
2019-09-10 07:22:44克米特·谢尔比
英语世界 2019年2期


Nobody wanted to pick up mama’s new helper that morning. But we drew straws and I was it. The February wind kept spitting snow as I cranked up2 the old Ford. I was blind angry.

This poker-faced3 Nora Bruce and I would have to ride past the schoolhouse. If the other kids saw us I might as well quit school, the way they teased a fellow. Nora being nineteen and my being twelve had something to do with the teasing too.

To make matters worse, here came mama carrying out the foot warmer. The foot warmer was four hot bricks buried in sawdust and tied in a burlap bag. “Oh mama,” I said.

“Now young man you stop acting like John D. Rockefeller,” mama said. “Nora’s old shoes were thin as paper. I noticed in church yesterday. I’d send my Sunday coat, only she would be too stiff-necked4 proud to wear it. Now you be nice to Nora, she’s had it tough.”

Nora’s folks lived in back of a cornfield in an old sway-backed5 house, but they were moving to Arkansas, so Nora was coming to stay with us. Two men with long hair and blue jumpsuits were loading their stove in a wagon when I got there.

Nora came walking towards me carrying extra clean clothes. The wind blew her thin coat. Her dress was clean but faded. Three little kids ran after her, crying, “Nodie Nodie.” Instead of shoes, they wore pieces of an old hat sewed moccasin6 fashion. The snow was ankle deep.

“Now, now,” Nora stooped, hugging all three at once. “If you want shoes, you’ll have to let Nodie go earn ’em.” She kissed them each and climbed in the Ford.

“Hurry,” she said. We bounced down the lane and Nora waved once, then wiped her eyes on the ends of the scarf tied round her head. “That wind is cold,” she said. “They’re not your brothers and sisters are they, Nora?” I asked.

“They’re step-brothers and sisters. But that doesn’t keep me from loving them, does it?” She sounded almost angry. I got to thinking how it would be if dad had died and mama had to get married again to have a place to stay, like Nora’s mother had. If I were Nora, maybe I’d be poker-faced too.

When I reached home that night from school, Nora was churning. She stood straight and let the churn dasher fall as if it were big business. I kept wishing she would smile. “Do you play the piano, Nora?” mama asked hopeful. “No.” Nora’s lips were a straight line.

“I could trade turkey eggs to Miss Thompson to teach you. It wouldn’t cost a penny to learn.”

“I came here to work for my board and clothes, Mrs Betts. Not to play the piano. I don’t want to be in debt.”

“You mustn’t be so proud child. Try to look at it as if you were my daughter. We want to give you a few advantages.”

“I don’t want folks doing favours for me just because I’m poor and they’re sorry for me. That’s the same as begging.”

“My, my. Independent too.” Mama’s smile was the merry-scheming kind. “We’ll see.”

Ordinarily Luke, our hired man, forgot to comb his hair. Tonight he slicked it down carefully. At the table he kept passing things to Nora. She seemed embarrassed at seeing so much food on the table. She took birdlike helpings7.

“You’ll have to eat more than that, Nora,” Dad urged, “or you’ll lose your figure.”

Nora gave him a straight look. “My figure isn’t much, Mr Betts, but it’s what the good Lord gave me.” Luke said hurriedly, “I think slender girls look nice.”

On Saturday Nora rode to town with us in the Ford. “Here’s your week’s wages, Nora.” Mama counted out six dollars. Nora shook her head. “That’s a full week. I didn’t start till Wednesday.” “We don’t punch a time clock8 at our house, Nora.” Mama held out the two bills. Nora’s mouth made a straight line. “I’ll take what I earn. No more.”

“Goodness.” Mama borrowed two one-dollar bills from dad and kept the five. “Are we even now, Nora?” “We’re even,” Nora said. She folded the bills carefully.

“When we get to town,” mama said, smiling, “I’d like to have you help me pick out some dress goods.”

Nora looked interested. “What kind of dress did you have in mind?”

“They’re for you. I thought three or four ginghams9 for everyday and a pretty silk for Sunday. And shoes perhaps.”

Nora shook her head. “I haven’t earned ’em yet. I’d be in debt to you.” “What am I going to do with you, Nora?” Mama sounded helpless and exasperated10. “You can’t have something for nothing, Mrs Betts,” Nora said. “I don’t want to be obligated11.”

Nora wouldn’t go inside the dry goods12 store when we got to town. “I got business at the post-office,” she said, and walked off.

While dad and I were buying groceries mama brought some packages out and laid them on the back car seat. When all of us started home mama asked, “What kept you in the drug store13 so long Nora?”

Nora said, “I got my eye on a crochet needle. I may buy it later.” “How much did it cost?” mama asked. “Twenty-five cents.” “But you had three dollars Nora.” “I did have.” Nora held up a money order stub14. “I sent two seventy-five to Arkansas for the kids. Then I had to buy the money order15 and pay for the stamp.”

I said, “It’s for them to buy shoes, isn’t it Nora?” She nodded. “I promised.”

Mama wiped at her eyes. “I declare, this dust is awful16,” she said.

Later mama opened up the bundles. She laid three gingham pieces on Nora’s knees. Nora looked down at the gingham but didn’t touch it. “It’s pretty,” she said. “They’re yours, child.” Mama unwound the last bundle. “This one’s special. I want you to have them for your birthday.” Mama shook out the wrinkles. It was red silk. A sort of fire-engine colour.

“My birthday’s six months off.” Nora touched the silk with one finger. Like she had to. She rubbed her finger afterwards like a kitten tasting cream. She shook her head sadly. “I couldn’t. I’d be in debt for life.”

“Nora, Nora.” Mama sounded gently chiding17. “You have to take in order to learn how to give. See, I bought a real pretty pattern. And I just love to sew.”

“How much?” Nora asked. “It was charge18,” mama said. “I forgot to ask how much. But we don’t have to pay for it till next fall.”

Nora’s big eyes regarded her steadily. “How much?” Mama sighed and held out the charge ticket.

Nora read the figures, troubled. “Eight dollars and sixty-eight cents. It’s cut off19 now.” She sounded like someone talking to herself. “I promised to buy three pairs of shoes. That comes first. Do you think the store would take it back and hold it until I get the shoes paid out?”

“Nora, let me and John buy the shoes,” mama offered.

“They’re my kinfolks, Mrs Betts and I don’t want them begging. I can’t wear the dresses until they’re paid for. I would be using something that didn’t belong to me.”

“Anyway, I can make them for you, Nora,” mama said, sounding tired. “We can keep them back like a savings account.”

“After I pay for the first gingham one,” Nora said. “I will put it on and wear it. Not before.” She added, “But I thank you for them.”

“Child, child,” mama said, concerned and troubled.

(To be continued)












































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