
2019-10-12 02:43赵凤展杜松怀单葆国井天军赵婷婷
农业工程学报 2019年14期

赵凤展,郝 帅,张 宇,杜松怀,单葆国,苏 娟,井天军,赵婷婷


赵凤展1,郝 帅1,张 宇2,杜松怀1,单葆国3,苏 娟1,井天军1,赵婷婷2

(1.中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083; 2. 国网北京市电力公司,北京 100031;3. 国网能源研究院,北京 102209)

配电台区日负荷序列呈现为既包含变化趋势、又含有波动细节的不规则曲线,该文借助变分模态分解(variational mode decomposition,VMD)将包含这些信息的原始日负荷序列分解为不同频率尺度的子序列,并结合一系列复杂的环境因素,分别利用不同的最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LSSVM)模型进行负荷预测,最后将基于不同频率分量的预测结果相加得到最终的日负荷预测结果。为了提高LSSVM预测能力,采用蝙蝠算法(bat algorithm,BA)对各LSSVM的参数进行寻优,同时,该文分析了影响负荷变化的环境因素,设计了一套因素归一化方法,预测过程考虑了环境因素的影响。仿真结果表明,该文提出的考虑复杂环境因素的预测思想及对历史日负荷进行VMD分解、BA优化、LSSVM预测的组合预测方法能有效提高短期日负荷预测的准确性。


0 引 言


现有的短期负荷预测方法主要是多种传统预测方法[5]及以人工神经网络、支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)等为代表的机器学习方法[6-7]。机器学习方法在处理多因素问题(如气象因素)方面具有更强的学习和模拟能力,预测效果更好。SVM具有小样本预测、泛化能力强等特征;最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LSSVM)是SVM的一种改进,继承了SVM的优点,用平方差损失函数代替不敏感损失函数,用等式约束代替不等式约束,将二次规划问题转为求解线性方程,降低了求解复杂性,更适用于短期快速预测[8-9]。


在预测前对数据进行预处理可有效降低数据的不规律性带来的干扰[10]。文献[13]采用集成经验模态分解(ensemble empirical mode decomposition,EEMD)将原始非平稳负荷序列分解成一系列具有不同特征的子序列。变分模态分解(variational mode decomposition,VMD)是一种非递归、变模式的分解方法,克服了EEMD递归求解的缺点,谐波分离效果更好[14]。文献[15]采用VMD-模态重构方法得到了信号的3个分量,各分量在不同频率尺度上特点明显;但对于短期日负荷预测来说,还需着重分析各分量在一日内的变化特性。

另外一些最新的负荷预测文献考虑利用人工智能算法对预测模型进行参数优化[16]。文献[17]和文献[18]分别采用粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)和BBFMA(bare bones fireworks algorithm)进行LSSVM参数优化。文献[19]采用蝙蝠算法(bat algorithm,BA)对SVM参数进行优化,结果表明借助参数优化可以降低预测误差;而LSSVM与SVM相比待优化参数更少,所以,采用LSSVM预测可加快参数优化及预测速度。文献[20]采用BA-LSSVM优化最小二乘支持向量机的惩罚参数和核参数,与PSO-LSSVM相比具有更高的精度。


1 负荷影响因素分析


2 变分模态分解

日负荷序列看似波动且无规律,但是经过变分模态分解(variational mode decomposition,VMD),便可得到由不同频率表征的趋势分量及波动分量。与EEMD的递归筛选原理不同,VMD采用非递归、变模态原理将信号分解成一系列有限带宽子序列;VMD具有更好的谐波分离能力,并且每个分序列具有更好的规律性[21-22]。

2.1 变分模态分解的具体步骤






2.2 变分模态分解的算法流程





3 蝙蝠算法–最小二乘支持向量机


3.1 最小二乘支持向量机及其回归过程

最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LSSVM)是一种成熟的机器预测方法,作为SVM的扩展,LSSVM将最小二乘损失函数作为损失函数,并用等式约束条件替代SVM中的不等式约束条件;LSSVM保留了结构风险最小化、小样本等特点,大大降低了计算复杂度[24]。






3.2 蝙蝠优化算法

蝙蝠算法(bat algorithm,BA)是一种新兴的寻优算法,BA克服了遗传算法、粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)等算法执行时间长,性能与初始值有关及参数敏感等缺点[24-25];BA可以在局部搜索和全局搜索之间动态转换,搜索过程具有更好的收敛性[26]。






5 算例分析

5.1 算例概况


2)输入数据:分别为2017年1月10日至2017年1月23日、2017年2月2日至2017年2月15日、2017年2月17日至2017年3月2日的24 h负荷数据及日环境数据,见表2。


4)预测目标:分别预测2017年1月24日、2017年2月16日、2017年3月3日这3 d的24 h负荷值。

5.2 预测结果对比分析


图2 基于VMD-BA-LSSVM的短期日负荷组合预测流程图

表2 2017年1月10日至23日的负荷及环境数据

注:()为负荷日类型变量;()为天气变化类型变量。 Note:() is load day type variable;() is weather change type variable.

