Healing trauma with hip hop 用嘻哈疗法治愈创伤

2019-09-10 07:22谷战峰
疯狂英语·新阅版 2019年8期




1.trauma n. 精神创伤

2.tribute n. 悼念;致哀

3.counselor n. 辅导顾问

At the New Visions School, hip⁃hop therapy(疗法) has become part of the school culture. Students rap about being stressed about grades, tests and relationships. After a girl in the senior class  committed suicide in October, some of her classmates coped by making a hip⁃hop video tribute that was shown at a school talent show.

Taliesha Thompson, 15, said she now raps whenever she feels pressure building inside her. “It has opened me up more,” she said. “Im very shy and quiet. I keep everything to myself.”

The hip⁃hop program growing out of an after⁃school club started in 2014 by Ian

P. Levy, a school counselor who is developing a model for hip⁃hop therapy as part of his research at Teachers College. Mr Levys students recorded 20 songs expressing their views on social justice. “When sad events happen, its important that students have a space to digest them,” Mr Levy said.

This school year, Mr Levy also introduced a music class at the school, called Hip⁃Hop Lyricism, which allows students to earn credits for their study. One ninth grader who was reading and writing below grade level recently downloaded an App to expand his vocabulary for songwriting.

Stacey King, the school principal, said hip hop had helped her connect with students like Ishmel Prince, who used to miss school two to three times a week because he could not get up. She bought him an alarm clock. He still did not show up.

But that changed last month after Mr Levy and 19 students were invited to rap live on a morning talk show hosted by Sway Calloway on SiriusXM Radio. Ishmel signed a contract with Ms King, promising to go to school, pass his classes, and get extra tutoring in return for being allowed to go to the show. He kept his word.

“Ishmel, now when I look at your atten⁃dance record, I get to know you better and better. I have a better relationship with you,” Ms King said.

“Hip?Hop Psychology is a great concept. Hip hop has the power as a culture to reach out to people and speak to certain people through a mixture of different urban art forms; it has helped me to find who I am,” said Ishmel.


1.What can be inferred about Ian P. Levy according to the text?

A.He managed to develop a model for hip⁃hop therapy for students.

B.He adopt a music class to let students earn credits for their study.

C.He believes hip hop helps teachers and students know each other better.

D.He regards hip hop as the only way to help students relieve their sadness.

2.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 6 refer to?

A.Stacey King signed a contract with Ishmel Prince.

B.Ishmel Prince still did not show up at the right time.

C.Stacey King bought an alarm clock for Ishmel Prince.

D.Ishmel Prince missed school two to three times a week.

3.What can be inferred about hip⁃hops healing power according to the text?

A.It helps students get rid of sadness.

B.It helps most of us to reflect upon ourselves.

C.It helps every student to attend school regularly.

D.It helps to build a better relationship among certain people.


Complete the following phrases according to the text.

1.产生于;由……产生    grow out

2.扩大某人的词汇量                        ones vocabulary

3.与……簽订合同/协议                       a contract with

4.作为(对……)的回报        in return

5.守信                                  ones word

Rejection therapy 拒绝疗法
Receptive and Productive Vocabulary in Language Teaching
球迷悼念 这一夜为沙佩科恩斯足球队流泪