
2019-05-16 10:45格特·格罗布勒
文化交流 2019年5期


























China and Africa:A “Cultural Love Affair”

A Perspective from Dynamic Zhejiang Province

By Gert Grobler

Ambassador Gert Grobler is a former senior diplomat in the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), and Ambassador of South Africa to Spain, Japan and Madagascar. He is currently attached as a Senior Research Fellow to the Institute of African Studies at the ZJNU in Jinhua.

It was with great excitement that I arrived from South Africa recently to take up a post at the reputable Institute of African Studies, at Zhejiang Normal University in Jinhua.

So here I was, from far away Africa, in Zhejiang Province with its beautiful landscapes, rich cultural history, abundant resources and thriving economy. Recently I visited Hangzhou and I stood in awe, admiring the beauty and serenity of a sunset over West Lake.

No wonder that Zhejiang Province with its long history and rich culture, is known abroad , as “ a land of fish and rice, home to silk and tea, a destination of rich culture heritage and a paradise for tourists ”!

After a few weeks in China, I once again realized that the world is indeed becoming increasingly integrated and interdependent. Furthermore, cultural exchanges are an imperative, in creating goodwill, mutual respect and understanding, moving towards closer cooperation and a shared common destiny.

Fortunately cultural cooperation and exchanges have become a common occurrence globally. An exemplary example of this is the growing cultural cooperation between Africa and China through an ever expanding friendship, partnership and mutual efforts. In fact, Chinese culture already has a strong footprint on the African continent and Africans love the wise, rich and colorful aspects of Chinese culture. China has over past six to seven decades increasingly established cultural exchanges and cooperation agreements with dozens of African countries. It is encouraging to witness the proliferation of Chinese cultural manifestations in various parts of Africa via the rising number of Chinese aid and cooperation projects, Confucius Institutes, Chinese language schools and the regular occurrence of traditional medicine, acupuncture, acrobatics and martial arts activities and of course Chinese food outlets and restaurants.

On the other hand, an increasing number of Chinese people today have a much greater awareness of African culture, its music, dance, costumes and masks. One simply has to visit the exciting markets like the Small Commodity Wholesale Market in the international trade City of Yiwu and its African Imports Emporium as well as markets in Guangzhou to witness the impact of African “cultural” goods in China.

Where did this all start? China and Africa are both the origins of ancient human civilizations and both China and Africa, as the “cradle of all humankind “, have made significant contributions to the progress of human civilization. The friendship between China and Africa has a history of several thousand years .It has been often recorded that China in ancient times had established contact with Africa at approximately 130 BC. It is further documented that the Egyptians reached China in 400 AD and in the period from the 7th to 15th century, healthy economic exchanges took place. It is said that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra was very fond of silk garments which most likely had its origin in China. Later Chinese boats laden with silk, chinaware and coins visited ports in east Africa in modern day Somalia and Kenya! So the “cultural love affair” between China and Africa is indeed a longstanding and growing one. However this direct contact ended in the mid 15 the century when the European colonial powers embarked on its forced imperialist occupation of Africa .What ensued was a dark era of African history, characterized by the loss of land, identity and sovereignty. It was only after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949 and after Africa had begun to rid itself of the burden of colonialism in the 1950‘s and 1960s, gaining their independence, that substantive cooperation, as well as cultural exchanges, between China and Africa were actively resumed.

Given the growing friendship between China and Africa, Premier Zhou Enlai inter alia said that attention should be given to the languages of Africa to show respect for Africa‘s culture, pride and national identity. The Beijing Foreign Studies Institute began to teach Asian and African languages such as Swahili and Hausa which increasingly built bridges to Africa‘s culture. In the wake of a ten-country visit by Prime Minister Zhou Enlai to Africa in December 1963 and February 1964, Chinese cooperation with Africa showed growing momentum, with strong focus on cultural cooperation and exchanges. Not only was Egypt the first country to enter into diplomatic relations with China but also the first country to sign a Cultural Cooperation Agreement with this country.

