
2019-09-10 07:22:44陶勇王勇
云南教育·中学教师 2019年2期

陶勇 王勇







1. 分析教学内容

这是一节读后教学课。首先,学生需要借助时间轴回顾上一节课所学的阅读文本介绍的英语语言的发展历程;之后学生将会阅读一篇课外拓展的文章:The Road to Modern Chinese.


2. 教学目标




本堂课的难点: 教师要引导学生打开思路,形成开放包容的态度,激发批判性思维,辩证地看待两种语言的影响与发展,有理有据地支撑自己的观点。


1. 回顾上节课的内容





Teacher: As you can see, English has experienced so many changes and finally become one of the greatest languages in the world. Chinese is also one of the greatest languages. But do you know how our mother tongue has developed?

Teacher: Here are some pictures that can tell us the development of Chinese. Let’s see them and tell me what they are.

图一:关于中国古文字的图片,引出Chinese characters;

图二:兽骨上的汉字,引出Chinese written on bones;

图三:秦始皇一统天下的照片,引出Emperor Qin Shihuang and Qin dynasty;

图四:一张有成吉思汗头像的元朝地图,引出Mongolian nationality;

图五:一张清朝满族人的照片,引出Manchu nationality;



在展示完以上六张图片后,教师引出课外拓展的阅读文本“The Road to Modern Chinese”:

The Road to Modern Chinese

At first, about BC 14th century, in Shang dynasty, Chinese characters were recorded on bones or shells. It was recognized as the first type of Chinese characters. Then between about BC 221 and 207, Qin Shihuang, the first formal emperor in Chinese history, built a center government to control the main parts of China, which built the official Chinese writing characters.

Later, from about AD 7th century to 13th century, two great dynasties, Tang and Song, controlled China. It was so popular to write poems that there were a lot of various words and expressions to join Chinese language. At that time, Chinese characters were spread to Japan because Tang dynasty was the most powerful country in Asia. Then, between about AD 13th century and 19th century, some new words and expressions of Mongolian nationality and Manchu nationality enriched Chinese.

Finally, the Chinese national language was settled in 20th century, because the Republic of China began to use the standard Chinese in the whole nation. Now the standard Chinese language is called Mandarin.

學生人手一份阅读材料,先快速阅读并标记时间点(time point),然后教师给出一个中文发展的时间轴,并邀请学生在电子白板上填写句子,学生需要仿照之前英语发展的时间轴填空,并尝试根据时间轴上的信息复述中文的发展历程。




Teacher: Through the history, we find that both English and Chinese have changed a lot and finally settled as great languages in the world.

Teacher: Now, let’s look through the history again and find out what changes have happened to English and Chinese. And why?

Teacher: From AD 450 to 1150, why was English based more on German?

Students: Because England was ruled by German during that time.

Teacher: Why were Chinese characters spread to Japan from AD 7th century to 13th century?

Students: Because Tang dynasty was the most powerful country in Asia.

Teacher: After that, why did English become the language for government and education in India?

Students: Britain was the most powerful country at that time.

Teacher: Then, some new words and expressions of Mongolian nationality and Manchu nationality enriched Chinese, why?

Students: Because the Mongolian nationality and Manchu nationality had controlled China.

Teacher: Why did American English get a separate identity in 19th century?

Students: Because America became more powerful gradually.

Teacher: Why was the standard Chinese national language settled in 20th century?

Students: Because the Republic of China was founded.

Teacher: What can you find from these events in language’s development?

Students: The country’s power will influence language’s development.

Teacher: Very good. Can you tell me the specific relationship between the country’s power and language’s development?

Students:If a country becomes stronger and more powerful, its language will influence other languages deeply.


4. 思考中英语言之间的相互影响


Teacher: In 21st century, when Chinese meet English, how will they influence each other? Now, think about the influence on Chinese and on English. You can do the brainstorming with your partners.

Teacher and students come up with some ideas:


咖啡coffee;互联网Internet;绿色食品 green food;因吹斯汀(interesting)滑稽有趣的;“我想打个taxi”;“我要成为CEO,走向人生巅峰!”

- 你真好看!



得出结论:English enriches Chinese vocabulary and expression, and changes people’s thoughts. Also, China has the largest number of English learners.


Tai Chi 太极;Kungfu 功夫;The Great Wall 长城;panda 熊猫;Sharing bike 共享单车;square dance 广场舞;mountain people mountain sea 人山人海;Long time no see. 好久不见;The Belt and Road.一带一路。

得出结论:Chinese enriches English vocabulary and Chinese culture are introduced and spread with expressions.

In a word, all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate. (这句话来自课文)


至此, 教师进一步发问:

Teacher: English and Chinese have influenced each other. So, what’s the final result in future? Here are three possible results. Which one do you prefer?

Teacher: Now, let’s make a debate. Choose the opinion which you agree with. It’s an open question so hold your idea and give supporting reasons. I will give you an example:

I support the result A that there will be only one language. I think it’s convenient and easy for us to use just one language to communicate. What’s more, we don’t need to spend so much time learning the second language.

Teacher(after students’ expression): What will the language be in future? Only time will tell. (这句话来自课文)

【设计解析】 随着思维深度的层层递进,学生逐步明白语言之间相互影响的背后是国与国之间实力的角逐,当今中文与英语的相互影响,体现出两种文化的碰撞与交融。通过这几个环节,学生的思维更加开阔了,课堂气氛活跃,文化意识也迸发出来了。当学生的思维火花四溢时,教师进一步提出一个更深层次的辩论问题:未来的语言是中文取代英文还是英文取代中文,抑或是多种语言融合形成一门新的语言?这是一个开放性的问题,教师做了一个示范性的观点陈述,学生可以持自己的观点,但是要有理有据。学生在自由陈述其观点时,要在纸上记下主要论据。因为本节课最后还要以读促写,学生的课后作业便是整理辩论的发言,将其观点写成一篇小议论文。

6. 布置作业

Collect the reasons of classmates for the same result. Then finish a short article with the clear parts: your idea, supporting reasons and conclusions.




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