
2019-09-10 23:46栾明亚徐永红齐兴四陈浩毛涛房良
青岛大学学报(医学版) 2019年3期

栾明亚 徐永红 齐兴四 陈浩 毛涛 房良

[摘要]目的分析不同危險分级胃间质瘤(GISTs)的超声内镜(EUS)特征的差异性及其影响因素。方法收集经EUS检查、并经病理明确诊断为胃GISTs病人142例,分析其一般资料及EUS特征,总结不同危险分级胃GISTs的EUS特征的差异性及其影响因素。结果142例胃GISTs中,71例位于胃底(50.0%),60例位于胃体(42.3%),11例位于胃窦(7.7%)。胃GISTs直径为0.50~8.00 cm,平均(2.42±1.63)cm。根据术后病理肿瘤大小及核分裂象,分为高危组10例(7.0%)、中危组15例(10.6%)、低危组47例(33.1%)、极低危组70例(49.3%)。138例(97.0%)起源于固有肌层,1例起源于黏膜肌层(0.7%),3例起源于黏膜下层(2.0%)。85例表现为回声不均(59.9%),32例存在液化表现(22.5%),18例存在钙化(12.7%),13例病变表面溃疡形成(9.2%)。单因素分析显示,不同危险分级组肿瘤大小(F=7.872,P<0.01)、起源层次(χ2=14.994,P<0.05)、回声异质性(χ2=21.472,P<0.01)、边界不清(χ2=9.970,P<0.05)、表面溃疡(χ2=21.352,P<0.01)、液化(χ2=23.388,P<0.01)发生率差异有统计学意义,而年龄、性别、肿瘤位置、钙化、小叶间隔差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。将低危、极低危归类为低危组,中危、高危分级归类为较高危险分级GISTs,Logistic多因素回归分析显示,EUS下病变回声不均匀(OR=5.07,95%CI=2.42~10.62,P<0.01)、边界不规则(OR=6.80,95%CI=1.46~31.6,P<0.05)、存在液化(OR=7.80,95%CI=2.79~21.79,P<0.01)的GISTs为较高危险分级的风险增加。结论EUS显示内部回声不均、液化、边界不规则的胃GISTs病人病理较高危险分级的概率增加。



[ABSTRACT]ObjectiveTo analyze the endoscopic ultrasonographic (EUS) features of gastric stromal tumors (GISTs) with different risk classifications and their influencing factors. MethodsThe clinical data of 142 patients were collected whose GISTs were diagnosed by EUS and further confirmed by pathology. The general data and EUS features were then analyzed, and the differences in EUS features between GISTs with different risk classifications and their influencing factors were summarized as well. ResultsOf the 142 cases of GISTs, 71(50.0%) were located in the gastric fundus, 60(42.3%) in the gastric body, and 11(7.7%) in the gastric antrum. The diameter of GISTs ranged from 0.50 cm to 8.00 cm, with a mean of (2.42±1.63) cm. According to the size and mitotic count of postoperative tumors, 10 patients (7.0%) were assigned to high-risk group, 15(10.6%) to medium-risk group, 47(33.1%) to low-risk group, and 70(49.3%) to extremely low-risk group. Of all the cases, 138(97.0%) originated from the muscularis propria, 1(0.7%) from the muscularis mucosa, and 3(2.0%) from the submucosa. Eighty-five cases (59.9%) showed echo heterogeneity, 32(22.5%) had liquefaction, 18(12.7%) had calcification, and 13(9.2%) had surface ulceration. Univariate analysis showed that there were significant differences regarding tumor size (F=7.872,P<0.001), layer of origin (χ2=14.994,P<0.05), echo heterogeneity (χ2=21.472,P<0.01), unclear boundary (χ2=21.352,P<0.01), surface ulceration (χ2=21.352,P<0.01), and liquefaction (χ2=23.388,P<0.01) in GISTs with different risk classifications. However, there were no significant differences in age, gender, tumor location, calcification, and interlobular septum (P>0.05). The low-, and extremely low-risk GISTs were categorized as lower-risk GISTs, The medium-, and high-risk GISTs were categorized as higher-risk GISTs. Logistic multivariate regression analysis showed that echo heterogeneity (OR=5.07,95% CI=2.42-10.62,P<0.01), irregular boundary (OR=6.80,95% CI=1.46-31.6,P<0.05), and liquefaction (OR=7.80,95% CI=2.79-21.79,P<0.01) were associated with an increased risk of higher risk classification. The differences between their influencing factors were significant. ConclusionEUS showed an increased risk of higher risk classification in GISTs with echo heterogeneity, liquefaction, and irregular boundary.

