The most transformative discoveries and innovations take place at the junctures where disciplines converge. Discovery and innovation will be catalyzed by an education system that integrates knowledge and methods across STEM, the arts, and the humanities and requires students to ask and answer questions crossing traditional disciplinary boundary lines.
There are three objectives under this pathway:
Advance Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education
Innovation generally depends on a convergence of ideas at the intersection of different fields and sectors to produce new products or processes. In an increasingly competitive global economy, STEM education that emphasizes convergent processes and promotes problem-finding and creativity is needed to accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship. Education in these critical skills should play a larger role in STEM courses for learners from all demographics and communities to provide a pathway for more Americans to contribute to the Nation’s dynamic economy.
Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Review participation rates in federally funded competitions, challenges, and citizen science projects and apply best practices to attract a more diverse and inclusive community of participants where needed.
·Within Federal education and entrepreneurship investments, include support for activities that teach educators effective methods for making entrepreneurship education more inclusive and increasing the participation of underrepresented groups.
·Within Federal education and entrepreneurship investments, include support for activities that teach educators about the creation as well as the protection of intellectual property.
Make Mathematics a Magnet
Mathematics and statistics are foundational to success across all STEM fields of study, providing a universal language to describe and reason about models of real-world phenomena.
Mathematics continues to serve as a gateway to STEM majors that leads to higher-paying jobs and economic mobility. For the United States to produce a vibrant, diverse wave of talent for the future of STEM, mathematics must foster interest in and enthusiasm for science, technology, and engineering, drawing learners more deeply into these subjects—serving as a magnet, not a barrier, to further study.
Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Make Federal data more accessible for use in mathematics, statistics, and other STEM education courses, in user-friendly formats and accompanied by suggestions on how such data could be used in lessons.
·Prioritize support for programs and partnerships that integrate mathematics and statistics education in meaningful and applied contexts, including for educator upskilling.
·Identify and share mathematics and statistics education practices shown to retain diverse learners.
Encourage Transdisciplinary Learning
Problems that are relevant to people’s lives, communities, or society as a whole often cross disciplinary boundaries, making them inherently engaging and interesting. The transdisciplinary integration of STEM teaching and learning across STEM fields and with other fields such as the humanities and the arts enriches all fields and draws learners to authentic challenges from local to global in scale.
In order to conduct transdisciplinary or convergence research, scientists and engineers require a varied toolset that includes deep disciplinary knowledge, an acquaintance with the language and culture of the disciplines of their potential collaborators, and collaboration skills such as communication, ability to work with other people, critical thinking, analysis, and initiative.
Agencies also support STEM learners studying transdisciplinary problems through fellowships, scholarships, grants, and training. Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows partaking in these opportunities gain first-hand insight into how transdisciplinary science and engineering is conducted, and learn about intellectual flexibility, communication, and teamwork.
Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Support research, development, and dissemination of effective transdisciplinary STEM education practices, programs, and policies.
·Expand support for STEM learners studying transdisciplinary problems through internships, fellowships, scholarships, and other training opportunities.
·Ensure that Federal activities in support of the recruitment, preparation, retention, and up- skilling of STEM educators incorporate or reflect transdisciplinary approaches featuring teaching that focuses on local and global community questions.