Throughout Chinese civilization'sfive thousand years there have been an ocean of poems, songs and essays as well as numerous scientific inventions. Papermaking, printing,gunpowder, the compass, iron founding, the astroscope, the seismoscope … all shine with the wisdom of the Chinese people.
TheIllustrated History of Chinese Science &Technologyseeks to carry on these traditions.With stories as the introduction, following a chronological line, with copious historical evidence at hand, the books give detailed description of the process and specific steps of various scientific inventions. The vivid illustrations bring to life ancient China's outstanding science achievements, helping young readers to get a clear outline of each invention and understand its key procedures.The books include a DIY activity designed for children, a superb method for inspiring children's interest in science and enlightening
中国人从来就不缺创新的精神和能力,中国人也从来不缺与世界分享文明成果的胸怀,历史上所有的发明成果,都被广泛传播,并深远地推动了人类科技事业和文明的发展。their draw wisdom and strength from tradition.
As readers turn from one beautifully illustrated page to another they will realize that each invention was the fruit of long experience and the crystallization of profound wisdom. Let us explore the achievements of ancient Chinese scientific civilization and continue to innovate while carrying on the traditions, so that the light of Chinese wisdom shines ever brighter and forever more.