fun

C. keep the dangerous animals away

(    )4. What does the underlined word “hunting” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Shooting animals.     B. Traveling outside. C. Going camping.                     (    )5. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mrs. Thomas rang the bell twice.

B. Mr. Thomas didnt believe his wife.

C. Mrs. Thomas brought trouble to his husband.


Alices mother died when she was five years old. Although her nine brothers and sisters were loving and caring, they couldnt take the place of a mothers love. The year was 1925, and life was hard. Alice, who grew up to be my mother, told me that her family was too poor to even afford to give her a doll.

In December 1982, I had a job at a bank. One afternoon, we were decorating (裝饰) the tree in the bank hall, getting ready for the Christmas season. One of my customers came to me with a beautiful handmade dolls. She was taking orders for Christmas. I decided to get one for my daughter, Katie, who was almost five years old, and one for my mother, one with gray hair and glasses: a grandmother doll.

Things really started to fall into place when a friend had told me that his dad, who played Santa Claus in my area—would be willing to make a visit on Christmas morning to our home to send my Katie her presents!Knowing that my parents would be there as well, I began to get ready for what would turn out to be one of the most memorable days of my mothers life.

Christmas Day arrived, so did Santa Claus. Katie was surprised that Santa had come to see her at her own house, the happiest I had ever seen her in her young life.

As Santa turned to leave, he looked once more into his bag and took out one more gift. As he asked who Alice was, my mother replied that she in fact was Alice. Santa handed her the gift, along with it was a message card.

My mother couldnt speak but only clasped (拍打) the doll she waited fifty seven years to receive as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. That doll, given by“Santa”, made my mother the happiest “child” alive.

(    )6. When Alice was young, ______.

A. she wasnt happy being cared by her brothers and sisters

B. her brothers and sisters hoped to give her mothers love

C. a doll was too much for her family to afford

(    )7. The writer wanted to buy the handmade dolls ______.

A. because the seller was one of her customers

B. so that she could send one to her mother and one to her daughter

C. if her parents would be at her home for Christmas

(    )8. The underlined sentence “Things really started to fall into place” in paragraph 3 means ______.

A. everything was going on well

B. I couldnt believe my ears

C. things were going out of my control

(    )9. Why was the writer sure it would turn out to be one of the most memorable days of her

mothers life?

A. Because her mothers child dream would come true.

B. Because they would have a special guest on that day.

C. Because her daughter would have a doll at the age of five.

(    )10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. It was actually Santa who sent Alice the doll.

B. Katie didnt expect that Santa would come to her home.

C. Alice was sixty two years old that year.


When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is“no”. In many countries, people c  1   learning all their lives.

Why is lifelong (终身的) learning i  2  ? How can it help you?

You go to school and learn. You study. You take tests. But learning doesnt only h  3   in school. Learning doesnt end when you g  4   from high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can happen when you go to a museum. It can also happen when you get a j  5  . You learn when you take sports or when you take a trip. Learning is l  6  !We never stop learning. Every day you can i  7   yourself by learning something new.

Lets look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan. In Japan, lifelong learning is very important. People in Japan like to t  8   new learning activities. Music, calligraphy (书法) and foreign l  9   are some of their popular classes.

When we graduate from school, we should keep on learning. Make lifelong learning one of your g  10  !

1. c________   2. i________   3. h________   4. g________   5. j________

6. l________   7. i________   8. t________   9. l________   10. g________

五、书面表达。 (计10分)



1. 阐述对英语学习的态度或看法;

2. 介绍过去学习英语时碰到的困难以及你是如何解决这些困难的;

3. 介绍一至两条你学习英语的方法。








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