
2019-08-19 02:44:36宫元娟刘德军白雪卫
农业工程学报 2019年12期

宫元娟,邓 楠,刘德军,白雪卫,邱 硕


宫元娟,邓 楠,刘德军,白雪卫,邱 硕※

(沈阳农业大学工程学院,沈阳 110161)

为探究玉米秸秆、豆粕和聚丙烯酸钠混合制备农用保水剂的生产工艺,以最大压缩力、混料水分、压缩速度、豆粕质量分数和聚丙烯酸钠质量分数为试验因素,以成型坯块的松弛密度为评价指标进行二次回归旋转组合试验,优化工艺参数组合并试验验证,在松弛密度的最优范围内分析其对坯块保水性能的影响。试验结果表明:坯块的松弛密度为460~540 kg/m3的条件下,得出最大压缩力为16~20.59 kN,混料水分为8.84%~12.96%,压缩速度为95.56~155.51 mm/min,豆粕质量分数为16.08%~24.02%,聚丙烯酸钠质量分数为4.91%~7.15%的最佳成型工艺参数;坯块的保水效果随松弛密度的增大而逐渐增强,有砂土时释水量随时间变化符合对数模型,无砂土时则符合线性模型,拟合方程的回归系数均大于0.9,成型坯块保水性的分析可靠,可为复合型农用保水剂的应用提供参考。


0 引 言



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料与设备

玉米秸秆采自沈阳农业大学试验基地,2018年10月收获后粉碎至粒度小于4 mm,自然晾干后平均水分小于4%。黄色豆粕粉中蛋白质的质量分数为40%~48%,可提高作物品质,熟化土壤、杀灭或抑制土壤有害菌,实现均衡供肥[25-26]。粘结剂选用高吸水性的聚丙烯酸钠,白色固体粉末,可提高制品稳定性和耐老化性。三者按一定比例混配,定量喷壶均匀喷水调制不同水分的样本后,恒温箱内21 ℃密封储存24 h。参考文献[27]选择砂土粒径小于2 mm,细度模数为3.7~1.6。

压缩设备选用济南试金集团有限公司出品的WDW-200电子式万能试验机,最大压缩力为200 kN,压缩速度范围为1~500 mm/min,成型通用模具内径为50 mm,高度为80 mm,底板可承受的最大压力为25 kN,试验设备示意图见图1。测定混料水分设备采用北京市永光明医疗仪器有限公司的101型电热鼓风干燥箱,以及深圳市冠亚电子科技有限公司的SFY-60远红外快速水分测定仪。

1.试验机开关 2.机架 3.横梁 4.夹头 5.顶杆 6.套筒 7.底座

1.Test equipment switch 2.Frame 3.Beam 4.Chuck 5.Ejector pin 6.Sleeve 7.Base


Note: 5,6 and 7 constitute compression mold in this picture.

图1 压缩试验设备示意图

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of compression test equipment

1.2 试验设计

1.2.1 坯块成型

将混料装入压缩模具,设定试验机的最大压缩力及压缩速度,压成坯块后从模具中挤出,室温保存,待松弛48 h后测量其质量、直径及高度、以松弛密度[28]作为成型效果的评价指标,可体现成型坯块松弛后的稳定性,计算公式如式(1)所示。



表1 因素水平编码表


Note: The block includes corn straw, soybean meal and sodium polyacrylate.

1.2.2 坯块保水性能试验

保水性微观上可表征物质内亲水分子与水分子之间的相互作用强度,宏观上可反映物料在外界环境(如温度、介质)变化时保持水分的能力[29]。为探究成型坯块在干旱区的保水效果,通过干燥箱模拟干旱环境,以箱内温度(20、50 ℃)模拟土壤释水的常温和极高温条件。试验采用坯块在有无砂土介质的2种释水情况来评价其保水性[30],记录数据并进行回归分析。为避免砂土样本间差异影响试验结果,各样本均过标准土筛并风干,保证初始质量与水分的差异可忽略,每组试验重复3次,释水量取平均值。

有砂土释水:室温下特定密度坯块在盛水烧杯中吸水至饱和后,置于盛砂土的有机玻璃盒(100 mm ×100 mm×80 mm)内。记录坯块-砂土的初始质量1,再将其移入预设温度的干燥箱,每隔1 h取出称质量W1,释水量1按公式(2)计算。


无砂土释水:室温下特定密度坯块在盛水烧杯中吸水至饱和,记录初始质量2,再将其放入预设温度的干燥箱,每隔1 h取出称质量W1,释水量2按公式(3)计算。


1.3 试验数据分析

采用Excel 2010对单因素试验数据进行方差分析,利用Design Expert 8.0和Excel 2010处理二次回归正交旋转组合试验及成型坯块的保水性试验数据。

