安徽展园以“生态家园”为主题,采用徽派水口园林布局手法,体现徽州传统村落天人合一的生活理念。展园围绕徽派民居建筑“印象古村落”,叠山理水,布局牌坊、亭廊、石桥,树木花草。展示了安徽代表性园艺植物300 多种。园中收集利用民间废弃的旧石板、旧砖瓦、旧石槽、旧柱础等用于建筑、种植槽和休息坐凳。
The Anhui Garden is themed as "ecological home", use the Hui-style water gap garden to show the life philosophy of ancient villages in southern Anhui, "the harmony between human and nature". Uses stone slab bridge, honorific arch,mini waterfall, bar stone revetments and more than three hundred typical plants, layout the landscape materials in unique Hui-style gardening manner,to create an artistic view what is like of an public garden of ancient Anhui villages. The garden collects used bar stones, tiles, stone groves and stone column bases from villages of Anhui in building,make planters and resting stones.
1 总平面/Site plan
1-京徽堂/Jinghui Hall
2-古戏台/Ancient Opera Stage
3-倚翠廊/Yicui Gallery
2.3 园中景象/Day views of garden
4-皖香亭/Wanxiang Kiosk
5-主入口/Main Entrance
6-东入口/East Entrance
7-沁芳桥/Qinfang Bridge
8-北出口/North Exit
9-假山瀑布/Rockwork water fall
10-笔墨纸砚/The "Scholar's Four Jewels"11-南湖/The South Lake
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 安徽省林业局/Anhui Administration of Forestry
主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 王引/WANG Yin
首席景观设计师/Chief Landscape Designer: 王引/WANG Yin
设计团队/Design Team: 安徽经典建设工程(集团)有限
公司/Anhui Jingdian Landscape Co. Ltd
顾问/Consultants: 单德启/SHAN Deqi
材料/Materials: 木材、砖瓦等/Wood, tiles, etc.
植物/Species of Plants: 银缕梅,休宁倭竹,霍山石斛/Shaniodendron subaequale (Hung T.Chang) M.B.Deng,H.T.Wei & X.Q.Wang; Shibataea hispida McClure; Dendrobium huoshanense C. Z. Tang et S. J. Cheng
项目面积/Project Area: 3000m2
建筑面积/Floor Area: 181.56m2
造价/Cost: 3000万元人民币/30M CNY
设计时间/Design Time: 2018.03.06
施工时间/Construction Time: 2018.05.26
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2019.04.20
绘图/Drawings: 王引/WANG Yin
摄影/Photos: 余本富/YU Benfu (fig.2),胡斌/HU Bin(fig.3),王引/WANG Yin (fig.4-7)
4 安徽特有植物:银缕梅,休宁倭竹,霍山石斛/Anhui's featured plants:Shaniodendron subaequale (Hung T. Chang) M. B. Deng, H. T. Wei & X. Q. Wang;Shibataea hispida McClure; Dendrobium huoshanense C. Z. Tang et S. J. Cheng
5 人工假山/Artificial mountain feature
6 生态池塘/Eco pond
7 从背面看安徽园:植被生长良好的山村形象/Back view of the garden: a village image with plants growing nicely
8 雨水滞留入渗图解/Rainwater retention infiltration diagram
9 水系生态设计图解/Ecological design of water system diagram