年份 试卷类型 有关中国文化的书面表达内容 备注全国卷Ⅰ 告知学汉语的英国朋友Leslie上课的内容为唐诗,____________并提醒其提前简要了解唐朝的历史___________________________________________________________汉语、中国诗歌、中国历史2017年全国卷Ⅱ 邀请外教Henry参观中国剪纸艺术展 中国传统民间艺术全国卷Ⅲ 邀请英国朋友Eric加入校乒乓球队 乒乓球是中国的“国球”全国卷Ⅰ 告知新西兰朋友Terry在中国朋友家做客的有关习____________俗:到达时间、合适的礼物和餐桌礼仪 中国社交礼仪、中国饮食2018年全国卷Ⅱ 无 语法填空介绍了中国农产品的结构调整有利的环境____________________________________________保护________________________________________全国卷Ⅲ 无 阅读理解C篇介绍了我国著名建筑师王澍,他将传__________________________________________________________统与现代建筑元素融合__________________________
案例一:人教版选修六Unit 1 Art简略介绍了西方艺术的发展,使学生对西方艺术有了初步的了解。在讲解西方艺术时,教师要适当介绍中国艺术。但是在讨论中国艺术,即使是学生熟悉的中国书法时,学生用词亦极其匮乏,无法完整地表述中国传统的书法艺术。这与学生缺乏书法方面的英文词汇积累有关,所以教师向学生介绍、并指导学生识记中国书法方面的英文词汇刻不容缓。下列是有关中国书法的词汇:书法calligraphy;书法家calligrapher;汉字Chinese characters;甲骨文oracle bone inscriptions;金文 bronze inscriptions;篆书 seal script;隶书 official script;楷书 regular script;草书 cursive script;方块的square-shaped;象形文字pictograph;笔画stroke;偏旁radical;简体字simplified Chinese;繁体字traditional Chinese;点dot;横horizontal stroke;折turning stroke;竖vertical stroke; 钩 hook stroke; 提 right-upward stroke; 撇left-downward stroke;捺right-downward stroke等。
案例二:以人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world为基础,一名学生介绍了中式英语“add oil”被收录到OED(《牛津英语词典》),印证了中式英语亦能引领世界潮流。原文如下:
Chinglish added to OED
We may hear “Come on” over and over again when we watch football game or other sports match.People are trying to encourage their favorite team with these two common words.But now, a new popular Chinese phrase “add oil” may be more frequently used by people at sporting events, because“add oil” has been officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
“Add oil” is translated from the Chinese phrase “jiayou”(加油), used frequently in China to express encouragement or support for someone.Though it is widely used in the Chinese language, it's always been difficult to come up with an appropriate way to translate it into English.According to Oxford University Press, a word must require enough independent examples of use over a reasonable amount of time to be considered for inclusion.The publishers also consider whether the word is understood by readers without the need of an explanation of its meaning.
案例三:因为学习任务繁忙,所以学生每天写英语日记不太现实。但是,教师根据教材中的话题,布置学生完成英语周记,特别是有关中国文化的周记是不难实现的。例如,人教版必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 是有关马克·吐温的小说《百万英镑》。通过这一课,教师可以向学生渗透中国的经典小说,如《红楼梦》《西游记》《三国演义》《水浒传》等,引导学生阅读与之相关的精彩的英文翻译著作与文章,并布置学生就自己喜欢的中国经典小说写一篇英语周记,以下是一位学生写的关于《西游记》的英语周记:
Chinese classical novels are shiny pearls of Chinese cultures, among which I am extremely fond of The Journey to the West.In this book, four people travelled to India.With their cooperation, they overcame 81 challenges and arrived in India successfully.Its main character, Zhu Bajie, attracted me most.Because Ifind he is very optimistic and lovely.Though he is a little lazy, his optimism has helped him overcome numerous difficulties.When I run into problems in my life and study, I will learn from him and succeed in handling them.
案例四:人教版必修四Unit 1 Women of achievement中的第二篇阅读文章介绍了中国伟大的妇产科医生林巧稚的感人事迹。林巧稚的正能量感染了学生,洗涤了学生的心灵。以下是一位学生的读后感:
Lin Qiaozhi is a good doctor.She has devoted herself to saving others, or helped to reduce patients' pain with her excellent skills.After reading her story, I was deeply moved.Her story inspires me greatly and makes me think about my future job.Actually, the teaching post appeals to me, so I aspire to make contributions to serving people like her.After becoming a teacher, I will impart knowledge to students living in poverty-stricken area.
案例五:人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future探讨了人类未来的生活。结合这个话题和2019年春节上映的受到大众好评的中国科幻大片——《流浪地球》,教师可以引导学生思考人类未来将如何生活,并设置如下的英语书面表达:
假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom想了解中国科幻大片《流浪地球》(The Wandering Earth),发邮件向你询问有关内容。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
3.参考词汇:雨果奖 Hugo Award。
Dear Tom,
How are you? After getting to know that you are interested in The Wandering Earth, I am more than glad, as thisfilm is my favorite.Now let me introduce it to you.
This film has gained great popularity since it went on show.We are attracted not only by its writer Liu Cixin winning Hugo Award in 2015, but also by its appealing plot.In this film, the Earth was faced with the greatest living challenge.People didn't abandon the Earth but saved it, wandering in the Universe with it.
In my opinion, this Chinese science fiction is great and makes us realize the importance of protecting our Earth.
Li Hua
案例六:人教版选修六 Unit 2 Poems是有关诗歌的单元。第一篇阅读文章简单地介绍了各种类型的诗歌,包括中国的唐诗《望夫石》。以此为引子,教师帮助学生对比英文和中文诗歌的押韵,领略英文诗歌和中国古典诗词之美。在平时教学中,如果教师引导学生阅读中国著名翻译家许渊冲翻译的英文版《唐诗三百首》,并要求学生阅读有关中国伟大诗人李白、杜甫、白居易等的英文资料,那么在面对2017年高考英语全国卷Ⅰ的书面表达时,他们就能成竹在胸。以下是2017年高考英语全国卷Ⅰ的书面表达:
Dear Leslie,
How are you? As you are busy, I feel an urge to inform you that next Chinese lesson will be given at my home at 8 p.m.on Sunday.
It is amazing that you have mastered many Chinese characters.So I decide to teach you Tang Poetry to explore Chinese further.Since Tang Poetry is a vital part of Chinese culture, we should think highly of it and get to know about some famous poets like Li bai, who has written many inspiring poems.Meanwhile, recommended to read the history of Tang Dynasty, you will find it easy to understand Tang Poetry.
Li Hua
案例七:人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating是有关饮食的单元。在分析这个单元时,教师有必要渗透中外饮食的差异并介绍中外餐桌礼仪。那么,当学生面对2018年高考英语全国卷Ⅰ的书面表达任务时,他们定能得心应手,马到成功。以下是2018年高考英语全国卷Ⅰ的书面表达:
Dear Terry,
In your email, you mentioned that you are going to visit your Chinese friend and asked me how to behave well.Let me give you the following suggestions.
First of all, when paying a visit to Chinese, you should be on time orfive minutes earlier to display your politeness.Besides, please take some small presents such as some fruits or a bottle of wine.Actually, tea will win your friends' heart because Chinese show great fondness for it.Finally, as it is thefirst time that you have visited Chinese, it is table manners that you should think highly of.When having dinners, you are not allowed to talk with mouth full.Meanwhile, please don't eat too fast or put the chopsticks into the rice ball.
After adopting my tips, you are firmly believed to have great fun.
Li Hua