US company launches“zero-waste”shopping model

2019-08-21 03:15湖北十堰市东风高级中学王世成
疯狂英语·新读写 2019年8期

湖北十堰市东风高级中学 王世成


听 力 扫 障 n.论坛

2.disposability n.可处置性;可弃性

3.deodorant n.除臭剂

4.diaper n.尿布

5.sustainability n.可持续性

扫 码 听 测



In this section,you will hear a passage.After you hear the passage, decide whether each of the statement is correct (A),incorrect(B)or not mentioned(C).

1 TerraCycle is an Americanbased recycling company. A B C 2 Loop is going to be launched in six eastern states in the US. A B C 3 Packaged goods will disappear sooner or later. A B C



1.How much trash do the world's cities produce every day?

A.2 billion tons.

B.3 billion tons.

C.4 billion tons.

2.How much trash is made up of plastic?

A.44%. B.54%. C.64%.

3.How many products will Loop offer in the beginning?

A.100. B.300. C.600.

4.When does Proctor&Gamble intend to use all reusable or recyclable packaging?

A.By 2060. B.By 2040. C.By 2030.

文 本 解 说


题材 零浪费购物模式 体裁 说明文文章词数365 难度 ★★★ 建议用时6′

Environmental experts warn that our planet is drowning in plastic.

The world's cities produce 2 billion tons of trash every year.By the year 2050,that number is expected to rise to 3 billion tons.

The World Bank estimates that the largest amount of trash today,about 44 percent,is plastic.This information comes from a 2018 World Bank report called Trends in Solid Waste Management.

But we often have to buy packaged goods.And often that packaging is made of plastic.

Now,that may be changing.

A new environmentally-friendly shopping model was recently launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland.This shopping model,called Loop,aims to replace throwaway containers with reusable ones.

This is part of what some people call the zero-waste movement.The main belief driving this movement is that much of the trash we create is unnecessary.

Loop is the idea of TerraCycle,an American-based recycling company.Its chief,Tom Szaky,told the Associated Press(AP)that“removing plastics from the ocean is not enough”.He said the point is to get away from disposability and single-use packages.

Instead of throwing away or recycling a container,the product comes in a reusable one.When the product is all gone,someone will collect and clean the old container,fill it up and then return it to you.

At the start,Loop will offer about 300 products.Many of these include products that Americans use every day.And they come from some of the biggest names in business—Procter&Gamble,PepsiCo,Nestlé and Coca-Cola,just to name a few.

Proctor&Gamble makes many personal and health care products,such as soap,deodorants and diapers for babies.The company's vice president and chief sustainability officer is Virginie Helias.She told the AP that the goal of Proctor&Gamble is to use all reusable or recyclable packaging by 2030.

Loop is set to launch later this year in three eastern US states,and also in Paris,France and some of the surrounding area.Then Loop plans to expand to the US West Coast,Toronto,Canada and Britain by the end of this year or early 2020.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text

1.estimate v.估计

2.replace v.代替

3.reusable adj.可重复使用的

4.remove v.去除

5.recyclable adj.可回收利用的

6.surrounding adj.周围的

7.expand v.扩展

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the vocabulary given above.

2.He owned one bookshop and desired tothe business.

3.The old man owns this building and itsland.

Which Is Important?
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