
2019-05-16 10:45刘俏言
文化交流 2019年5期










而当浙交奏响埃及乐曲《这里有美妙的事儿》(Fiha Haga Helwa)时,现场气氛瞬间被推至最高潮。听着来自中国的音乐家把自己耳熟能详的乐曲演奏得热烈澎湃、十足地道,埃及观众们倍感亲切和喜悦,在现场不断发出欢呼声。












East and West,Music Is the Best

Zhejiang Symphony Orchestras New Year Concert Tour in Egypt

By Liu Qiaoyan

When the musicians of Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra finished the last notes of the 2019 New Years Concert at the Alexandria Opera House in Egypt and prepared for the curtain call, everyone in the audience had become infatuated with the infectious power surging behind the enchanting “Jiangnan” softness of China, and the bond between two ancient civilizations was further strengthened by the magic of music. The night at the opera house was lit up by “China red” and came to life in the “voice of Zhejiang”. The Chinese New Year extravaganza was jointly crafted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Peoples Republic of China, Ministry of Culture of Egypt, the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, Cairo Chinese Culture Center, Culture and Tourism Bureau of Zhejiang Province and Cairo Opera House.

The musician group arrived at Alexandria, the second-largest city in Egypt and the countrys largest port enjoying the reputation of the “Mediterranean Pearl”, on January 25. The night saw the success of the orchestras opening performance in its Egyptian tour of the 2019 New Years Concert.

The musical night opened in the vibrant melody of Prelude: The Joy of New Year, a “collage” that combines the Egyptian, Chinese and Western elements. The genius of Gao Jian, the conductor, filled every minute of the opening show with superb technique and emotion.

The prelude was followed by a marvelous Chinese opera chapter that showcased the features of three genres: Huangmei Opera, Yue Opera and Peking Opera. A significant portion of the carefully designed repertoire is dedicated to the magnificent musical tradition of Zhejiang Province. To highlight the regional features of Zhejiang Province, the repertoire includes Poetic and Scenic Zhejiang, made by the musicians of ZSO especially for the New Year Concert.

“We strive to bring traditional Chinese music to a wider, international audience so that someday the melodies can make their way into the ‘world classics legion,” said Zhou Lifang, Director of Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra.

The concert was intermixed with a smorgasbord of Western classics such as Mozarts Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, a flute piece adapted from Dinicus Skylark, L'Arlesienne selections, Paganini.N - Moto Perpetu, etc.

The atmosphere reached its peak when the stage was taken over by the rhythm of FihaHagaHelwa, a famous Egyptian piece that filled the heart of everyone in the audience with the joy of familiarity and brought down the house. The sizzling passion of the Egyptians led to three encores including a special presentation of , a popular Chinese folksong widely performed on the global stage. After the curtains were drawn, many Egyptian students waited for a chance to take photos with the musicians, and a cordial “thank you” in Chinese was heard clearly from someone in the audience.

The second performance was staged in Cairo, where the orchestra set another milestone in the history of China-Egypt cultural communication.

Compared with other media such as movies and TV dramas, music is more direct, expressive and boundless when it comes to cultural sharing and mutual understanding. Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra has never ceased being a trailblazer in breaking new grounds on the global stage. While it is always true that practice makes perfect, the troupes stunning performing quality also comes from its rigorous training based on a high sense of self-discipline.

“We have a ‘three-minute policy that is strictly followed by everyone in the team to make sure that everything is ready and under perfect control at least three minutes before any show begins,” Zhou Lifang explains proudly. “We also try our best to enrich the repertoire to keep it as updated as possible, which also makes it easier for us to find something that caters to local audiences and eventually leads to more in-depth exchange and emotional resonance between different cultures in the musical way.”

For every show abroad, the repertoire is painstakingly designed and rehearsed till the last minute. Perfection is the sole goal.

“Last year we spent the Chinese New Year in the United States,” recall Zhang Chong, interpreter of the orchestra.

For Zhou Lifang, music not only enhanced the reputation of the orchestra but also brought her fond memories of the coldest but most heartwarming, soul-healing night during her visit in Muscatine, Iowa. “We stayed in the homes of the locals when we were there last Spring Festival. A young couple came to my place just to say goodbye. It was freezing cold. Seeing the pastries they brought us, my words failed. What I could do was to put my scarf around the neck of the girl and say thank you.”
