Application of green design in office space

2019-09-10 12:54辛冬昱
科学导报·学术 2019年26期

Abstract:At a time when China's industrialization is constantly developing,the problem of environmental pollution is becoming more and more prominent.In the face of deteriorating environment,people are increasingly looking forward to a green ecological living environment.Therefore,in line with the requirements of sustainable ecological development,green office buildings began to enter people's field of vision,and gradually became a hot topic of discussion in the moment.Office buildings play a very important role in our lives.They are one of the most frequently used buildings in addition to residential buildings.Our office buildings have created many problems at the same time as the scale of development,the destruction of the environment and There is a lack of consideration for the physical and mental health of users,so research on the design of green office space is extremely urgent.

Keywords:Green;environmental protection;ecological;office space

I.Office space design status

With the development of social economy and science and technology,human material civilization has reached new heights.At the same time,construction dust,construction waste,urban waste heat and so on have also triggered a series of environmental problems.In a modern,diversified,fast-paced city,office buildings have become one of the most representative types of buildings.Office buildings in modern cities not only provide places to meet the needs of people's office,but also largely symbolize the city's modern level and economic strength.However,the development of office buildings in China faces various crises and challenges:on the one hand,the demand for high-speed growth has promoted the sales of office buildings and office buildings,so that many real estate developers do not pay attention to the impact of office buildings on the environment and users.On the other hand,due to the “over-engineering” of some designers,that is,the office design uses a tedious design strategy and sensational decorative materials to express the luxury of the office environment and the corporate image,resulting in many built office buildings.High energy consumption,low energy efficiency,and indoor environmental quality problems,"sick building syndrome" has begun to occur on a large scale in China.

A good office environment should meet the needs of office efficiency,meet the spiritual needs of the people and contribute to the physical and mental health of the employees,realize the simultaneous sustainable development of employees and enterprises,achieve harmony in all aspects,and enable employees to communicate well.On the basis of interpersonal relationships,employees can feel a sense of belonging in order to achieve employee happiness.Because psychologists have confirmed through research that the key to success is not simple hard work and harmonious interpersonal relationships.The key is whether people have lasting happiness.

II.Requirements for green environmental protection in office space design

Green building aims to guide construction activities from a sustainable perspective.It aims to seek harmony between nature,architecture and people,and is committed to reducing the cost of building use and maintenance,from the life cycle of buildings and their components.Start,consider the impact of its performance on the economy,the environment,and society,thus creating a healthy and comfortable artificial environment.Green building not only emphasizes the full consideration and use of environmental factors in the planning and design stage,but also ensures the least impact on the environment during the construction process.It also pays attention to the operational stage to provide people with healthy,comfortable,low-cost and harmless activity space.Environmental hazards are minimized.

As society pays more and more attention to the green office environment,some achievements have been made in research so far.The connotation of green office can be summarized as the optimal working environment in the unit,so that employees can work well and work hard in this indoor space.

In order to meet the design requirements of the green office environment,it is necessary to start from the energy-saving and resource utilization of the office environment,and at the same time ensure the balance between green environmental protection needs,office function requirements and human physiological and psychological needs.Efficient energy conservation involves the effective use of light source processing,“small climate” implementation,sound source control and the use of office equipment,while resource utilization includes the rational use of green energy-saving materials and resource technologies.

III.Application of Green Environmental Protection in Office Space Design

The green environmental protection design of modern office space meets the needs of people's office,but also protects and respects the natural environment and achieves sustainable development.With the development of ecological building design,the advancement of science and technology,and the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection,the exploration of green office space design has gradually enriched in theory.Green eco interior design refers to the design of indoor space that can provide people with environmental protection,energy saving,safety,health,convenience and comfort.The concept of applying green interior design in the design of modern office space is not only a technical consideration but also more important.It is a kind of conceptual update,which requires more thinking in the planning and layout of the space,and experiential feelings into the activities of the space.




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