[1] 互联网在中国改革开放中的重要作用怎么说都不为过。从2000年开始,中国互联网应用的普及,到现在快20年的时间。尤其是在最后的这15年,互联网为保持高速发展起到了决定性的作用。经济发展有两个东西是至关重要的:第一就是提高生产效率,提升产品质量,生产出更有创意的设计;第二就是保持渠道畅通,使工厂生产的东西以最快的速度、最低的成本送到消费者的手里。互联网在这两个环节都为中国的产业发展起到了决定性的作用。
[2] 互联网的发展在设计理念和设计人才方面极大地缩小了我们与国际先进的国家的差距。我们可以通过互联网以更快的速度获取全球最先进的设计技术和理念。更重要的是通过互联网可以产生更多的效应。这就极大地加快了经济发展的速度。
[3] 在渠道的领域,互联网的效果更加明显,比如电商。老百姓通过互联网更容易表达自己的意愿,更容易对我们现有的一些产品提出一些批评性的意见,而这些也都更好地推动企业的生产,推动政府职能的现代化。首先,是城市人和农村人在获取信息和沟通信息上平等,大家都可以通过互联网实时看到中国的发展和中国城市的发展。互联网刺激百姓谋求美好生活的意愿,并且将意愿化为前行的强大动力。
[1] The importance of the Internet in China’s reform and opening-up can never be overstated. Having been popularized for almost 20 years since 2000, the Internet in China has played a decisive role in its sustainable development, especially in the last 15 years. There are two crucial factors determining economic development: One is to improve productivity and product quality, manufacturing more creatively designed products; the other is to keep the logistics channels open, ensuring the fastest and cheapest delivery of the factory’s products to consumers. In both aspects, the Internet has played a key role in the development of China’s industry.
[2] The development of the Internet has greatly narrowed the gap between us and some internationally advanced countries in terms of design concepts and personnel management. By logging onto the Internet, we are able to access the world’s most advanced design ideas and technologies; more importantly, it can bring about multiple effects, which can greatly accelerate the speed of economic development.
[3] The effects of the Internet become more obvious when it comes to commercial channels, such as in areas of E-commerce. Through the Internet, consumers can convey their views and critical opinions on the products we produce, so as to better improve our industrial production and modernize governmental functions. Most of all, the Internet provides an equal footing for urban and rural people to communicate and obtain information, where the current development of China and its cities can be timely realized. Meanwhile, it also arouses people’s desire for a better life, which turns out to be a powerful driving force to move forward.
[1]中,“怎么说都不为过”似有多种译法,如“that cannot be over-emphasized/overstated”“you cannot stress enough that…”“you can’t play up enough the importance of…”“let me say this as strongly as I can…”等。“生产出更有创意的设计”似有歧义——生产出的应该是产品(products),抑或“富有创意的设计”(be more creatively designed),此处不妨取其更易接受的含义:manufacturing more creatively designed products。(在某方面)“起到了决定性的作用”可用“play a decisive/key role in…”,而“环节”不一定总是link、tache、section、part等,此处aspects即可。
[2]中,“缩小……差距”用“narrow/bridge/close the gap between…”都是可以接受的。“我们可以通过互联网”不宜译成“We are able to do things through the Internet…”,而拟另起一句“By logging onto the Internet, we are able to…”,以更为通顺,更易组织下面的语言。
[3]中的“渠道”(的领域),虽未明确说,但显然是指商务流通领域,故可用commercial channels。(推动政府职能的)“现代化”原文里是名词作宾语,译文则宜调整词序、改变词性,即用其动词形式,为modernize (governmental functions)。“强大动力”似可用powerful motivation、strong impetus / driving force、powerful motor等。