Chemists have long sought to understand the atomic-scale motion and energy dissipation pathways associated with covalent bond formation. When a hydrogen atom (white) collides with graphene (black), a transient carbon-hydrogen bond may form. As a result of rehybridization, repulsion of neighboring carbon atoms leads to rapid energy transfer through sonic waves (white rings), which stabilize the bond.
Focus-stacked photograph of a 3D printed multivascular hydrogel containing a bioinspired alveolar air sac (width at bottom:~4.5mm) surrounded by a network of blood vessels (diameter:≥0.3mm) mimicking distal lung architecture. The ventilated, distending air sac provides oxygen to human red blood cells that flow through the ensheathing vasulature. A materials innovation provides a means to build and study multivascular topology within engineered tissues.
The tube-eye (Stylephorus chordatus) is one of several species of deep-sea fish to have expanded its repertoire of thodopsin genes to maximize visual sensitivity and, possibly, color detection. In the deep sea, multicolored bioluminescence replaces surface illumination as the main source of light. Many fishes that reside at great depths have evolved a visual system for recognizing signals and the dark.
The Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69, as observed by the New Horizons spacecraft during a high-speed flyby on l January 2019. MU69is found to be a two-lobed contact binary-formerly separate objects that have gently merged together. This enhanced-color image shows the uniform red color of both lobes, with brighter material at the cotact point.