
2019-05-16 10:45孙雯王梁裕子
文化交流 2019年5期








浙江摄影出版社新推出的《风流蕴藉 董其昌系年》,对此梳理得清清楚楚。




3月8日晚,在杭州南山路上的南山书屋,《风流蕴藉 董其昌系年》的编著者任道斌有一场讲座,题为《董其昌的“畅神”画旨》。任道斌说,这场讲座竟是他所有的讲座中人最多的一次。之所以这么火爆,既是因为董其昌,也是因为任道斌被称为“比董其昌还了解董其昌的人”。





在今天的人看来,这一次出行,多少有些寻求“治愈”的意味——因为,在此之前的南京乡试,董其昌名落孙山。当年的9月30日,他出现在了杭州——任道斌先生在《风流蕴藉 董其昌系年》中用了“浪迹杭州”一词。在西湖舫斋中,董其昌观赏了米芾的草书九帖,这次,与董其昌同行的还有好友陈继儒——他也同样落榜了,心灰意冷。
























Dong Qichang:Artists Intimate Bond with Hangzhou

By Sun Wen, Wang Liang Yuzi

Dong Qichang (1555-1636), an artist living in the last decades of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), is a key chapter of Chinas art history. His influence can be seen in the 300 years and more since he passed away. Art historians agree that Zhao Mengfu and Dong Qichang are the greatest artists as of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) for their originality and their key links with the past and the present. Some art historians even go so far as to say that the 300 years after Dongs demise can be called the Era of Dong Qichang.

According to Ren Daobin, an art professor with China Academy of Art, Dong Qichang visited Hangzhou 18 times. The professor came to the conclusion after a thorough textual research that combed Dongs essays and poems as well as historical records by his friends and scholars of his time. In a book published in January 2019 by Zhejiang Photography Press, Ren Daobin gives detailed accounts of the scenic spots Dong Qichang visited around the West Lake, the local art celebrities he met, and important conversations he had with fellow artists, and the artworks he created in Hangzhou or in remembrance of the city. The new book is an expansion of a similar book Ren published in 1988. For decades, Rens book on the timeline of Dongs life and artworks was the very reference book for art historians who focused on Dong for case studies.

On March 8, 2019, Ren Daobin held a lecture at a bookstore on South Hill Road in Hangzhou on Dong Qichang. The professor commented in a press interview later that none of his previous lectures attracted so many people. He guesses that it is because people are still interested in Dong Qichang. And the professor is known as “the person who knows more about Dong Qichang than did Dong about himself”.

People of today are indeed interested in Dong Qichang. March 10 saw the curtains descend on “Dong Qichang and His Jiangnan”, a three-month-long exhibition in Shanghai, which started in December 2018. On March 7, 2019, Professor Cao Zengjie began his lecture at a location on North Hill Road in Hangzhou on art authentication with the Dong Qichang exhibition which was to end in Shanghai three days later.

In the autumn of 1585, the 39-year-old Dong first visited Hangzhou. He had just failed in imperial exams at the provincial level. He needed distractions to forget the misery. His friend Chen Jiru came along with him. Chen was also an artist. On September 30, they appeared in Hangzhou. Ren Daobin describes the visit as a wanderlust tour. In addition to sightseeing, Dong also viewed artworks in the collections of his friends. In particular, Dong admired nine calligraphy works by Mi Fu (1051-1107), an artist of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Dongs second visit to Hangzhou occurred 11 years later. This time, he had already become a , an honor title for those who came out first in the imperial examination at the national level.

Dongs 18 visits followed a largely consistent schedule: taking sightseeing trips, touring the West Lake on a pleasure boat, meeting fellow artists, and painting. The West Lake simply fascinated the artist. In January 1610, the 56-year-old Dong stopped in Hangzhou on his way northward from Fujian to his hometown in Songjiang, now a part of the greater Shanghai. With his travel plan disrupted by a bad spell of weather, he decided to stay at a friends residence in Hangzhou for a while. During his prolonged stay of 15 days, he painted a long scroll in imitation of Mi Fu and his son Mi Youren.

According to Professor Ren, Dong loved Hangzhou for several reasons. By Dong Qichangs time, Hangzhou had long since stood out as a regional center in Jiangnan. A city of culture and wealth, it boasted a long history, poems and essays and artworks by well known artists and poets of different dynasties, the West Lake, Buddhist temples, the Grand Canal, and the Qiantang River. Hangzhou was home to a great number of art collectors. He came to the city to meet them and view their collections. These collectors were most willing and anxious to invite Dong over to look at their collections for the sake of authentication. Among the people he met and talked with in Hangzhou were men of letters, artists, and Buddhist monks. The inspirational communication certainly helped Dong to see broader perspectives and push back horizons.

Many of Dongs artworks are associated with Hangzhou. Some were inspired by the works he had viewed at the houses of local collectors. Some were created in remembrance when he was not in Hangzhou. Though the artist named his landscape paintings in association with Hangzhou, those who know the West Lake most likely fail to find the landscapes in real world. While in creating these paintings, Dong gave a free hand to his imagination and impressions. Inspired by nature, he created a world out of his imagination, dream, and impression, guided by his understanding of the theories and practices of the masters before him. In short, his art is transcendental and he was ahead of his time, and he was a master of expression.

Professor Ren attended a Dong Qichang seminar in 1992 in the United States at the invitation of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri. More than 100 works by Dong were on display at the museum. These works were exhibited for a month each respectively at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Some art historians in the west consider Dong Qichang as a master of expressionism and his counterparts in the west came much later. They call Dong Qichang “Heavenly Horse”, which is a phrase whose origin can be traced to Liu Tingzhen of the Yuan Dynasty in a foreword he wrote for a poetry collection. The professor still remembers seeing the posters of “Heavenly Horse” in Dongs handwriting all the way from the airport to the hotel after he landed in Kansas City, Missouri.

明 董其昌 行书辋川诗册
시후 ( 西湖), 야간 개장 재개