有人说:“The only two things you can count on in life are death and taxes.”不过我觉得有很多人在忙着填税单和参加葬礼的同时,会不服这一说法。我们时不时都得应对逆境,逆境的发生有时是出于我们判断力不足,有时则是由于其他因素。尽管我们不能控制困难何时降临,却完全可以控制困难对我们的影响。困难总是层出不穷的,而衡量一个人品格的真正方法莫过于看他如何应对各种逆境与艰难。生亦有,死亦有,变迁亦常有。人生路上多坎坷,走出逆境需锦囊,六大妙招,助力奋斗。
1.Nobodys Perfect
Perfection is a myth, and anyone who claims to always get it nght has no grasp on life at all. We cannot register every fault, poor decision or folly as an end all because its not-its but a hiccup.
We must look at life as one, great big leaming curve that never ends. Only when we are dead will we stop leaming and stop failing. So, until we are buried six feet under the dirt, we must understand that valleys are as much a part of reaching the mountain top as the ascent is.
Once we come to gnps with the reality that the lows are temporary, we will be able to shift our mindsets to rising above rather than dwelling below.
2.Down But Not Out
Do not accept defeat. No matter what has happened, the worst option you have is to throw in the towel. We have one life, meaning one chance to chase the dreams we are given.
So, we have to assess whether or not the problem in front of us is big enough to blow that one chance away. Its okay to be down; we all fall. Just make sure you get up even stronger.
3. Turn Frustration into Motivation
When it rains it pours, if we letit. Just because things are not how we intended for them to be doesnt mean they must continue that way.
The difficulties and hardships bring undoubtedly dark clouds that hover over ourlives, affecting our moods and outlooks Onlife. This is why its imperative that we use frustration to motivate us to overcome.
Take whats not going in your favor and use it as a spark plug to fuel your drive forward. Often, we deserve better than what we have and proving this to ourselves can be just the motivation we need.
4.Good Vibes Only
NegaOvity is a cancer. It is a boa constrictor that sucks all the life from you and everyone around. Keep positivity around you, at all costs. This not only restores a healthy mind, but it also helps to attract positMty.
Small things, such as giving a stranger a friendly smile, paying for the persons coffee behind you and letting a car through incoming traffic, can give you unexpected joy-even in the most troubling times. Deciding to be more positive will be evident in what you do and how you feel.
Thats why, in order to be successful in times of struggle, good energy has to be mandatory for who you are around, as well as what you say and do. If you are around people who complain and focus on whats bad, it wont help you shift out of that mind frame at all.
Albert Einstein famously stated, “lnsanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different resuIts.” The Nobel Prize-winning college dropout was right: We must change our approach to every dead end.
The struggles we face may be an indication that we should change our surroundings, friend groups and even mindset in order to ensure that such mishaps do not occur again.
Change is scary. Its hard work and requires effort. But, if we want to succeed In areas of our lives at which weve previously failed, we must take a step back to observe and make adjustments; anything else would be insane.
6.Plan! Plan ! Plan!
Once youve made up your mind to change your circum-stances, the first step is to plan accordingly.
Set goals and benchmarks Of where you would like tosee yourself: the habits you think you need to drop, peopleyou feel you need to cut off and places you would like to your-self. Be realistic and manage your expectations.
Without a vision, you are blind. So, write down all the things that are making your current state unsaos factory, andthen make the necessary adjustments to get there.