“人设”的字面意思是“人物设定”,指文艺作品中对角色外形或性格的设定。英文译为character setting。例如:1.“人设”指在故事中赋予一个人物的形象。“人设”包含人物体型、身体比例、服装式样、眼睛颜色和面部表情, 还包括美观外形和个性特征。
Character setting refers to the image given to a charter in a story. It takes in character shape, body proportion,clothing style, eye color and facial ex⁃pressions, and includes aesthetic ap⁃pearance and personality characteristics.
网络上说的“人设”,指“公众形象”。英语译为public image, public persona。“使人设崩塌”,英语译为to go against one's public image, to tar⁃nish one's public image, to ruin one's public persona)。例如:2. 这个丑闻使他长久以来的“好老公”人设崩塌了。
The scandal went against his longstand⁃ing public image as a “good hus⁃band”.▲