朱闽波 陈丽萍
[摘要] 目的 探讨宫腔镜对子宫内膜质量与容受性的相关性及对试管婴儿成功率的影响。 方法 选取我院2017年6月~2018年3月期间收治的不孕患者80例。将其随机分成两组,即研究组和对照组。其中,研究组的患者将采用宫腔镜子宫内膜微创术进行干预治疗;对照组患者予基础干预治疗。对比两组患者的干预后各指标的结果,进而对比两组的干预效果。 结果 研究组患者的孕激素表达水平明显高于对照组(P<0.05);研究组患者的血清性激素略高于对照组(P<0.05);研究组患者试管婴儿的成功率明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论 对不孕的患者而言,采取使用宫腔镜子宫内膜微创术的干预治疗方式,可以有效改善患者子宫内膜的环境,促进患者孕激素以及患者血清性激素的分泌,能有效提升患者进行试管婴儿的成功率。
[关键词] 宫腔镜;子宫内膜质量;容受性;相关性;试管婴儿;成功率
[中图分类号] R713.4 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2019)09-0060-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the correlation between hysteroscopy and endometrial quality and receptivity and the success rate of IVF. Methods Eighty infertile patients admitted to our hospital from June 2017 to March 2018 were selected. They were randomly divided into two groups, the study group and the control group. Among them, the patients in the study group were treated with hysteroscopic endometrial minimally invasive surgery; the patients in the control group were treated with basic intervention. The results of each index after intervention in the two groups were compared, and the intervention effects of the two groups were compared. Results The progesterone expression level of the study group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05). The serum sex hormones of the study group were slightly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05). The success rate of test tube infants in the study group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion For infertile patients, interventional treatment with hysteroscopic endometrial minimally invasive surgery can effectively improve the environment of the patients endometrium, promote the secretion of progesterone and serum hormones in patients, and effectively improve the success rate of IVF.
[Key words] Hysteroscopy; Endometrial quality; Receptivity; Correlation; IVF; Success rate
1 资料与方法