王颖 崔静 李浩 田甜 刘晶晶 吕蔚萍
【摘要】 目的:观察经鼻胃管和经鼻空肠途径肠内营养在重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)中的应用效果及对临床预后的影响,以寻求安全有效的营养方式。方法:回顾性分析2016年9月-2018年9月本院行肠内营养支持的56例SAP患者的临床资料。根据肠内营养的不同方式分为鼻胃管组和鼻空肠管组,各28例。观察两组肠内营养治疗的相关并发症、感染并发症、器官衰竭、禁食时间、肠内营养持续时间、住院时间、住院费用、手术干预及死亡情况。结果:两组肠内营养相关并发症、感染并发症、器官衰竭发生率、禁食时间、肠内营养持续时间、住院时间、手术干预及死亡率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),但鼻胃管组住院费用低于鼻空肠管组(P<0.05)。结论:鼻胃管与鼻空肠管肠内营养在营养相关并发症及感染并发症方面无差异,且操作方便,容易耐受,费用低廉,安全性好,具有代替鼻空肠管的可能性。
【关键词】 重症急性胰腺炎; 鼻胃管; 鼻空肠管; 肠内营养
Study on the Application of Different Enteral Nutrition Methods in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis/WANG Ying,CUI Jing,LI Hao,et al.//Medical Innovation of China,2019,16(19):0-042
【Abstract】 Objective:To observe the effect of enteral nutrition through nasogastric and nasojejunal tube on severe acute pancreatitis(SAP)and its effect on clinical prognosis in order to seek safe and effective nutrition.Method:The clinical data of 56 patients with SAP who received enteral nutrition support from September 2016 to September 2018 were retrospectively analyzed.According to the different ways of enteral nutrition,they were divided into nasogastric tube group and nasojejunal tube group,28 cases in each group.The complications,infection complications,organ failure,fasting time,duration of enteral nutrition,hospitalization time,hospitalization expenses,surgical intervention and mortality of two groups were observed.Result:The enteral nutrition-related complications,infection complications,incidence of organ failure,fasting time,duration of enteral nutrition,hospitalization time,surgical intervention and mortality in two groups were compared,the differences were not statistically significant(P>0.05),but the hospitalization cost of nasogastric tube group was lower than that of nasojejunal tube group(P<0.05).Conclusion:There is no difference in nutrition-related complications and infection complications between nasogastric tube and nasojejunal tube enteral nutrition,it is easy to operate,tolerable,inexpensive and safe,and nasogastric tube has the possibility of replacing nasojejunal tube.
【Key words】 Severe acute pancreatitis; Nasogastric tube; Nasojejunal tube; Enteral nutrition
First-authors address:Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450000,China
急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis,AP)是一種由多种原因导致的胰酶在胰腺内被激活,继以胰腺局部炎症反应,伴或不伴有其他脏器功能改变的疾病[1]。大多数AP病情有自限性,预后良好,但20%~30% AP患者出现严重胰腺出血坏死而发展为重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP)[2]。在急性感染期,存在单个或多个器官功能不全,以高代谢、高分解为特点,长期的高消耗状态容易使患者出现营养不良,这时,如果让患者处于长期禁食状态,就会导致肠屏障功能受损,进而引起肠道内毒素和细菌的易位,引发一系列的胰腺及胰腺外的并发症,因此,应适当地增加营养物质的供应,以促进器官功能的恢复。有关营养支持治疗的相关研究表明,SAP患者肠内营养在感染并发症及病死率等方面明显低于全肠外营养[3-4]。总的来说,相比于肠外营养,肠内营养与人体正常生理营养方式更相符[5-6]。目前肠内营养较常用的实施方式为经鼻胃管肠内营养和鼻空肠管肠内营养两种。由于经空肠营养支持可以避免头相、胃相、十二指肠相对胰腺分泌的刺激[7],目前最常见的肠内营养的实施方式是鼻空肠管途径,但是经鼻空肠置管难度大,对操作者的技术要求较高,需要内镜及X线引导下完成,而经鼻胃管途径可在床边进行,且操作简单。两种方式在重症急性胰腺炎肠内营养上的优劣性需要更多研究证据。本研究根据实施肠内营养的不同方式分为鼻胃管组、鼻空肠组,比较肠内营养治疗的相关并发症(反流、误吸、恶心呕吐、腹痛加重、腹泻、胃潴留等)、感染并发症及器官衰竭发生率、肠内营养持续时间、住院时间、住院费用、死亡率等方面的差异。现报道
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