The latest tech industry buzzwords are AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality). The most prominent example of VR is the Facebook-owned Oculus Rift1 headset, while AR is more commonly associated with smartphone apps such as Snapchat and Pokémon Go. Last week, Apple launched ARKit—a toolkit for developers that will make creating apps like those much easier, thrusting AR back into the headlines. To the casual observer, though, it can be hard to tell the difference. The easiest way to distinguish between VR and AR is whether you can still see the real world (or RR, short for “real reality”, as some insiders perversely2 enjoy calling it) behind the virtual Pokémon. If you can, that is AR. If everything around you is digital—even the hand you hold up in front of your begoggled3 face—you know you are immersed in VR.
Augmented reality
Facebook’s chief, Mr. Zuckerberg, talks about three main uses for AR: displaying information depending on what the camera sees, such as directions or messages; adding digital objects; and enhancing real objects, like your home or your face. Facebook’s “camera effects platform” allows developers and designers to put 3D digital objects inside photos or videos in Facebook, ranging from Snapchat-style selfie masks to virtual graffiti that appears on real walls. Apple’s vision for AR turns this inside out, giving developers access to its camera technology and allowing them to bring the results to their own apps. Its ARKit makes it easy for a designer or app maker to position a digital object in a scene, like putting a virtual coffee cup on your kitchen table. Where VR is a virtual representation of a reality outside our own, AR inserts digital elements into our field of view to augment our existing world.
Virtual reality
If AR mostly uses the devices we already have—smartphones—then VR requires some extra kit. Think of it as a video game that you wear on your face, but with the ability to simulate anything from travel (Google Earth is now on VR) to education (surgery simulators are a popular example). VR headsets such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive put a screen not dissimilar to a smartphone’s just a few inches away from your eyes. When the head moves, the virtual world moves around realistically, thanks to an array of sensors, both inside the headset and, sometimes, set up around the room.
The highest-quality VR headsets today must be tethered4 to a powerful PC or PlayStation games console5 to function. As of this week, some of Apple’s Macs can also support the HTC Vive, too.
A note about video: VR tends to refer to applications and experiences conjured entirely in computer graphics, however realistic. If the world inside your headset is real-world footage filmed using a 360-degree camera, that is generally described as “spherical video” rather than VR.
Mixed reality
Alongside AR and VR, the next acronym being bandied about6 is MR— mixed reality. This is used to describe headsets such as Microsoft’s HoloLens. To confuse things even more, I am now starting to see some techies use XR, a sort of super-acronym to rule them all, where X just seems to stand for “all of the above”. Mixed reality is in some ways the hardest to define because there seems to be little agreement in the industry about what the term means. One way to think about it is it puts AR effects into something like a VR headset, so you see the real world through its lenses.
Microsoft’s HoloLens headset is a kind of eyewear that places digital objects directly in your field of vision that one day will be indistinguishable from real reality.
在科技行业,最新的流行词是AR(增强现实)和VR(虚拟现实)。VR方面最突出的代表是脸书的Oculus Rift头戴式显示器,而AR在智能手机应用中更为常见,如Snapchat和Pokémon Go等。上周,苹果发布了专为开发人员设计的ARKit,这一工具包能让前述应用的开发变得简单,此举让AR再次成为新闻焦点。不过,普通人很难说出两者的区别。其实,区分VR和AR的最简单的方法就是看虚拟Pokémon的背后能否看到真实的世界(很多业内人更愿意称之为RR,即“真实的现实”)。如果能,那就是AR;戴上护目镜以后,如果眼前的一切都是数字化的——包括你自己的手,那么你就是沉浸于VR中。
如果说AR主要使用的是我们早已具备的设备——智能手机,那么VR需要一些其他的工具。可以把它想象成一种要戴在脸上的电子游戏,只是这种电子游戏能够模拟从出行(谷歌地球已有VR版)到教育(如广受欢迎的手术模拟器)的任何事物。以Oculus Rift和HTC Vive为代表的VR头显,屏幕与智能手机的屏幕并无二致,它们把屏幕固定在距离眼睛只有几英寸的地方。借助头显内部以及有时会安置在房间内的诸多传感器,屏幕内的虚拟世界可以随着头部的移动而真实地变换。
当前质量最好的VR头显必须基于高配电脑或PlayStation游戏机进行使用。从本周起,部分苹果Mac笔记本也可以支持HTV Vive了。