2 结果与分析

2.1 回归模型的建立与分析

根据设计方案进行试验,结果见表2。各成型坯块稳定后的质量为19.24~22.08 g,高度为1.7~2.7 cm,直径变化小于0.02%忽略不计,取5 cm,松弛密度为395.76~586.06 kg/m3。图2为各因素变化影响坯块品质的部分试验样品,豆粕质量分数与压缩速度对坯块表面形态影响显著,其中图2a坯块的豆粕质量分数较大,表面较图 2b更光滑;图2d坯块压缩速度较大,表面较图2c更粗糙。对松弛密度进行回归分析,建立回归模型,结果见表3。

回归方程模型=14.78>0.01(20,38)=2.37,<0.000 1,回归模型极显著;此模型的回归系数2为0.886 1,失拟=1.29<0.05(22,16)=2.26,=0.301 5>0.05,表明目标函数与各因素之间相关性良好,模型预测松弛密度的效果较好。因素1245对松弛密度的影响显著,影响顺序为:最大压缩力(1)>混料水分(2)>聚丙烯酸钠质量分数(5)>豆粕质量分数(4)。交互项121314152334对松弛密度的影响均显著,足够支撑5个响应变量,模型的预测和优化合理。剔除不显著项后的模型回归方程为

表2 成型坯块松弛密度的试验设计及结果

图2 部分成型坯块的试验样品图

Fig.2 Test sample pictures of several formed blocks

表3 松弛密度的回归方差分析

2.2 试验因素的交互作用分析


首先进行抗破坏试验,将成型坯块侧放在WDW-200电子万能试验机平台上,悬梁夹紧压头等速向下运动。松弛密度大于540 kg/m3时,坯块抗破坏强度已达1 000 N,能耗较大;松弛密度小于460 kg/m3时,坯块松软易变形,故松弛密度在460~540 kg/m3时,坯块的抗破坏强度在600~1 000 N,抗破坏能力较好。其次进行吸水试验,发现上述所选密度范围的坯块吸水迅速且不松散。因此,坯块松弛密度的优化范围可设为460~540 kg/m3。

利用Design Expert 8.0绘制等高线图,对交叉项121314152334的交互作用予以分析,结果见图3。


由图3a可知,当松弛密度一定时,混料水分随着最大压缩力增大而减少,说明压缩过程中适宜水分可增大分子间作用力,具有粘结与润滑作用,所以混料水分应相应的增加[21]。由图3b可知,当松弛密度在460~500 kg/m3之间且一定时,压缩速度随着最大压缩力的增大而减小;当松弛密度在520~540 kg/m3之间且一定时,压缩速度随着最大压缩力的增大而增大。由图3c可知,当松弛密度在460~500 kg/m3之间且一定时,压缩速度随着混料水分的增加而减小;当松弛密度在520~540 kg/m3之间且一定时,压缩速度随着混料水分的增加而增大。由图3d可知,当松弛密度在460~500 kg/m3之间且一定时,豆粕质量分数随着最大压缩力的增大而减小;当松弛密度在520~540 kg/m3之间且一定时,豆粕质量分数随着最大压缩力的增大而增大。由图3e可知,当松弛密度在460~500 kg/m3之间且一定时,豆粕质量分数随着压缩速度的增大而增大;当松弛密度在520~540 kg/m3之间且一定时,豆粕质量分数随压缩速度的增大而减小。由图3f可知,当松弛密度在460~480 kg/m3之间且一定时,聚丙烯酸钠质量分数随着最大压缩力的增大而减小;当松弛密度在500~540 kg/m3之间且一定时,随着聚丙烯酸钠质量分数的增大,最大压缩力先减小后增大。

2.3 成型参数优化

以松弛密度(460~540 kg/m3)为试验指标的优化区间,通过软件Design Expert 8.0对回归模型进行分析计算,得出最佳工艺参数为:最大压缩力为16~20.59 kN,混料水分为8.84%~12.96%,压缩速度为95.56~155.51 mm/min,豆粕质量分数为16.08%~24.02%,聚丙烯酸钠质量分数为4.91%~7.15%。

2.4 验证试验

为验证二次回归模型预测的准确性,随机选取一组优化组合(最大压缩力为16 kN,混料水分为11%,压缩速度为130 mm/min,豆粕质量分数为20%,聚丙烯酸钠质量分数为6%),设定10次重复试验取数据平均值,结果如表4所示。

在优化试验条件下,满足秸秆压缩坯块的松弛密度在460~540 kg/m3之间,试验值与预测值之间的相对误差为1.03%,吻合度良好,模型具有较好的可靠性,对秸秆冷压成型工艺具有参考意义。

表4 试验验证结果

2.5 保水性能分析

分别制备松弛密度为460、480、500、520、540 kg/m3的成型坯块,有砂土和无砂土2种试验条件下坯块释水量变化见图4。



a. 坯块-砂土a. Block-sandb. 坯块b. Block

表5 释水量拟合方程

3 结 论

1)成型坯块的最佳工艺参数组合为:最大压缩力为16~20.59 kN,混料水分为8.84%~12.96%,压缩速度为95.56~155.51 mm/min,豆粕质量分数为16.08%~24.02%,聚丙烯酸钠质量分数为4.91%~7.15%。

