A Study of the Current Situation and Common Problems of Chinese Domestic Style Au Pair

2019-09-10 14:26:34胡涛刘浩天
校园英语·月末 2019年4期

胡涛 刘浩天

【Abstract】Au Pair mutualism is the first spontaneous youth activity in Britain, France, Germany and other countries, which originated more than 100 years ago. It is a cultural phenomenon: a special custom for young foreigners to learn the language of a country and experience the culture of the country in a host home, and to do some work for the family for the family. Aupair was first introduced into China by commercial institutions (about 2001), This article studies the problems and the current situation of the Chinese au pair students, and also puts forward some corresponding solutions when discussing these problems. It provides a reference and theoretical basis for some Chinese young people who want to participate in au pair programs and some mutually beneficial platforms.

【Key words】domestic style Au Pair; current situation of the market; exist problem; solve method


1. The Background and Significance of the Study

1.1 The Background of the Study

With the development of China, more and more Chinese young people begin to contact western culture. Both western education and Western folk culture have begun to walk into the vision of Chinese people. Many young people in order to better experience this cultural collision caused by cultural differences, accept different cultural and educational ideas, and taste different diets. However, Au Pair is short time to enter and lack of theoretical support and corresponding legal guarantee in China. However, with the development of Chinese cultural strength, China has begun to pay attention to the gap in the field of meaning and is trying to explore a more perfect theory and a sound platform for Au Pair.

1.2 Literature Review

Foreign Research

Laura Mellini&Carrie Yodanis&Alberto Godenzi studied showed the confuse of the au pair how to play role in the host family that whether the Au pair can be treated as a member of a family, and the host father further shapes how the au pair defines and experiences her role.Dalgas studied tell that au pair project have been carried in Filipina out over ten years, some people think that it is a a way to migrate that maybe increase the payment of domestic workers. They will understand deeply the true meaning of wisdom that is no pay no gain.

2. An Overview of China Domestic Au Pair Students

2.1 The Definition of the Au Pair

Au Pair originated from the spontaneous youth activities of countries such as Britain and France more than 100 years ago. The homestay family will make the au pair a family member, not only provide the corresponding pocket money for the au pair, or study in the country where the target family is located.

2.2 The Background in Abroad

Au Pair is a cultural exchange project in Europe in 1950, and today, Every year, tens of thousands of young students from the West are boarding through the project to the local families. While helping the children of each family grow up, which is mutually beneficial.

3. Present Situation And Problems of China Domestic Au Pair Students

The Domestic Status of Au Pair Students. The Advantages and Disadvantages of China Domestic Au Pair Students.

In recent years, the popularity of foreign languages has been widespread in China. Moreover, Chinese families generally attach importance to children’s education, so many

4. Solutions of the Problems of China Domestic Au Pair

4.1 Analysis of the Problems of China Domestic Au Pair

Whether the Au Pair Student is Equal to the Problem of the Nanny.

Because the Au Pair students need to take care of the children and some family work for the local families, in the eyes of some people, there is no difference in the work of a reciprocal and family nanny.

4.2 Solutions to the problems of China Domestic Au Pair

Solutions to the Problems of the Au Pair Students Themselves.Young people can participate in some social practice activities or participate in some social work and volunteer work before participating in the au pair project. Grow up in practice, constantly improve their personal ability, cultivate their independent ability, and temper their strong will.

5. Research Conclusions and Enlightenment

The establishment of China’s au pair program helps to promote cultural exchanges between regions and regions. It also helps to provide young people with an opportunity to broaden their horizons and appreciate foreign cultures. we also enlighten us that in the different cultural atmosphere, we should also let their spiritual level be sublimated and cultivate a new personality with the spirit of social dedication.


[1]Dalgas. Becoming Independent Through Au Pair Migration[J]. Self-making and Social Reposition Among Young Filipinas in Denmark[J]. Identities,2015(3):333-346.

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