Vast progress has thus been made with cultural cooperation which features prominently in the encouraging Action Plan of the important Forum on China -Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Beijing Action Plan (2019 -2021) which makes provision for the active advancement of China-Africa cultural exchanges through the implementation of inter-governmental cultural agreements, opening more Chinese culture centers in Africa and exploring the possibilities of cooperation in cultural industries.

Another highly constructive aspect regarding the future of cultural cooperation is Chinas commendable Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) from which Africa stands to benefit greatly. The BRI goes beyond economic and commercial realms and also focuses on social, cultural and environmental and many other dimensions. In fact, Africa has now become a key region for the implementation of the BRI. Exciting opportunities will be also presented to enhance cultural cooperation through Africas participation in the Silk Road International League of Theaters, the Silk Road international Museum Alliance and the Network of Silk Road Art festivals.

As far as my own country is concerned, I often participated in many colorful and exciting cultural events and activities in South Africa involving the Embassy of China, and a host of non-governmental institutions etc. A Cultural Agreement was signed in April 2000 and particularly since then Chinese and South African cultural cooperation and exchanges are growing from strength to strength.

Over past decades, the cultural cooperation and exchanges between China and Africa have flowed over to provincial level. The result is that cultural cooperation is thriving at all government levels with a multitude of partnership and cooperation agreements having been concluded .Given the dynamic economic, social, cultural and educational achievements of Zhejiang province, it was to be expected that Zhejiang Province would be a key player in promoting cultural cooperation globally but also increasingly with Africa. Zhejiang Province and cities like Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Wenzhou, to name a few ,have established cooperation arrangements with countries, provinces and cities abroad , also in Africa in countries such as South Africa, Ethiopia and Morocco.

As a foreign research fellow at the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University (IASZNU), I have personally witnessed some impactful cultural exchange programs between IASZNU and Africa. Some efforts are really promising in pushing the China-Africa relationship forward.

For example, IASZNU, the first Institute for comprehensive African studies in Chinas higher education has and will continue to play, a key role in contributing to Chinas foreign policy and strategy in Africa as well as regional, social and economic development. It is also a key link contributing to stronger ties between Zhejiang Province and the continent. Through its focused research and activities in various sectors such as political relations, international relations, economy, education, history and culture, IASZNU continues to initiate projects, research and publications which contribute constructively to the growing cooperation between China and Africa as well as a better mutual understanding on education, culture and people to people cooperation , film and the media.

An excellent example of practical cultural cooperation, is the Center for African Film and TV Research under IASZNU which fosters many meaningful cultural programs including the African Movie night, where Chinese and African teachers and students watch an African movie once a week and have meaningful discussions. The Center also holds a biannual Forum on China-Africa Film and TV cooperation which aims to bridge the academic and industrial spheres of film in China and Africa, to boost more cooperation and co-production. Other than its academic publications, the center has also produced a 6-episode documentary film titled Africans in Yiwu, which has been acclaimed as the first documentary film co-directed by a team of Chinese and African filmmakers, focused on the presence of Africans in China. This film has shown on CCTV-4 internationally, and at the same time has premiered in African film festivals, and broadcasted on TV in Tanzania, Zambia and other African countries.

As a newly arrived African at ZJNU in Jinhua in the remarkable Zhejiang province, I strongly sense the “fraternal bonds of a shared destiny” between China and Africa, more than ever, which is based on our similar historical experiences and ordeals, our “friend in need” relationship as well as our common development challenges. I realize, based on my stay here at IASZNU, that China and Africa have forged “a real and sincere feeling” of friendship and cooperation. The constructive role that Zhejiang Province, its government, educational institutions and its people are playing “to bring our respective civilizations closer together” and to nurture the blooming China and Africa “cultural love affair”, is a message I will take home with me to Africa, when I eventually return.
