陈千财 佀国涵 谢媛圆
摘要:通过田间试验研究了氮、磷、钾用量对西兰花产量、质量和养分利用率的影响。结果表明,随着施氮量(240~480 kg/hm2)的增加,西兰花产量、生物量和干物质量均呈现出先增加后降低的变化趋势,以330~405 kg/hm2施氮量最高。當氮、磷、钾用量分别超过330、135和255 kg/hm2时,对产量的增加效果有限。330~405 kg/hm2施氮量能够获得较高的氮、磷、钾累积量,磷、钾用量分别超过135和255 kg/hm2时会降低植株氮素累积量,但对磷、钾累积量的影响不显著。施氮量为240~405 kg/hm2时氮肥利用率和氮肥农学利用率分别达到了43.10%~47.66%和16.25~16.72 kg/kg。施氮量的增加促进了西兰花硝酸盐的累积,但是降低维生素C含量,而糖酸比和灰分则呈现先降低后增加的变化趋势。总之,在磷、钾用量分别为135和255 kg/hm2的基础上,施氮量为330~405 kg/hm2时,西兰花能够获得较好的产量、质量和氮肥利用效率。
中图分类号:S635.3 文献标识码:A
Abstracts: Field experiment was carried out to study the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) amount on yield, quality and nutrient use efficiency of broccoli. The results showed that with the increase of N application (240~480 kg/hm2), the yield, biomass and dry matter of broccoli increased first and then decreased, and the highest N application rate was 330~405 kg/hm2. When the amount of N, P and K exceeded 330, 135 and 255 kg/hm2,respectively, the effect of yield improvement was limited. N application with 330~405 kg/hm2 could obtain higher N, P and K accumulation. When P and K application exceeded 135 and 255 kg/hm2,respectively, the N accumulation of plant reduced, but the effect on P and K accumulation was not significant. Nitrogen use efficiency and agronomic use efficiency reached 43.10%~47.66% and 16.25~16.72 kg/kg respectively with 240~405 kg/hm2 of N application. Nitrogen application increased nitrate accumulation in broccoli, but decreased vitamin C content, while sugar-acid ratio and ash content decreased first and then increased. In a word, broccoli can obtain better yield and quality and nitrogen use efficiency when the amount of P and K was 135 and 255 kg/hm2,respectively, and with the 330~405 kg/hm2 of N application.
Key words: yield; quality; nutrient accumulation; nitrogen use efficiency; agronomic use efficiency
西兰花(Brassica oleracea var. italica)又名青花菜等,其营养丰富具有较高食疗功效[1],已成为各国消费者喜爱的高档蔬菜[2]。研究表明,施肥是影响青花菜产量、品质的重要因素[3,4]。增施氮肥可提高青花菜产量,在施氮(N)肥基础上适当配施磷(P)钾(K)肥增产效果更好[5-7]。氮、磷、钾最适用量方面的研究差异较大,浙东沿海绿雄90西兰花对N+P+K组合互作最佳需求量为881 kg/hm2,即为纯N 489 kg/hm2、P2O5 191 kg/hm2、K2O 201 kg/hm2[7]。而优秀品种的氮、磷、钾需求量为555 kg/hm2,即为纯N 277.5 kg/hm2、P2O5 111 kg/hm2、K2O 166.5 kg/hm2[7]。张朝轩等[8,9]研究发现上海城郊西兰花最适氮、磷、钾用量分别为371.35、102.66和172.04 kg/hm2。郭有福等[10]通过西兰花肥效研究认为高原地区最佳施肥量为纯N 520.84 kg/hm2、P2O5 141.3 kg/hm2和K2O 68.0 kg/hm2。由此可见,品种对施肥的影响比较大。虽然在西兰花施肥方面开展了大量的研究,但是主要分布在河北、宁夏、上海和甘肃等省(市)区。