宋轶民,周 培,齐 杨,霍欣明
宋轶民1,周 培1,齐 杨2,霍欣明1
(1. 天津大学机构理论与装备设计教育部重点实验室,天津 300354; 2. 天津职业技术师范大学天津市高速切削与精密加工重点实验室,天津 300222)
Dunlop等[7]在3-RSR并联机构的基础上添加了SS支链,提出了两转动Canterbury Tracker天线角跟踪机构,实现了大范围目标追踪.受腕关节的启发,Ross-Hime公司研发了Omni-wrist系列并联机构,该系列机构可实现半球面无奇异两转动运动[8-9].Omni-wrist系列机构的优异性能引起了国内外学者的广泛关注.文献[10-14]分别针对该类机构进行了运动学分析.研究表明,Canterbury Tracker、Omni-wrist系列机构转动轴线的方向与位置均随机构运动发生改变,且该类机构可视为零扭转机构,即机构运动的扭转角为零[15].相较于定轴两转动并联机构,零扭转机构具有实现更大工作空间的可能性.
笔者前期提出了一类新型两自由度转动并联机构2-RRRR&2-RSR,该机构具有零扭转运动特点[16].与Canterbury Tracker和Omni-wrist机构相比,2-RRRR&2-RSR机构摆脱了中间支链的约束,具有实现更大工作空间的可能性.此外,机构的4条支链呈圆周形状对称分布,可保证机构在给定工作空间内具有良好的运动学与静力学对称性.由于机构静平台转动副轴线通过静平台中心点,机构的正、逆运动学求解与控制策略将更为简便.
图1 2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构
图2 组成支链构成
Fig.2 Construction of assembled limb
图3 支链末端点投影情况
图4 2-RRRR&2-RSR机构结构示意
图5 机构组成支链
Fig.5 Assembled limbs of mechanism
(19) (20) (21)
图6 驱动角度变化
图7 驱动角速度的变化
图8 姿态角的变化
(1) 奇异性约束.
(2) 转角范围约束.
(3) 连杆干涉约束.
图9 动平台中心点位置工作空间
图10 角度工作空间
图11 运动学性能评价指标的分布情况
(1) 基于投影关系分析了2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构在给定工作空间内实现两自由度转动所需满足的几何条件,获得了机构参数特解.
(2) 以闭环矢量法为基础,开展了2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构的位置逆解分析,推导了机构驱动角度与动平台姿态角间的映射关系;利用RRRR支链与RSR支链的运动特点,建立了机构动平台姿态角的正解模型,并基于软件仿真验证了正、逆解模型的有效性.
(3) 借助螺旋理论建立了2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构的速度映射模型,构建了机构的广义雅可比矩阵,结合机构位置逆解,考虑工程实际经验,利用极限边界搜索法求解了机构工作空间.
(4) 定义了可描述并联机构瞬时功率传递特性的无量纲运动学性能评价指标,构造了尺度综合的目标函数,完成了2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构的运动学优化设计.
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Topology Analysis and Kinematic Optimization of a 2-DoF Rotational Parallel Mechanism with Large Workspace
Song Yimin1,Zhou Pei1,Qi Yang2,Huo Xinming1
(1. Key Laboratory of Mechanism Theory and Equipment Design of Ministry of Education,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300354,China;2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Sepeed Cutting and Precision Machining, Tianjin University of Technology and Education,Tianjin 300222,China)
This work focuses on topology analysis and kinematic optimization of a new type of two degree-of-freedom(2-DoF)rotational parallel mechanism 2-RRRR&2-RSR to meet application requirements for 2-DoF rotational parallel mechanisms with large workspaces in the fields of aerospace and bionic design. First,geometric conditions necessary for the 2-RRRR&2-RSR parallel mechanism to realize 2-DoF rotations in a given workspace are analyzed on the basis of the projection relation of revolute joint axis,and specific parameter solutions of the mechanism for two projection cases are formulated. Second,the 2-RRRR&2-RSR parallel mechanism is subjected to inverse position analysis via closed-loop vector method,and mapping relation between actuated angles and attitude angles of the moving platform of the mechanism is derived. Then,forward solution of the attitude angles is obtained in accordance with motion characteristics of RRRR and RSR limbs. Accordingly,velocity mapping model of the 2-RRRR&2-RSR parallel mechanism is established based on screw theory,and generalized Jacobian matrix of the mechanism is constructed. The validity of the inverse/forward position mapping model and velocity mapping model of the mechanism is verified through software simulation. Third,in accordance with the kinematic characteristics of the 2-RRRR&2-RSR parallel mechanism,position workspace of the center point of the moving platform of the mechanism is solved using the limit boundary search method under constraints of singularity,allowable rotational angle range of hinges,and safe distance of connecting rods. The corresponding rotational workspace is obtained by transforming the aforementioned position workspace. Finally,dimensionless kinematic performance evaluation index of the 2-RRRR&2-RSR mechanism is defined as per the physical meaning of reciprocal product of motion and force screws in screw theory. Constraints of the mechanism are formed and optimal design of the scale parameters of the mechanism is completed. The results of this work can lay a theoretical foundation for prototype design and control strategy of rotational parallel mechanisms with large workspaces.
rotational parallel mechanisms;topology analysis;kinematics analysis;workspace;dimensional synthesis
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51475321).