
2019-10-14 03:18郭海智郭亮王连胜
现代电子技术 2019年19期

郭海智 郭亮 王连胜

摘  要: 为了克服当前网络入侵检测模型存在的局限性,以获得更加理想的网络入侵检测结果,设计基于特征优化的网络入侵检测模型。首先研究当前网络入侵检测建模现状,分析特征对网络入侵检测结果的影响,然后建立网络入侵检测的特征优化数学模型,通过模拟自然界生物进化的自适应遗传算法对特征优化数学模型的解进行搜索,对最优解反编码得到入侵检测的最优特征子集,最后根据最优特征子集对网络入侵检测的学习样本进行建模,设计最优的网络入侵检测模型。采用网络入侵检测的标准数据集进行仿真对比测试,文中模型的网络入侵检测平均正确率大约为95%,而当前其他网络入侵检测模型均在95%以下,同时该模型的入侵检测建模训练和检测时间大幅度减少,能够获得更优的网络入侵检测效率。

关键词: 网络安全; 入侵行为; 网络入侵检测; 学习样本建模; 检测模型; 特征分析

中图分类号: TN915.08?34                       文献标识码: A                        文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)19?0068?05

Abstract: In order to overcome the limitations of current network intrusion detection model and obtain more ideal network intrusion detection results, a network intrusion detection model based on feature optimization is designed. The current status of network intrusion detection modeling is studied. The impact of features on network intrusion detection results is analyzed. A feature optimization mathematical model of network intrusion detection is established. The solution of the feature optimization mathematical model is searched by means of adaptive genetic algorithm simulating the biological evolution in the natural world. The optimal feature subset of the intrusion detection is obtained by anti?coding the optimal solution. The learning samples of network intrusion detection are modeled according to the optimal feature subset, and the optimal network intrusion detection model is designed. The standard data set of network intrusion detection is adopted for simulation and comparison test. The average correct rate of the network intrusion detection model proposed in this paper is about 95%, and that of other network intrusion detection models is lower than 95%. The time consumption of training and detection of the intrusion detection model proposed in this paper is greatly reduced. The network intrusion detection efficiency is improved.

Keywords: network security; intrusion behavior; network intrusion detection; learning sample modeling; detection model; feature analysis

0  引  言







1  基于特征优化的网络入侵检测数学模型



5  结  语



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2012 年南海夏季风特征分析