彭育兴 魏波
摘 要:比特币是一种去中心化的数字货币,凭借其匿名性而被广泛使用,已经在全球范围内产生影响。比特币作为目前最著名且用户最多的数字货币,用户使用伪名在公开的账本中记录完整的交易历史,这是一种不使用中心化银行并且能够防止双重花费攻击的方法。如果把用户的伪名与他们在现实社会中的身份相关联,将对比特币的匿名性造成严重的威胁。在目前的混币服务中,混淆服务提供商仍然可以获取输入和输出地址之间的对应关系,所以混币服务器能够跟踪比特币用户的交易记录。为了解决这个问题,文章提出了一种新的交易混淆方案,以确保混币服务器无法获得任何用户的输入和输出地址之间的对应关系。文章使用一个环签名算法来确保混币服务器无法归纳指定交易与输出地址的关系。环签名能够确保签名是由环中的某个用户产生的,并且不会泄漏有关签名者的任何信息。此外,方案与现有比特币协议完全兼容,易于根据用户数量进行扩展。
中图分类号:TP309.2 文献标识码:B
Abstract: Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, widely used for its perceived anonymity property, and has surged in popularity in recent years. Bitcoin publishes the complete transaction history in a public ledger, under pseudonyms of users. This is an alternative way to prevent double-spending attack instead of central authority. Therefore, if pseudonyms of users are attached to their identities in real world, the anonymity of Bitcoin will be a serious vulnerability. It is necessary to enhance anonymity of Bitcoin by a coin mixing service or other modifications in Bitcoin protocol. But in a coin mixing service, the relationship among input and output addresses is not hidden from the mixing service provider. So the mixing server still has the ability to track the transaction records of Bitcoin users. To solve this problem, We present a new coin mixing scheme to ensure that the relationship between input and output addresses of any users is invisible for the mixing server. We make use of a ring signature algorithm to ensure that the mixing server can't distinguish specific transaction from all these addresses. The ring signature ensures that a signature is signed by one of its users in the ring and doesn't leak any information about who signed it. Furthermore, the scheme is fully compatible with existing Bitcoin protocol and easily to scale for large amount of users.
Key words: bitcoin; digital currency; blockchain; anonymity; coin mixing; ring signature
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