
2019-09-11 18:51
初中生·考试 2019年8期


I worked harder and harder now. I slept for only a short time each night, and I did not eat much food. I wrote to my family less often. But they loved me and did not stop writing to me. They said they understood how busy I was. They did not want me to stop work to write or to see them. They would wait until I had more time. They hoped to see me very soon.

The professors realized that I was doing very important work, and so they gave me my own laboratory. There was a small flat above the laboratory, where I lived, and sometimes I stayed inside the building for a week and did not go out.

Above the laboratory I built a very tall mast1. It was 150 metres high, and higher than the tallest building in the city. The mast could catch lightning and could send the electricity2 down to my machine in the laboratory. I had never forgotten the lightning that had destroyed the tree. There had been so much power in the electricity of that lightning. I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead.

I will say no more than that. The secret of my machine must die with me. I was a very clever scientist, but I did not realize then what a terrible mistake I was making.

In my laboratory I made a body. I bought or stole all the pieces of human body that I needed, and slowly and carefully, I put them all together.

I did not let anybody enter3 my laboratory or my flat while I was doing this awful4 work. I was afraid to tell anybody my terrible secret.

I had wanted to make a beautiful man, but the face of the creature5 was horrible. Its skin was thin and yellow, and its eyes were as yellow as its skin. Its long black hair and white teeth were almost beautiful, but the rest of the face was very ugly.

Its legs and arms were the right shape, but they were huge. I had to use big pieces because it was too difficult to join small pieces together. My creature was two and a half metres tall.

For a year I had worked to make this creature, but now it looked terrible and frightening6. I almost decided to destroy7 it. But I could not. I had to know if I could put life into it.

I joined the body to the wires from my machine. More wires joined the machine to the mast. I was sure that my machine could use electricity from lightning to give life to the body. I watched and waited. Two days later I saw dark clouds in the sky, and I knew that a storm was coming. At about one oclock in the morning the lightning came. My mast began to do its work immediately8, and the electricity from the lightning traveled down the mast to my machine. Would the machine work?

At first nothing happened. But after a few minutes I saw the creatures body begin to move. Slowly, terribly, the body came alive. His arms and legs began to move, and slowly he sat up.

The dead body had been an ugly thing, but alive, he was much more horrible. Suddenly I wanted to escape from him. I ran out of the laboratory, and locked the door. I was filled with fear at what I had done.

For hours I walked up and down in my flat. At last I lay down on my bed, and fell asleep. But my sleep was full of terrible dreams, and I woke up suddenly. The horrible thing that I had created was standing by my bed. His yellow eyes were looking at me; his mouth opened and he made strange sounds at me. On his yellow face there was an awful smile. One of his huge hands reached towards me…















●Frankenstein: 弗兰肯斯坦,小说主人公的名字。出于对科学的盲目追求,他制造了似人的怪物,并因此丧命。这个词也成为了常用的英文典故。人们用Frankenstein,Frankenstein monster或Frankensteins monster(弗兰肯斯坦的怪物)来指代威胁其创造者的东西。例如:Many people think that the atomic bomb is a Frankenstein monster.(很多人认为,人类制造原子弹是自招灭亡。)类似的人名典故还有:Pandoras box(潘多拉之盒),指灾难、麻烦、祸害的根源;Uncle Tom(汤姆叔叔),指逆来顺受的人。

●laboratory: 实验室,简写为lab。英文中经常会将一个较长的单词裁减为一个简单易懂的词,例如refrigerator→fridge冰箱; automobile → auto汽车。


去年年底,“基因编辑婴儿事件”的出现引发了一场关于科学与生命伦理的大讨论。许多人提到赫胥黎(Huxley)那本著名的长篇小说《美丽新世界》(Brave New World)。书中描绘了一个想象中的未来世界,人类在严密的科学控制下,在工厂中被整齐划一地制造出来。事实上,最早讲述“人造人”的故事,并对人类滥用科学技术可能带来的后果进行反思的,是19世纪英国女作家玛丽·雪莱(Mary Shelley)。


故事中,弗兰肯斯坦是一位年轻科学家的名字,即维克多·弗兰肯斯坦(Victor Frankenstein)。他出身名门,刻苦勤奋,却狂热于生命起源的研究,妄图利用最新的生物学知识征服死亡。在大学的秘密实验室里,维克多利用从停尸间采集的人类肢体和器官,拼接出一具人体,并利用雷电赋予其生命。可当这人形躯体睁开眼的那一刻,走火入魔的维克多才意识到“造人”行为的愚蠢。眼见他的创造物身高二米五,面容可怖,形同怪物(the monster),维克多逃走了,怪物也不知所踪。可对维克多及其家人来说,真正的灾难才刚刚开始。


(王希茜 / 赏析)

第25章 终极嘱托
Chapter 25 The final wish 第25章 终极嘱托