图3 原始负荷序列及各模型预测序列

5.3 误差对比及效率分析


表3 各组合模型3次预测的平均预测误差及计算用时


Note: VMD-BA-LSSVM(0) is without considering weather change type.





3)VMD-BA-LSSVM比VMD-LSSVM、VMD-PSO- LSSVM误差更低,优化速度更快,这表明相比不优化或PSO优化,BA的优化结果更优,且参数优化速度更快。


6 结 论






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Short-term load forecasting for distribution transformer based on VMD-BA-LSSVM algorithm

Zhao Fengzhan1, Hao Shuai1, Zhang Yu2, Du Songhuai1, Shan Baoguo3, Su Juan1, Jing Tianjun1, Zhao Tingting2

(1.,100083,; 2.,100031,; 3.,102209,)

With the wide application of all kinds of electrical equipment in the distribution system, the power load has increased in recent years, which has a great impact on distribution network. Thus, forecasting the short-term daily load is required. Combining the advantages of VMD, LSSVM and BA, a novel VMD-BA-LSSVM short-term daily power load forecasting method was designed, and the complex environmental factors were considered in this paper. Least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) is a classical machine prediction method, which has the advantages of small sample size, powerful generalization ability and fast solution. However, with the gradual improvement of forecasting accuracy requirements, simple LSSVM can’t guarantee the accuracy of the forecasting work. The daily load sequence of the distribution transformer presents an irregular curve containing variation currents and fluctuation details. These information can be separated and predicted respectively in the prediction process, thus better prediction results can be obtained. Although the daily load sequence seems to be fluctuant and irregular, the trend component and wave components in different frequency scales can be obtained by the variational mode decomposition method (VMD). Compared with the process of recursion and screening in EEMD, VMD is characterized by its non-recursive and variable mode. VMD decomposes the original load sequence into a series of specific band-limited subsequences, which aims to decrease instability. VMD has the better capability of harmonic separation, and each subsequence has a better regularity. In this paper, the VMD was used to decompose daily load sequence of a day and yield a series of subsequences with specific frequencies. Subsequences were put into four LSSVMs for the respective forecast. Different parameters in LSSVMs were optimized by the bat algorithm (BA). Meanwhile, the affection of the complex environmental factors was studied and the normalization approach of those factors was proposed. Thus, complex environmental factors were considered in forecasting. The procedures of this prediction method were as following: Firstly, the input data of the method was the daily load data with a one-hour interval and daily environmental data with a one-day interval of the previous 14 days. The daily load sequence (1 row and 24 columns, 1×24) was decomposed by the VMD method and yielded four low-to-high frequency subsequences. Secondly, the four subsequences of the previous 14 days were combined into four 14×24 matrices. Thirdly, the normalized data of the four matrices and environmental data were put into four LSSVMs to forecast the load of the 15th day. Meanwhile, the parameters of LSSVM were optimized by BA. The last, the four LSSVMs results were summed and yielded the final prediction result. In this paper, the VMD was used to decompose nonlinear, fluctuant daily load sequence and yield subsequences with different frequency scales. Subsequences were combined and put into LSSVMs for the respective forecast. Simulation results showed that the forecasting accuracy of VMD-based forecasting method was higher than EEMD-based method. At the same time, LSSVM was used to forecast, and BA was used to optimize the uncertain parameters. The simulation results showed that compared with SVM, LSSVM had a better capability to approximate the load sequence, and got higher prediction efficiency. LSSVM had less uncertain parameters than SVM, thus the efficiency of parameter optimization was higher. Furthermore, BA had excellent capability of global optimization and rapid convergence. Simulation results showed that the proposed method was the most accurate and efficient method, compared with other five forecasting methods.

algorithms; power; load forecasting for the distribution transformer; variational mode decomposition; least squares support vector machine; bat algorithm; complex environmental factor






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赵凤展,郝 帅,张 宇,杜松怀,单葆国,苏 娟,井天军,赵婷婷. 基于变分模态分解-BA-LSSVM算法的配电网短期负荷预测[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(14):190-197. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.14.024 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhao Fengzhan, Hao Shuai, Zhang Yu, Du Songhuai, Shan Baoguo, Su Juan, Jing Tianjun, Zhao Tingting. Short-term load forecasting for distribution transformer based on VMD-BA-LSSVM algorithm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(14): 190-197. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.14.024 http://www.tcsae.org

Opening flexible resources by integrating energy systems: A review of flexibility for the modern power system