2)在成型坯块的松弛密度为460~540 kg/m3的条件下得出最优工艺参数范围,满足实际生产中低能耗与高标准的要求。回归模型的试验值与预测值间的相对误差为1.03%,模型可靠,对冷压成型工艺具有参考意义。


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Optimization of forming process parameters and water retention performance of straw blocks

Gong Yuanjuan, Deng Nan, Liu Dejun, Bai Xuewei, Qiu Shuo※


The preparation of straw-based agricultural water-retaining agent is one of the effective ways to utilize crop resources. It can solve the problems of low soil nutrient content and low utilization rate of cultivated land in arid and semi-arid areas of Northwest Liaoning. However, the characteristics of straw such as dispersed texture, low bulk density, high cost in storage and transportation restrict its large-scale and value-added utilization. As a result, the biomass densification technique has attracted wide attention. To the best of our knowledge, the physical properties of the densified products are influenced by the mixing conditions of raw materials, pressing parameters and types of binders, and addition of high protein yellow soybean meal powder into soil can improve the quality of crops, ripen the soil, kill or inhibit soil harmful bacteria, and achieve the balance of fertilizer supply, while the white sodium polyacrylate as the binder can improve the stability and absorption of the products. Therefore, these two components were mixed with straw blocks proportionally to make samples with different water content in this study, then the mixture was loaded into a compression die (50 mm inner diameter and 80 mm height) that controlled by the WDW-200 electronic universal testing machine. The clamp of the testing machine held the die head and keeps the plumb state. After maximum compression force and compression speed were set by a computer, the machine started to move downward, and densified block was extruded from the die at a room temperature. The quality, diameter and height of the product were measured after a complete relaxation, and the relaxation density was calculated. To explore an optimal forming process of agricultural water-retaining agent, a quadratic general rotary combination design was adopted, with the maximum compression force, moisture content of mixture, compression speed, mass fraction of soybean meal and mass fraction of sodium polyacrylate were test factors. The softwares of Design-Expert 8.0.6 and Excel 2010 were applied for the variance analysis and response surface analysis of experimental results, with the aim to establish mathematical model between the index and each influencing factor, as well as optimize the combination of forming parameters. Furthermore, in the optimum range of relaxation density, the soil condition and climate conditions in Northwest Liaoning were simulated. The water retention capacity of formed blocks with or without the sandy soil medium were evaluated and compared by water release at intervals in a temperature controlled drying oven, and effect of relaxation density was analyzed as well. Results showed that the relaxation density was significantly affected by following four factors (< 0.000 1), and the degree of importance were maximum compressive force > moisture content of mixture > mass fraction of sodium polyacrylate > mass fraction of soybean meal. Under the condition of relaxation density of 460-540 kg/m3, the optimized combinations of cold forming parameters were maximum compression force of 16-20.59 kN, moisture content of mixture of 8.84%-12.96%, compression speed of 95.56-155.51 mm/min, mass fraction of soybean meal of 16.08%-24.02%, mass fraction of sodium polyacrylate of 4.91%-7.15%. The error was 1.03% in the test verification, which was reliable in prediction. The water-holding capacity of formed block was closely related to relaxation density, the water release increased with drying time, but decreased with the increase of relaxation density at the same temperature. Because the block with larger relaxation density had greater binding force on water, the water retention performance was better. By using the softwares of Excel 2010, it was calculated that the block-sand overall porosity decreased, water release decreased slowly and tended to balance with the double action of filling sand and straw block, so water release of block-sand and drying time conformed to the logarithmic model; while in the absence of sand, the regression coefficients of linear fitting (2> 0.98) were greater than those of logarithmic fitting (2> 0.96), so it followed the linear model obviously, the relaxation density was larger, the slope of straight line was smaller, the water retention performance was stronger. In summary, the regression coefficients of two fitting equations were all greater than 0.9, water release in the sandy soil medium was slower and smaller than that without the sandy soil medium, which indicated that water retention performance of block-sand was better, the analysis of water retention was reliable and provided a reference for the application of compound agricultural water retention agent.

straw; optimization; model; block; forming process; relaxation density; water retention performance





邱 硕,博士,实验师,主要从事秸秆利用技术与装备研究。Email:gcq4032018@163.com





宫元娟,邓 楠,刘德军,白雪卫,邱 硕. 秸秆坯块成型工艺参数及保水性试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(12):248-255. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.12.030 http://www.tcsae.org

Gong Yuanjuan, Deng Nan, Liu Dejun, Bai Xuewei, Qiu Shuo. Optimization of forming process parameters and water retention performance of straw blocks[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(12): 248-255. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.12.030 http://www.tcsae.org

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