结合清华大学建筑学院研究生一年级和本科五年级设计课程,朱文一教授组织了由4个组共计11名学生组成的团队。从2018年9月至12月,4组学生很好地完成了设计课程作业。清华大学和维斯图拉大学分别成功举办了学生作业展,并于12月17日通过网络进行了展览开幕式和学生作业交流。在此,感谢维斯图拉大学Piotr Wiench教授为本次教学展览活动所做的诸多努力;感谢清华大学建筑学院刘健副院长牵线搭桥。以下是指导教师对4组作业的评语:
作业“PKIN LINE”(图3)优点:一是将地段周边占主体的街区肌理引入,与科学文化宫裙楼结合,创造更加宜人尺度的城市中心区街区空间;二是策划以足球活动为主体的功能,结合室内外空间,探索在城市中心区创造健康空间的可能性。不足:科学文化宫建筑本身的改造缺少深度;此外,主足球场的朝向不够理想。
图1 / Figure 1地段位于波兰华沙城市中心区 / Site locates at the city center, Warsaw, Poland Source: Google Earth
图 2 / Figure 2波兰文化科学宫 / Palace of Culture and Science Source: Google Street
作业“PKIN IN 1918”(图5)优点:一是以波兰百年独立前的华沙城市中心区小尺度街区肌理为蓝本,创造华沙中心区小尺度街区形态;二是以单元体建筑为模式,既再现历史建筑界面的尺度,又包容当代城市生活方式。不足:过于强调东西方向走势,与地段南面和北面街区的衔接不够;此外,对科学文化宫建筑的改造设计不够明确。
The year of 2018 is the 100th anniversary of the independence of Republic of Poland. The Asia Research Center of Vistula University in Warsaw planned a commemorative event through an architectural design studio. The School of Architecture of Tsinghua University was invited to participate in the teaching studio titled as Re-Imagining the Palace of Culture and Science (PKIN), Warsaw, Poland. PKIN with its 237-meter-high was built in 1955 and is a famous city landmark (Figure 1, 2). Today PKIN is no longer adapted to the needs of contemporary life. The challenge is how to match PKIN to the 21st century urban life through design.
As the supervisor of the design studios for M.Arch and B.Arch, Professor Zhu Wenyi organized a team of 11 students from four groups. From September to December 2018, four groups of students completed the design studio. Tsinghua University and Vistula University successfully held student work exhibitions respectively, and on December 17th, the opening ceremony of the exhibition and student work presentations were conducted through the Internet.Here, I would like to thank Professor Piotr Wiench of the University of Vistula for the many efforts made for this studio and exhibition; I would like to thank Vice Dean Liu Jian of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University for the matchmaking.
Here are the student works of four groups (Figure 3,4, 5, 6). In general, the student works show different design ideas and different design strategies, which are excellent design works. Students also present their broad vision, rich imagination, diverse skills and strong motivation from their works.
图5 / Figure 5PKIN IN 1918. 杨艺瑶,曹昌浩,李馨纶PKIN IN 1918 by YANG Yiyao, CAO Changhao, LI Xinlun
图6 / Figure 6PKI N. 方文静,姜明,严东瀚PKI N by FANG Wenjing, JIANG Ming, YAN Donghan