[KEY WORDS]gastrointestinal stromal tumors; endosonography; risk assessment








病变部位包括胃底、胃体、胃角及胃窦;起源层次包括固有肌层、黏膜下层、黏膜肌层;胃GISTs的侵袭危险分级参照NIH2008(改良版)标准进行评估,侵袭危险性分为极低、低、中、高危[4-5]。极低危组(A组)为胃GISTs核分裂象≤5/50 HPF,最大径≤2 cm;低危组(B组)胃GISTs核分裂象≤5/50 HPF,2 cm<肿瘤最大径<5 cm;中危组(C组)胃GISTs核分裂象(6~10)/50 HPF,肿瘤最大径≤5 cm;高危组(D组)胃GISTs最大径>5 cm,核分裂象计数不限。


采用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计学分析,计量资料结果以±s形式表示,多组间比较采用单因素ANOVA方差分析;计数资料以百分比表示,组间比较采用卡方检验;多因素分析采用Logistis回归分析。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。







本组病例均经术后病理明确危险分级,其中极低危组70例,肿瘤直径0.5~2.0 cm,平均(1.20±0.42)cm;低危组47例,肿瘤直径2.0~5.0 cm,平均(3.08±0.68)cm;中危组47例,肿瘤直径1.7~9.8 cm,平均(4.57±1.85)cm(其中有2例胃GISTs最大径<2 cm,分别为1.7、1.8 cm,均为女性,年龄分别为55、67岁;病变分别位于胃底、胃体,均起源于固有肌层;EUS呈低回声表现,内部回声不均匀,未见明显钙化、液化);高危组10例,肿瘤直径1.8~8.0 cm,平均为(4.80±2.14)cm(其中1例直径为1.8 cm,女性,年龄63岁,病变位于胃底,起源于固有肌层;EUS提示低回声,病变呈类圆形,向腔内外突出,以腔内为主,内部回声尚均匀,边界尚规则,无液化、钙化及表面溃疡形成;彩色多普勒示无血流信号,弹性成像以蓝色为主。









EUS也可以根据肿瘤大小、边界、液化等超声特征对胃GISTs进行良恶性鉴别,阳性预测值达80%[14-15],对不同危险分级胃GISTs治疗方案的选择具有重要指导意义。有研究对38例胃GISTs病人分析显示,术前危险分级评估与术后病理分级符合率为79%[19]。PALAZZO[20]研究结果显示,肿瘤直径>4 cm、表面溃疡、回声不均匀伴液化、边界不规则等是GISTs的恶性特征。JEON等[21]的研究发现,直径>3 cm、边界不规则、表面溃疡形成均提示较高危险分级。还有研究显示,侵袭危险性高的胃GISTs在EUS下常表现出回声不均匀、液化、溃疡形成、外形不规则、钙化等特点 [17,22-24]。本研究回顾性分析142例胃GISTs的一般资料及EUS特征,结果显示,不同危险分级的胃GISTs病人肿瘤大小、起源层次、回声异质性、表面溃疡、液化发生率等存在差异,EUS诊断为胃GISTs且存在回声不均、液化、边界不规则表现者病理危险分级为较高危险分级的概率增加,因极低危分级胃GISTs中均无溃疡形成,所以未对溃疡行Logistic回归分析。该研究结果与国外研究基本一致。

对于直径≤2 cm的间质瘤称为小间质瘤,其生物学行为多表现为良性或惰性经过,但有极少数病例可表现恶性潜能[25-27]。薛倩等[28]对≤2 cm的胃GISTs病人进行 EUS 随访,结果显示肿瘤直径及面积在短期均有增加趋势。SAWAKI等[29]报道1例胃GISTs病人肿瘤直径在2年内由1.8 cm增大至10.0 cm,且在2年内死亡。本文研究中,肿瘤最大直径<2 cm的胃GISTs病人中有3例术后病理明确诊断为中高危分级,其中1例术后病理提示高危分级,EUS图像呈类圆形,边界欠规则;余2例为中危分级,EUS均表现为内部回声不均匀。提示肿瘤大小并不是判断胃GISTs危险分级的绝对指标。EUS表现为回声不均、液化或溃疡形成,同样提示较高侵袭危险可能,这与相关研究结果一致[30]。

综上所述,不同危险分级胃GISTs病人的年龄、性别、肿瘤位置分布均无差异性,EUS拟诊为胃GISTs且EUS下存在液化、回声不均、边界不规则表现病人病理危险分级为较高危的概率增加,应积极行内镜或手术治疗。对于EUS拟诊胃GISTs但EUS图像无特征性表现、且肿瘤直径≤2 cm的病变应EUS下随访,一旦出现肿瘤直径增大、回声不均、液化、边界不规则等表现应积极干预。EUS在胃GISTs危险性评估中有重要作用,可为临床医师选择治疗方案提供依据。


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(本文编辑 黄建乡)